Suggestion for Quest Experience

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Suggestion for Quest Experience

Post by Theillik » Sat Apr 01, 2006 11:51 pm

I wanted to suggest that experience be rewarded for:

-learning about faiths
-completing faith quests

This could be as simple as a reward by a faith manager.
It would make sense that characters earn experience during their training and such.
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Post by Gwain » Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:01 am

Faith managers are allowed to bestow favour or remove favour from others. Some quests will reward you with Knowledge based on geography, religion, Learning and such placed in your skill list to be used later for prestige classes requirements. I believe that with most faith quests you are rewarded glory and xp or even items by the quest itself, and if not you are rwarded by joining a faith. Either way you win out. This is of course, only my opinion.
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RE: Quest Experience

Post by Andreas » Sun Apr 02, 2006 2:14 pm

Quests give a wide variety of rewards.

If you want a certain quest that gives a certain reward, write it and submit it to
Helm keep thee.

Post by Theillik » Sun Apr 02, 2006 4:40 pm

I referring to quests which allow your entry into your faith, like the ones which a faith manager would give a hopeful. These quests would take a large chunk of your life, I think it would only make sense to earn experience from this. Just a though.
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Post by Sean » Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:06 pm

Faith quests, I belive, are not your typical quest.

In your typical quest, you set out on an adventure with the intent of reaching a goal. In the process, you become better at what you do, and thus gain experience.

In a faith quest, its more you prove your devotion to a god/goddess, you do soul searching inside yourself and slowly gain faith in your god/goddess. You don't really become better at anything, but you do have a reward at the end.

Your newfound faith.
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Post by Andreas » Sun Apr 02, 2006 5:48 pm

I would think being an accepted member of the faith is reward enough for a faith quest.
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