Tells and otells

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Post by Telk » Sun Feb 27, 2005 9:28 pm

Could this possibly be changed back, and maybe something added into the helpfile about using the ungreeted tells IC with responsibility? I have had a few very good RPs on characters that were over tells with ungreeted others, for instance coming across the person, then sending them a tell, a great example of this might be a orc and a elf, where the orc sees the elf and the elf walks off, then the orc contacts the elf calls him various names, they meet up and RP some more, this would probably never be possible if it weren't for the ungreeted tells. So there is quite a bit of merit to the ungreeted tells, I just think that people should be aware to use it responsibly, and not to say hi! to a famous character who you may have never even seen in your life.

Just my two cents.

Post by Ciele » Mon Feb 28, 2005 7:41 am

Would it be possible to have a sort of two-part detune, one from greeted tells and one from ungreeted ones? That way, those who like them can keep them, and those who don't can ignore them without having to ignore all their other tells too.
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Post by Tyr » Mon Feb 28, 2005 2:45 pm

Tells were never meant to be allowed without greeting. They use the characters true name to contact them. If a character has not greeted you then you do not know their true name and cannot contact them.

This is one reason why some characters do not greet others. They do not want to give away the power of their true name.


Post by Angelita » Mon Jul 18, 2005 6:41 pm

Alright one quick question before I start... What the heck does IMO mean? I have seen it like 20 times on this forum and I cannot put it together with actually logical words... >.< *breathes and becomes happy again*

Anyways I was just wondering if it was possible to have like an alert that someone was online threw the use of mindspeak... like if you are anxiously waiting for someone to be "sensed" so that you can meet with them or speak with them on something urgent, a little message will pop up that says, "You can now sense (character)'s voice in your mind." It is just an idea, because constantly looking at the who list for people gets a little ugh. You could only use this for people you have greeted. Not sure how much coding it would take but just thought it might be a cool idea...

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Post by Lathander » Mon Jul 18, 2005 6:49 pm

IMO = In My Opinion

IMO, the who list works just fine. If you even checked every five to ten minutes you should be ok. Very few FK players log on for less time than that. :)
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Post by Glim » Mon Jul 18, 2005 7:03 pm

Yea, eventually if you play this game for a few years you will start to get a little habit called the who syndrome. Basically it looks like this:


If that makes any sense. :D
Glim asks Gwain 'Can I be on the watch?!?'
Gwain raises an eyebrow.
Gwain seems to display a look of complete horror for a second...
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Post by Wenin » Fri Dec 09, 2005 12:34 pm

Ok so I've read through this entire thread, and couldn't find an answer to a question I have.

I recently greeted a stranger in Waterdeep and he returned his greeting. Since that time I've sent two IC tells to him, and in both of his replies he came back as a stranger. Now OOC, I figure he is some kind of changling, or maybe there is a polymorph spell in the game (I'm new btw), but anyway is this IC knowledge?

Should I be able to know that he is currently in the form of a hobgoblin, or an elf, when originally I met him as a human?

Depending on the answer, there maybe a need for a 'fix' to be added to the TODO list, as this left me befuddled as to what to do about his apparent change.
Last edited by Wenin on Fri Dec 09, 2005 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tortus » Fri Dec 09, 2005 3:55 pm

Just because he knows your name, doesn't mean you know his name.

*HE* has to greet *YOU* for you to know his name. If you greet him, and he doesn't greet you back, you don't know his name.
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Post by Wenin » Fri Dec 09, 2005 4:16 pm

Sorry, let me clarify, we greeted each other. =)
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Post by Levine » Sat Dec 10, 2005 10:51 am

Provided that someone is communicating with more than one person via an object of communication and cannot differentiate between the people whom he/she is talking to because the words in the tell/otell/reply/oreply are all the same colour (or because of any other reason), I really do not see a huge need for a change, even though a change would prevent abuse in any way and help a lot.
Should I be able to know that he is currently in the form of a hobgoblin, or an elf, when originally I met him as a human?
IMO.. No, technically, you shouldn't. Unless you're able to tell the difference in the voice. (For example, an orc's voice is rough or something like that.. Sorry if my example is wrong. :D)

I believe that the problem raised has been going on for as long as I've been here (which is two years or so) and there haven't been any serious problems because of this that I'm aware of, so if Wenin's suggestion were to be implemented, it shouldn't be a number one priority.

But yeah, I never really thought of posting it up here.. Thanks for raising the problem. :D

-gissy :D
Must I kill them
To make them lie still
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