Twink clothing

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RE: Twink Clothing

Post by Andreas » Wed Dec 14, 2005 9:47 pm

From the help glory file:

"Please note that we no longer do imm renames etc for glory. We
do not have the admin resources to be able to do this any longer."

I try very hard to have all my characters wear roleplay appropriate clothing. With the thousands of wearable objects in the game, it's not that difficult if you hunt around or trade for things to put together nice outfits. I'm not really concerned about the stat benefits of items as much as I am about if those items are suited to my characters.

If there are items you'd like to see in the game, please suggest them. It's not always easy trying to come up with over 250 objects all on my own! Plus I like to see what other people want and add things into the game that'll benefit and/or amuse everyone. When I'm looking for item suggestions for an areas I'm building, I'll usually start a thread for it so everyone can post their ideas.
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Post by Elenthis » Thu Dec 15, 2005 7:15 am

I have one more theory on the "Multiple coppies" may be hard to explain, but hey...I'm up for the challenge.

So the question I'm asking in this post is "Why cant we wear coppies?"
And my thought process went something like this:

if there are 25 thieves, 25 wizards, 25 warriors and 25 priests all doing a quest which is good/neutral aligned and open to all classes. And this quest gives out the "blue-and-red-bracer-of-ability-with-maces"..
So to generalise, we have 50 players who can wear the bracer and make use...and 50 players who cannot. When all 100 players are done, with the quest, what are the 50 wizards and thieves going to do with the Q-item? Sell it to the 50 who -can- use it. And they'll probably make just enough $ to buy the 50 bracelets of "dagger-usage" from the priests and warriors.

I know it doesnt work out that even, but that's whats happening. When people dont need thier EQ, they dont look at it and think "Well, this -could- sell for around 50-150 platinum, and I really dont ever want one of those dwellings, so...meh. I'll toss it on the ground and bury it."

Just something to think about.
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Post by Twyrnea » Thu Dec 15, 2005 7:31 am

I've never found a problem rp wise with people wearing doubles, or for that matter, clothing that is considered twinkish by most. Most people, when accusing others of being twinks for wearing certain items for their properties, or a 'rainbow array' of items are hypocritical. If your character wears doubles for roleplay reasons, some characters could just as easilly wear a rainbow array of colors for roleplay reasons.

And when I do see those people with doubles, or have USED doubles on characters because they match, it isn't really that hard to think about it and say, "well those can't be exact copies ICly". In fact, several times I have been told by immortals or FK staff to deal with things like that ICly. So, obviously if someone has doubles...they went to a blacksmith or a jeweller to have a replica made. Replicas imply an item that looks quite like another, but is not exact nor holds the exact properties.

So, I say, continue to implement 'unique' flags that negate properties of a copy of a second magical item on a person. I think the 'unique' flag is a great idea! But I think that limiting a players roleplay or item use is a
bad idea.

I know that there's far too many magical items for the staff to find and flag accordingly, and they all work hard to make a good and fair mud for all players. I'm not trying to suggest that's the only solution. I believe strongly that in most cases, you should deal with incongruities like bugs, accidental death (ever walked into a river outside by accident? oO), and item usage, In Characterly. If you decide that it's absolutely essential that your character wear doubles of an item, then go ahead, BUT come up with a reason for having the second item ICly!
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Post by Kirkus » Thu Dec 15, 2005 9:40 am

Here is my take on the whole thing; but first I want to preface this by saying it is the middle of finals week, so I havn't exactily had time to read through the entire post. So once again if I offend anyone or step on someones toes or wound someones pride..... I appologize.

It seems to me that this whole issue of "Hey he's got two bracers that are the same or two grieves that match!"........ kinda rediculous. I don't think back in the middle ages they were making bracers or grieves by the one's. They were, now don't quote me on this, probabily making them in pares.

But here is where I see the problem. We have two arms and two legs. Thats four slots. That opens the possability of having four, count 'em, four magical items.

I had more semi funny sarcastic words but it is 3:30am so..... yeah my mind is not what it was a couple hours ago.

So I have a couple of suggestions.
A. Divide the bonus's you get for having the magical equipement. That way when you get two of them you now have the full effect.
B. Change the arm and leg slots to be like the hand and foot slots. We only have 1 foot slot so you can't wear two kinds of boots. DItto for gloves. Works for them, how about we try that with legs and arms.
C. This goes with B. But make all the equipement pairs. So you get a pair of grieves or a pair of bracers.

This would leave the weapon slots and ring slots and I think necklace slots as the only ones you can wear multiple items on.
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Twink clothing

Post by Hviti » Thu Dec 15, 2005 8:47 pm

You can't wear two items on the legs or arms unless they're different layers (and there aren't a bunch of leg/arm under/over bits of eq around -in fact, I've only seen one), therefore, everyone has matching greaves and armguards.
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Twink clothing

Post by Tretch » Thu Dec 15, 2005 9:43 pm

I think this is drifting away from the main theme that Dalvyn may have been pushing for. Could be wrong... but thats what I see.

Here is the problem as I see it:

90% of the people wearing "twink" clothing are not doing so because it fits their RP. They are doing it to have a strong character in terms of battle. People can try to defend this... but its usually a weak defense at best.

Noone wants to get crushed in fights... I don't care what your RP is... that usually ruins it a bit :P Thats why you see rangers in plate at times, priests wearing horridly unIC armour because its from UM and is the best... yadda yadda.

IMO doubles are idiotic. My reasoning is that although some feel doubles make sense because they are not "exactly" the same... I don't think this holds at all for MAGIC items.

Yes, armourers were making more than one bracer... almost completely true. However, I highly doubt that Halaster has had an armourer create 1000 bracers so he could plaster them all with incredibly strong magic for mass distribution throughout the realms. This is the difference.

If we were just talking about non-magical duplicates here, which people keep using as examples, I doubt Dalvyn would care at all. Although, you don't see that very often do you?

Hmm.... weird :roll:
A young male human looks at your claw, his eyes widen, "Wha-what is that on your claw?"
You look to the claw, stopping abruptly
You yell, "Git et off! Git et off!" and begin to hop up and down, shaking your hand,
voice turning to a girlish scream!
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