Two pieces of news about the deities

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Post by Glim » Tue Feb 28, 2006 6:23 am

How about merely requiring a quest at about lvl 25 or so teaching the priest in question about their faith and giving them a small trivia at the end that allows them to level past that?
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Post by Jharthyne » Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:32 am

I would think that a priest would need to know a lot more about his/her faith in order to be faithed in the first place. So a suggestion would actually be to make the quest for faithing priests more educational, in terms of teaching them more about their faiths. Priests may be required to talk to more characters about their particular faiths before being allowed to be faithed.
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Post by Glim » Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:14 am

Aye, thats always been my look on it. Before getting faith he really should learn about the faith. But sadly enough, that cant always be the case.
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Post by Kirkus » Tue Feb 28, 2006 4:46 pm

Most priests would join their faith at a young age, go to a temple or place of worship for many years while they are being trained. We don't have that here so we have to change something. Either the way we begin our characters training or how we induct them into the faiths. Perhaps, and I am just brainstorming on the spot here so I don't have any feeling one way or another about any ideas I throw out.....

Perhaps priests should require a kismet requirement, then when you begin one you choose what faith you start at. Each faith would need a training temple or small area. Then all the teachers for an area could be geared toward introducing someone to that faith.

Or perhaps, choose faith at level 5 then transfer to that faiths training temple.

.... more to come later...... gotta go to class.
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Post by Nearraba » Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:53 pm

I actully think that Kirkus' idea is really quite neat, when he said,
then when you begin one you choose what faith you start at. Each faith would need a training temple or small area. Then all the teachers for an area could be geared toward introducing someone to that faith.
However I am sure it would cause more codding than was/is wanted. Though maybe, if many of the current faith memebers of the faith all helped it would be a bit easier. Except I do not really understand Kirkus' veiw on why priests should require a kismet, seeing as how the races cost kismet. & I think if a newbie wants to create a priest they should have the option, I also think that kismet would not be needed if they have the faith learning area. :)
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Post by Gregal » Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:53 pm

Wow, the forums just boomed, Guess I have been gone a bit too long, Anyhow what I would like to say about the priests, Is that there should be some sort of heiarchy within a faith, It should be determined by rp and favor by such deity. I would like to see the Deities show their favored Priest just as they do in the books ie Mystra being in contact with Adon, and them making it a reason to point out every Gods favored Priest. I mean its great to be a priest, I personally love it alot...I have a passion for religions and reading about faiths and such gets me kinda hyped. So I would like to see the dieties promote the Priests more, show that they are watching, and looking over their little pet of a priest. I have seen some of it go on, but would like to see the other dieties come into play. Even if it isn't really that diety.

Post by Zach » Thu Mar 02, 2006 6:42 pm

Gregal made a good point... Though it will be hard for the Gods... but it WOULD make the game a little more enjoyable with no coding involved (at least i do not think coding would be involved)...

Have the Dieties address who is their more devoted priests aside from just the priests that are there to kick ass and heal themselvs and others...

the Priests that are out there to do whatever they can for their God.

Have them do special things for them. Work your word through them.

I'm not saying every joe smo healer but the ones who relly RP and get involved.

I know this might be a bit hard to do for some Dieties, ones that are not coded, can not play all that much, or have a lot to do. But it makes it MORE worth wile playing a priest. Other then to sit around waiting around for some RP


Post by Gregal » Thu Mar 02, 2006 10:15 pm

There should be a little to learn about Gods, but honestly I feel that every priest should research their god or goddess OOCly, and make it an IC point to find the things out. I knew nothing about Talona and took it upon myself to read every book with Talona in it (Thanks to whoever suggested the Cleric Quintet series) and studied many of the followers of her and how they acted, and what they did. I believe there are many resources out there, its if the person really wants to take the time to research for their rp instead of being a bit of a fighter with some pretty cool spells to save the day. Just my thought. We shouldn't do the work for players, we should still allow the players to do some work, it seperates the dedicated rp'ers from the twinks.
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Post by Kirkus » Thu Mar 02, 2006 11:28 pm

So, been gone for a day or two.... back to what I was saying earlier.

