Cyric - Training Priests Spells

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Cyric - Training Priests Spells

Post by Glim » Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:31 pm


This is just an issue I was wondering about and wanted to ask some feedback from others about it. Cyric priests would need some kind of justification to train priestly spells from anyone other than a Cyric priest. Since the obvious drawback to this is that the said Cyricist priest would only know at best a limited number of spells, an IC justification would be needed to learn spells from others.

An idea I was told and I liked was that they could deceive the heretics of other faiths and use the inferiors to gain power over them and to use the knowledge gained from them in effect to betray them, as just the fact that you are in actuality a cyricist and using the knowledge they gave you is betrayal enough.

This seems to be the best idea I have heard, but I wished to ask feedback and perhaps any alternate ideas anyone else might have.

Thank you for your help,
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Post by Jedan » Sat Apr 29, 2006 5:14 am

Well, I'd think that would apply to just about any evil faith. The assorted evil deities may occasionally ally out of convenience (or fear), but I don't think any of them really like eachother, and good deities are obviously right out.

But if anything, I'd imagine the idea of "deceiving them to ultimately destroy/enslave/dominate" them would be the most reasonable way to pass off why you're training with a servant of a different God. Though obviously this shouldn't be used as an excuse for a Cyricist to slip into a Temple of Mystra or somesuch just because he knows there is a priest there who trains a spell he wants.
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Post by Layna » Mon Aug 07, 2006 1:29 pm

Terribly sorry to necro-post, but is there any 'official' stance on this? Is it better to simply not train in any other temple and apply to build areas with new trainers or...?

Sorry to worry on it, but I suppose it's better to be 'too hardcore' than be OOC ;)
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Post by Cyric » Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:09 pm

Nono, s'coo. Better to ask than to get a "what the heck were you thinking..?" later on =P

As per my faith:

Basically, Glim was asking this in referance to Cyric's faith because of a very strong belief that Cyric is the. only. god. As a result, any follower of Cyric views a member of any other faith as an enemy because they are in direct violation of Cyric's doctrine. Sure, they might not be stabbing you in the face right now, but trust me - They're thinking of ways to do it. The only catch-22 here? They view followers as competition, so instead of face-stabbing, it's more back-stabbing.

Now, because of this, it'd be hard for a Cyrisist to learn things. I've got a handy acronym for this: "WWCD - What would Cyric do?" It's catchy, I'm thinking about making bracelets for it. Anyway, take a look at this:
He(Cyric) has formed temporary alliances with dark deities (e.g., Mask in the form of Godsbane, used to slay both Bhaal and Leira), but inevitably these are short-lived, as he uses them wholly for self-serving purposes, and betrays all too easily (as seen by his weakening of Mask and subsequent stealing of his portfolio element of "intrigue").
So, I don't mind if one of my followers trains from another priest / priestess. Might want to consider how you could cheat the priest / priestess, though.

However. If I see a follower of mine training from, say, a Kelemvorite, Mystran, or even an Iyachtu Xvim follower (yea, there's a few in there) I better see you use the same spell you learned from them in order to kill them (even if you have to drown them in a waterskin because it was create water you learned). I love irony, and since I'm crazy, I'll forget that you just gave a follower of my most hated enemies money.

Also, check the section below. There might be OOC reprocussions.

For other faiths:

The best thing I can say is "Act RPly!!". If you are a devout follower of a god/ess, and you go learn a spell only taught by their most hated god/ess, you could have potentially violated your own RP and a general OOC Code Abuse.

IC violation: We'll get'cha, and we'll make it fun (for us, not you). From your own deity comin down and smackin you around, to a hoarde of the other temple's faithful running you through or something else as fun (perma loss of limb anyone?). Now, believe it or not, this can actually turn into something good. If you RP it well enough, rewards abound! Yay if you can make an IC reaction fun. Any immy will agree with me, actually RPing out a reaction of your actions instead of whining about it OOCly will get you outta the hole you put yourself in much quicker. Respond if you need further info, I'll respond. ;)

OOC Code Abuse: Basically, if you train from a direct faith enemy while KNOWING there there is no way they would train you and you don't report it, that's Code Abuse. If this is unclear, PM me. I'd rather not get into the technicallities on the board, but at the same time I don't want to be vague.

So, as much as possible, stay true to your character. The only "real" way to advance in the faith is to act accordingly to the faith's dogma.

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Post by Layna » Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:19 pm

Well I guess I couldn't have hoped for a more definitive answer than that. :D

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Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies.
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