Who list - suggestion

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Post by Kirkus » Tue Jan 03, 2006 7:01 pm

I like the idea of adding another list so people can tell who is in their faith and what not. But here is what I would like to throw out for considerations. Why not make any kind of scale more than 5. Make it more like 10, with High Priest being 10 and unfaithed seeking knowledge of a particular god at 1. So then you basically keep Mask's proposed system up to level 5 and then 6 through 9 are for levels with in the faith. There should be a bit of time between being faithed and becoming HP right? so there should be levels to reflect that time and knowledge. I guess I just hate it when a newbie comes in and fails to recognize the fact that an older member of the faith has more knowledge then he/she does.
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Post by Algon » Tue Jan 03, 2006 7:42 pm

I am kind of in the middle here. I definately think that the whole "Hopeful of so and so" in the titles could be changed to allow for a more surreptitious way of wanting to follow a Deity. I do not believe it is alright for someone you have never seen before to automatically know they are a hopeful of Cyric because they told you their name. I meet people everyday that tell me their names but that does not give me the information that I need to figure out their religious belives.

As for the names on the who list....I know that there are wizards and others with the ability to scry for someone do this to simply see if its safe to go somewhere....they check for names from the who-list and scry them all and then decide if they can go to said place. It really takes alot of the fun out of being able to hide in a high traffic area and do whatever to the people who pass by, if you have people who when they see certain characters on automatically find them and tell everyone where they are. This greatly cuts down on possible RP. IF you are that afraid of a PK then you dont need to leave the city anyway.

I kind of like the idea of not being able to see who is online if they havnt greeted you. ICLY....how is a wizard going to be able to scry for someone that they do not know but have just heard he or she is bad news and to be careful? Just not sure that you would be able to sit down and concentrate on someone that you do not even know hard enough to find them with a spell.
So perhaps even the locating spells like Magic Mirror need to be worked on a little. To really narrow down the search ability. Maybe a config -who would be cool too. Allowing a person to remove their name from the who list so they could be a little more sneaky about what they are doing might be really fun. :twisted:
my two cents
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Post by Exer » Tue Jan 03, 2006 7:56 pm

That's what I was trying to get to in the first place.

I've see players use the who list to find a char for PK purposes.
I've seen players use the who list to avoid areas where they might run into a certain PC.
I've seen players address other by name simply by using the who list
I've seen players use the who list to scry and locate the targeted PC
etc.. the list goes on

Now this is not to say that the who list doesn't promote RP or help newbies feel like the mud is a welcoming place.

I still strongly think that the use of say a:
config -/+ who
would hit the middle for the road and make ppl happier.

As for a list dedicated to your faith, I like the idea put forward by Mask. But who would get access to that list?

Here is an other idea.
Anyone who is part of the particular faith can see all who are in his faith (online or not) with the ranking of that person. This could be used to promote a cast/rank in each particular faith. But I can also see a lot of potential problems with this, such as how do these 'points' get accumulated. Since in the end, it's the imms (a good/bad thing) that choose the HP and not a point system.
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Post by Lathander » Tue Jan 03, 2006 11:07 pm

It is already possible to type "who deityname" and see all of those of a particular faith who have greeted you. Is what you're proposing a modification of that?
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Post by Argentia » Tue Jan 03, 2006 11:57 pm

*ahem* Edited because I'm stupid and can't read right. Sorry. :oops:
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Post by Hrosskell » Sat Jan 07, 2006 7:29 am

Late.. as usual. Maybe, y'know, some of us are dumb, and we fear change. I decided to open with that before someone else could say it about me, because I don't need you to. I am not a major supporter of changing the list, I like it how it is. I've played other MUDs, and their who lists are crazy and disorganized and OOC and whatever. The fact that we have a greet system and a mix-it-up who list is enough for me. But, y'know, it's just a list. I'll probably still play, even if you took it away.
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Post by Kirkus » Mon Jan 09, 2006 7:39 pm

Ok I am going to play devils advocate here for a bit. Every thing that Exer lists as things he has seen done using the who list can be explained IC. If your pc has a grudge with another pc then by all means look at the who list "Oh, That one guy who follows that opposing faith is on, our rp will probabily end in a pk situation. " No problem, as long as they are following the pk rules, only taking one item, setting a date for a follow up rp so the looser can get his/her item back. That can be a good use.

Now you do have a point about useing it to avoid areas. But think of this, lets say some evil dooer is being chased by some goodie, That evil pc isn't going to say "do di do.... lets go into town and wander about abit and get snached by the law." They are going to use contacts, spys and what not to see if that theif catcher or what ever it may be isn't there.

Names.... If you have ever been on when a hero character is on, you might notice that the who list specializes thier entry by putting their title where you would normally see their race or description depending on whether or not you have been greet. Please correct that if I am wrong.... its been a while since I have been on during populated times. Now here are the points I want t bring up concerning this. Hero's are Heros. They are going to be recognizable. People are going to know them by their reputation. Now for other characters think on this... if you hear the person introducing them self to someone else, you would catch their name. Thats using the conversation in the room not the who list.

gotta go to class.....
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Post by Gwain » Tue Jan 10, 2006 1:27 am

This is off topic, but it can work with the previous post. Fk is a big world of hundreds of rooms and even though you might go look for someone, it does not mean you have to find them, but if you did, it does not neccesarily have to end in a pk situation. Pk should always be the last thing on your mind when going to rp if you can help it. Just because you find your ultimate enemy through the who list, does not mean you will have to experience a pk with them when you see them. I think that there are rare instances when an rp based on the character of those involved will happen without pking each other or everyone. It's in how you will rp and what you rp about.

Edit: PK means player kill for the unitiated. or pink koolats for the dress purchasing kind...though dress shopping is seldom violent. :D
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Who list - suggestion

Post by Shabanna » Tue Jan 10, 2006 2:42 pm

:roll: now what was the topic?

Ah yes, who list... not everyone uses this for evil lol... some of us use it to see if there are peeps to RP with.

I know I personally would use it to find someone to share my pink koolats with who may not know me and has never had the opportunity to experience my koolatedness. Well okay... Shabanna would never wear Koolats, unless they were silk but, she might use the who list ot find someone she had not met who could make her some silk koolats... kind of like the fk yellowpages? :P ( i would use this to increase the number of greets i use )


hm... maybe I shoud shut up.
*shimmies off to find some pink koolats*
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