Growing the spectrum of paladins

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Growing the spectrum of paladins

Post by Kregor » Sat Apr 08, 2006 11:31 pm

A short while back, a couple of us were discussing the thought of non-human paladins of their racial deities, much like we have the Elven paladins of Corellon, there are other racial paladin orders in Faerun, that could make for some interesting variation. I would be interested in hearing some other thoughts about having a couple of these as minor (app-only) orders for Paladins from FK's coded deities (taken from the web enhancement for Faiths and Pantheons off of WotC's website:

Moradin (Dwarves)
Hammers of Moradin: The Soul Forger has few paladins, but the dwarves who choose this path often act as champions of the entire dwarven pantheon, blending the virtues of all the dwarven gods.

Yondalla (Halflings)
Shields of Yondalla: Paladins of the Protector and Provider are rare, but in halfling-run lands, they serve their fellow citizens with sword and shield.
Wayward Warden: This group is a loose fellowship of wandering halflings who feel the need to see the world and aren't tied to any particular settlement. They protect halfling communities whenever they are found in need of help.
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Post by Balek » Sun Apr 09, 2006 12:58 am

I would love to have more non-human paladins in the game. I know that I'd love to play a dwarven paladin and I'm sure there are plenty of other people who would like to play nonhuman paladins as well.
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Post by Tortus » Sun Apr 09, 2006 8:53 am

I have a character that I created a few months back, that I was aiming to make, perhaps not a paladin, but a knight(fighter) of Yondalla.

Getting the opportunity of making him a real paladin would be very nice indeed.
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RE: Racial Paladins

Post by Andreas » Sun Apr 09, 2006 10:16 am

Apply to play a racial paladin. Worst that can happen is you'll be told no.
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