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Post by Theillik » Sat Feb 18, 2006 7:52 pm

Here here! The Revel was enjoyable! I was terribly disappointed that I had a class that evening and missed more of it. But thanks for the extra efforts! Sune, you rock my world!
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Post by Sune » Sun Feb 19, 2006 3:27 pm

Thanks guys :) I tried to make it a good Ball! My special thanks to all who attended, and also Garl and Mask for helping me with coding :D

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Post by Amalia » Sun Feb 19, 2006 4:59 pm

Indeed, Huzzah for the Grand Revel.

And also, thanks to the IMMs for putting up with and being helpful to me and the large number of new people who've joined me in trying Forgotten Kingdoms. Your MUD is the crack of mid-Iowa, we can't stop playing :D
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Post by Shabanna » Mon Jun 12, 2006 2:30 am

A HUGE,happy thank you to Waukeen for all the COoooOOOOool stuff for the preggos and bambinos :) we are quite the minority but, It has been a load of fun to wander about discovering the shops and stuff :D

I am sure I speak for all the waddling, stretchmarked, slobber-stained, PPD mud mommies out there, when I say HUzzaH!

And a special thanks for the mid term belly!
*shimmies with her tummy pooch*
Wauk Rocks!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
It is all work that is very much appreciated!

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Post by Waukeen » Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:54 am

:oops: :oops: :oops:

Thank you so much. I put a lot of effort into those areas and objects, and I'm very happy to hear such positive feedback :). I will definitely add more things as time goes on as well, so keep your eyes peeled ;).

Thank you again, very much. :) I'm glad it's appreciated, and that makes me want to work more! ;)
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Post by Lathlain » Mon Jun 12, 2006 9:23 am

Thankyou to Waukeen for her signature making me giggle on a Monday morning ^_^
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Post by Lerytha » Thu Jun 22, 2006 8:12 pm

I'd also like to thank Dalvyn and Mask (and anyone else behind the scenes) for their hard work to create the small things, like change in light colouring, platinum exchanging and cooking. These are things which probably took a lot of effort, but are relatively small. Nonetheless, they will have a lot of impact on the RP (my wizard can have different coloured lights! :D) So thank you very much.
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Thank you!

Post by Mariela » Mon Jun 26, 2006 7:45 pm

Thank you for everyone involved in the RP with Daylahn and Mariela's wedding! (That's from both of us!)

Bugoron, Ryldaen, Frankkin, Belle, a crimson-maned mare, Daylahn, Gwain, Jaenoic, Rennick, Caelyvar, A voluptuous, raven-haired female tiefling, Enaria, Pheobe, Nidao, Dapher, Kokoro, Vezain, a regal white stallion, A slim beautiful female gnome, Kethrilahsa, Kilaad, a white Fordskin horse, A goat-legged male tiefling and A straw-haired male rock gnome are nearby west from here....

And everyone else I forgot who came in after i saved the "guest" list!

Special thank you to Bugoron and Kokoro and of course the IMM's that oversee the weddings and handfastings and so forth! You rock! Thank you for staying up so late with us!

And thank you to Sune for providing at least this player some wisdom, some clarity and of course some rolling laughter between the ceremony, the aftereffects and just being your worshipfulness! Thank you!

And of course, thank you to all the IMM's who have been looking at Mariela's coding and scratching their head. I have no idea how I did that! :) Thanks! THanks thanks!
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Post by Tortus » Tue Jun 27, 2006 12:25 pm

I'd like to mirror Lerytha's post, thanking all responsible imms for the small changes and addons, plus add some grumpiness of my own.

You see, here I am at work, unable to play, when all these new things keep rolling in, making my fingers itch something terrible. :)
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Post by Amalia » Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:40 pm

Someone went to all the trouble to change the smiling in fights... thank you! I know it's not prohibitive on RP or anything, but I'm a big fan of the change anyhow. HOORAY coders!
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Post by Theillik » Fri Jun 30, 2006 2:13 pm

I really to love the new codes in the battles! Thanks!
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Post by Tavik » Thu Jan 18, 2007 5:16 am

Had to dig to find this thread again...

I just wanted to thank Lathander and all involved parties for putting forth the effort to get us players involved in some of the decision making (rules). Thanks!
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Post by Ooma » Fri May 04, 2007 11:18 am

I would like to take a moment to say thank you to a group of players who RPed today with the Orcs. ( and of course to those who have taken the time to make and play your orcs!) I do not want to give out any IC information but, to those of you who participated and gave your time to the RP I want to say A HUGE thank you!!!! As orcs, we so rarely have gotten to reeeallly RP for any length of time, so it was a happy surprise that we had this opportunity to play together. I know the RP was unexpected and unplanned for us all and I thank everyone on both sides for their patience and for being such good sports all throughout, what turned out to be, quite a lengthy RP with many unexpected situations.

I would like to post a special thank you to Kelemvor who saw the RP happening and joined to add another dimension to the play. Thank you for taking time out to offer support to the RP. It was very kind of you to choose to offer your time and effort and that did not go unnoticed, nor should it go without a show of appreciation. I am certain that all involved would echo this sentiment.

While here, I would like to say that this RP was completely unplanned and sort of unfolded because of a group of players came together, even while on opposing sides, and agreed to play fairly. It is my hope that we will be able to apply for ongoing RP in the future, based very loosely on some of the events that took place in this one, though that remains to be seen. In addition, I wish to implore that the orcs (old and new) strive to use some of the lessons learned in this RP to better our RP reputation and not simply become PVP bullies. While there is, and will always be, a bit of brutishness in the Orc RP this does not mean that we can not offer ways for players to walk away from a situation they do not wish to be involved with RP wise.

The players involved in this RP all worked together, communicated before any violence took place, and tried to set clear boundaries assuring that noone was unfairly involved. I thank you all for taking time to play, no matter the outcome or the circumstances, it was amazing to see people playing with the orcs! :) From the bottom of my rotten little orcie heart, I thank you all.


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Post by Dapher » Sat May 05, 2007 12:59 am

Ok, I just wanna say sorry, and thank you at the same time. I always have issues remembering some rules to Pkill, or what not rules. I am sorry if I disrupted anything in that RP.

I would also like to thank the people that help on the 'ask' channel. You guys do wonderful stuff, and I never want you to think that I do not appriciate it. I also want to thank the IMMs that help as well, with the RPs, you guys make it fun.

And to the orcs. You guys ROCK! I know there is a certain amount of bullyness with being an orc, and that makes it fun. By the way, I think that we could all learn a bit from Graf's RPs. But an URAH to the orcs!
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Post by Ooma » Mon May 07, 2007 8:42 am

This is a HUGE HUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGE Thank you and KUDOS to the Orcs and Horace for the absolutely, hilariously fun RP of War trainin and feast! We had a record 7 Orcs All logged at the same time!!!!!! XD guys made my week!

Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart! It was just what the Witch doctah ordered!

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