Adrenaline Control

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Adrenaline Control

Post by Isolrem » Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:32 pm

Feat for some classes to get rid of the new sleep/meditate lag?
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Post by Kelemvor » Sat Sep 03, 2005 1:12 pm

Given that the lag was most likely added to prevent players abusing the ability to meditate or sleep immediately after combat.. I would have to say no.
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Post by Bugoron » Sat Sep 03, 2005 4:09 pm

Kelemovor is correct. The sleep/meditate adrenaline hinderence was added when it was felt that someone was abusing the ability to fight, quickly move to the next room, meditate, and repeat the process. As far as I know, this should simply keep the same occurance from happening again.
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Post by Telk » Sat Oct 29, 2005 6:06 pm

What about a toned down version of this?

You have learned to control your excitement and therefore recover quickly from combat, when this feat is taken your adrenaline is effectively cut in half. This feat can only be taken once.
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Post by Bugoron » Mon Oct 31, 2005 5:02 am

In a timed experiment, the lag caused by adrenaline lasts about one minute. Personally, I don't see the need for a feat that halves something that only lasts for 60 seconds when there are more than enough other feats that serve a better purpose, or are much more worth a lot of platinum and some glory to grab as a bonus. Just my thoughts, but maybe I'm overly patient as far as this issue goes.
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Post by Gratey » Wed Nov 02, 2005 1:42 am

I agree with Bugoron, I cannot see someone running into a fight or into any kind of adrenaline rush, And then come out and totally be centered enough to meditate or sleep, I think the new adrenaline hinderence is a great addition. To learn a feat to cut it in half is pretty much useless, It was put in so that it could stop abuse. There are plenty of feats out there, and plenty that you can do more than once, Enjoy the game.


Post by Zach » Fri Feb 24, 2006 7:28 am

I have to admore Telk for being the Devils Advo...something or other

But I much agree with this... it is a pain in the but to have it... but very good RP reasons to have it as well

Post by Paskry » Fri Feb 24, 2006 4:28 pm

Devils Advocate

Though the adrenalline time varient is short, it can be a little unweildy sometimes.
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Post by Amalia » Fri Feb 24, 2006 11:41 pm

I think everyone pretty much already has this feat, in some sense-- I imagine if I (the player) got in a fight that required me to kill someone or something, with the risk of being injured or killed myself, it'd take me at least a good fifteen minutes to a half hour to calm down, because I'm not used to the idea or the activity. Since our characters kill on a pretty regular basis, they all are, and as such recover pretty quickly. Besides, as has been said, a bit of lag helps RP.
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Post by Zach » Sat Feb 25, 2006 12:44 am

I'm for making Adrenaline last longer for different classes.... due to some classes not used to being in a fighting situation more then others... OOOOOOOOORRRR... the longer you are in said fight, the longer your Adrenaline would be... for a fighter who just walks in and gets a lucky roll and lobs a bandets head off should not have to have same amount of adrenaline as say a low char that is in a fight for 30 seconds...

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR level difference between the character and mob... harder it is to kill the more adrenaline.... but yeah... i think we should have the Adrenaline stay...

I know people are saying "WHAT, we are trying to make it shorter and HE wants to INCREASE IT!?!?!" well yeah... i think it is a GREAT idea...

Also... for someone in "Formation Rear" should not have as much adrenaline as the one who "Formations Front"... also if you RESCUE someone your adrenaline should be increased...

but i don't think any of this is a "feat" but it came across my mind when reading latest post... and i didn't know if i should start a new thread for my thoughts on this feat

EDIT: thanks for the spelling..... as you can tell when I RP... i can't spell
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Post by Isolrem » Sat Feb 25, 2006 2:43 pm

Adrenaline rush for races... shorter duration for adrenaline rush involved with those more rarer races so that it can be another benefit to those race, and since they cost so much kismet hopefully it won't be completely exploited. I can see a Tiefling slaying a foe and immediately calming down enough to meditate.

as for how long the fight lasted, I think that would be hard to code in and bugproof

is it possible, however, to have a set point of fighting time before your adrenaline is even stirred up? in other words you must deal a certain amount of damage, or cast a certain amount of spells, or attack a certain amount of times, or a certain amount of time must have elapsed, before you get the message - your adrenaline is high (also, before this point you would have slight negative modifiers). It stands to reason that it takes a while to warm up in a fight, and the adrenaline lasting 60s might not be such an inconvenience now that people can use it to find another fight.

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A bandit's swipe nips you.
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Post by Bugoron » Sun Feb 26, 2006 11:01 pm

Though I'm not so sure about the idea of differing adrenaline for races, I'm interested in the idea of increased adrenaline lag due to prolonged battle. ICly, the longer you're forced into combat, the longer it's going to take you to regain your nerve, as fighting an ogre over a period of time is going to keep you on edge longer than the 1-3 round slaughtering of a goblin will. It's about the PC's thoughts, as well. The PC is going to be MUCH more worried about something he can't kill in 5 rounds as opposed to something he can, because there's an increased risk of injury or even death.

The one part of this idea I'm not sure of is the omittance of the adrenaline lag until a certain amount of battle has commenced. Personally, if I sense a fight brewing, my blood is pumping long before the first punch, because I want that rush of energy and the heightening of my senses as quickly as I can get it. Perhaps, instead of using a wait time before adrenaline kicks in, have it set that adrenaline does not kick in unless the enemy MOB or PC has swung at you. If you're fighting something that you're fairly confident you can off in one shot/spell/hack/spit, then you're not going to dig anywhere near as far into your adrenaline reserves to help you in battle. Also, for those who have a problem with the adrena-lag, this is a way to grant you a little bonus. Don't like the Adrena-lag? Make yourself powerful enough to kill your foe in one shot, then, and you can sometimes bypass it.

Any thoughts/comments? :)
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Post by Isolrem » Sun Feb 26, 2006 11:21 pm

excellent idea, but much easier to code
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Post by Zach » Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:16 pm

i like the idea of a successful hit against you starts the adren.... but would it be that much harder for it to be coded that the more you get hit... the more adren you acumulate to a certion cap?
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Post by Isolrem » Mon Feb 27, 2006 9:23 pm

not necassarily true, however. Especially seeing as there are classes that get hit a lot and classes that hardly get hit at all. A wizard can not afford to be hit nearly as much as a fighter, but would be just as heated up in battle with all that intense spell-casting.
if there ever was different levels of adrenaline, it should take account of duration.
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Post by Zach » Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:03 pm

a wiz would be using the fighter as a meat shield... so they get hit less.... and all they have to worry about is casting
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