Ethereal Flyer

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Ethereal Flyer

Post by Legault » Mon Feb 20, 2006 6:37 pm

What.. is ethereal flyer? Myself and a couple conjurers agree that its a floating blob of air that you roleplay riding.
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Post by Nearraba » Mon Feb 20, 2006 7:08 pm

The help file states
Syntax: cast 'fly' <character>
Syntax: cast 'ethereal flyer' <character>
Syntax: land
Syntax: fly

These spells enable the target character to fly. Useful for saving stamina
(movement points), preventing a character from falling when in the air,
moving over water or through the air, and in preventing an opponent from
tripping you.
I think a blob of air that you rp riding on is a good & interesting way of rping this spell. It might be similar to flying as they have the same help files. Though, I am not positive on the differnces. Or even if they have differnces, other than maybe the spell name, or how you roleplayed learning and casting the spell. Sorry if that isnt too helpful. :)
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Post by Algon » Mon Feb 20, 2006 7:20 pm

Any of your guys ever watch the cartoon "Avatar, the last Air bender"? A blob of air reminds me of the air scooter he rides. :D
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Post by Ellian » Tue Feb 21, 2006 8:35 pm

Looking through my resources, particularly the Hypertext d20 SRD (, I can't find any mention of the spell ethereal flyer. My rough guess is that the spell was a carry-over from some old base smaug code, and the name was simply changed to fly because that's the canon DnD name for the spell.

I might be wrong though, because I have seen instances of the old ethereal flyer spell still here and there in the game.
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Post by Glim » Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:57 pm

Cant remember specifics. One of the Priestesses of the Do Urden House used this to carry Zaknafein to the enemy stronghold when they invaded in the veeeerrrryyyy beginning of the Dark Elf series.
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Post by Hviti » Tue Feb 21, 2006 11:02 pm

Gah. I know someone posted about the difference in the spell forum, but I can't find it with searches :(...I think it was something like "transfers part of your mass to another plane ala the wraithform spell". Don't quote me on that, though. I'll keep looking.

Edit: Woohoo...well turns out the guy who defined them wasn't sure about Ethereal Flyer either :P-The 12th and 13th posts (by Isolrem and Gwain, respectively) are the pertinent Q&A ... real+flyer

Flight was also discussed under the aptly named "Flight?" in the spell forum: ... ght=flight
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Post by Kregor » Wed Feb 22, 2006 1:05 am

main answer is yeah, ethereal flyer is a leftover from Smaug, as are some of the other spells (razorbait, swordbait, blazebane, etc) that have no D20 equivalent.

there were many others that were either renamed for D&D consistency for some similar spell, or whatnot. Some are the same effect, but not the same name as D20, simply because they were in the game before D20 became standard and fab. And the little problem with renaming them to D20 names, is that renaming the spell in code would require editing all the trainers, items with the spell as an effect, mob progs, etc, and in addition, anyone who knew the spell would forget it if it were renamed :shock:

I have had a thought, that for the sake of the players who may come from a D&D background, that I would amend the helpfiles of the mis-named spells to basically indicate it's D20 equivalent at the bottom of the spell description.

As far as ethereal flyer, if there's a general consensus on what the physical effect looks like, I'll write it into the helpfile. I like the Airbender idea! :)
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Post by Dalvyn » Wed Feb 22, 2006 2:24 pm

Actually, ethereal flyer was put in to offer all wizards a way to "fly", even to those who had Transmutation as their opposed school. It might be old Smaug or not, but that's why it is on FK right now.
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