New form of climb

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Sword Grand Master
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New form of climb

Post by Cret » Tue Apr 11, 2006 9:50 pm

This thought just struck me. With the use of the climb skill one could enter a safty of sorts, like the fly skill.

This would not cut on movement or be able to used to move from room to room.

climb <pose>

This skill alows you to make use of your surroundings to gain heighth on your opponet.

climb crouched on a tree branch above
(climbed) Cret is crouched on a tree branch above.

So another player must 'climb' up to get to that player if they needed to get to melee. If in combat there is a chance of 'fallilng' wich the person will incure some damage, like falling off a flying mount or such.

In accompany to this. A feat could be added: Balance. This would alow someone to fight while climbed with improved chances of not falling.
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Post by Kelemvor » Tue Apr 11, 2006 10:42 pm

Please post ideas like this in the relevant skill, feat or class threads

If you had, you might well have noticed this lengthy discussion about something very similar :wink: ... php?t=4284
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