Dual wield - How can I get it to work on a halfling?

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Dual wield - How can I get it to work on a halfling?

Post by Gratey » Tue Sep 09, 2003 10:56 pm

I have been having troubles all week to have a halfling character Dual wield two short swords that are small in size :evil: How might I be able to dual wield two things I have learned dual wield and Did it with long swords before now I cant even do it with daggers And I tried to specify it "Wear short left" but it doesnt work What is happening :?:
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Post by Algon » Wed Sep 17, 2003 4:58 pm

I have the same problem but I am not small I am a quite large human. I have learned Dual wield but I cannot dual wield anything not even two knives. I have never been able to dual wield anything.

In response to Algon's post

Post by Barlo » Mon Oct 20, 2003 12:57 am

Once you train the skill, Dual-wield higher, you should be able to wield larger weapons at once. My warrior character normally uses a Gladius in his off hand:I.E.left: and a Mace in his right but at the outset of learning the Skill, he could only wield a sword and something small like a dagger.

Edited to remove IC information - Mystra
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