Nerarraba brings up good points. But here is what I was thinking. As to the Kismet, just a check not a cost. And just as evils are harder to play than goodies there are harder faiths to play. But yeah if we had temple training areas to start we wouldn't really need the kismet because you would learn.

I honestly can't remember what my other idea was.... hmm too bad.

As for what the others have said, let me say this. We can't require someone to do everything ooc, ie off line. Not everyone has the money to buy books be it source books or books in the series. And not every god is covered as throughly. IC education of the ooc player is a necissary. Gregal basically stated the purpose of everything I have been preoposing. The upper ranks of a faith would be the favored pets of that deity. It would remove most excusses for anyone to play the basic fighter with some spells to use. They would have the rp experience and knowledge of how the deity wants the faith to run.
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Post by Mariela » Fri Mar 03, 2006 1:33 am

All right.

I'll admit to the dirty little secret of my existance. I don't ever read gaming books from cover to cover. I pick and needled out of them what flavor I need to get a jist and kinda go wtih that. Make up some crap as I go along as so long as it fits the theme. (I know. Gasp shock, the Mari's player is laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy!)

Anyways, I find things like really well put together and exampled webpages and forum pages very helpful when playing priest type characters. Something to sort of say, "LOOK Example here!"

The pages on the gods on the main site are wonderful. There probably could be more things added for those of us who don't read a lot into the books. Maybe some example from each temple what one would expect in a trainee... list some of the things that the Gods kinda find groovy or some examples of different prayers that have been made that the Gods found interesting. *blink blink*

More importantly, just added who are the uppers in the different temples would be NICE! Especially if there are PC's that are running about that people should almost know once they are introduced to them.. or heard rumors about. Like, example, the Silverstar of Selune. You'd think that if you were going to go into Selune's temple you would know at least who the main players in the temple were... if only to make sure you were wearing your best frock before them. Does this mean you would know them personally? No. But you would at least have heard their name... cause they are the paragon's of their order.

And the same thing for the beatsticks of Helm, and so forth.

Yes yes.. the titles after people's names are really helpful, b ut they don't really give you a sense of who is really the cheese in a given temple or to a given god. Besides the fact that if your character has never met that person, how on earth would they know that Andreas is the High Knight (whaever that means, DON"T TELL ME! I want to find out in a perfectly Mariela way!) , or that Mariela is the young bubble head of Selune (In theory!)?

I dunno. It could be covered somewehre else, but I really think that would be things I would love to see on a reference page for the gods on the main site. I use that thing religiously (pun intended!), as I am playing, cross referencing gods I don't remember the meaning of.. or even how to play for my own God's team. It would be really handy to have things like the hierarchy or even a this is a day in the life of a trainee of Selune on that same sheet as what Selune is the God/Goddess of.

By the way, I remember seeing it the other day, someone Mystra maybe, put up some good novels to read if you want the feel of being a paladin, a priest, or whatever. That was such a WONDERFUL idea! Those would also be wonderful cross referenced upon the actual website page.

That's just me.
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Post by Kirkus » Sat Mar 04, 2006 12:00 pm

Yeah I am not saying everyone should read source books cover to cover. I never have done that myself. But simply due to how long I have been here, and trust me I am not bragging(that number is closely related to how long I have been in college), I have had plenty of situations to need to look in a book or two. I completely agree that the web, and especially this site, is a credible source.

Basically this would transform what we have now into something better. Instead of just tossing a holy symbol arround someone's neck and saying "Great to have you aboard, have fun. See ya later." This would bring everyone along further. It would make it so every new person to a faith is knowledgeable of their faith, and able to rp being a member of that faith. As opposed to Jonny Newfaith newly inducted member of the church of Talos stepping into a rp and whispering to some veterine rp'er and asking "why are we about to fight that gang of Gondars? I thought we only fought followers of Chauntea."
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Post by Mariela » Mon Mar 06, 2006 7:14 pm

Oh I completely and utterly agree!

It's really hard to know when you have crossed that level of "The Gods are milly amused by you.." to... "Now they expect you to mind your manners and be their servants!" To... "They find you amusing, go out and preach the word."

It'd be really nice to have an IC way of developing the faith prop sticks. If that makes any sense.
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