Witch light

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Post by Paskry » Sat May 06, 2006 11:04 pm

I do not understand why a ball that takes wavelengths from other spectrums, then converts it while it is floating about your head will make a 'dark' room visable. To do that, it would need to work like a stagelight gel where a certain light originates at a lightbulb and then passes through the colored gel and a different light leaves it that matches the gel's color. IE: yellow/white light enters and green/blue/purple light leaves it to hit and reflect off of the acters on a stage.

If a ball of light is floating about your head collecting light from all directions and then passes that light to you, you would end up with a 'fish vision' where you see all 360 degrees of a room in a very acute range. what you would need is something like a magical form of glasses where it converts the other wavelengths into a normal spectrum for your particular race.

The reasoning behind this is also that a white ball of light throws light in all directions where it hits and is reflected by objects. The light enters your eye and you see the object. a ball of darkness does not emanate light for you to percieve but rather collects the light and reflects nothing. The only way for you to percive this insubstantial ball is by the lack of light in it's locale: much like a black hole.

So a ball of light will not work, but perhaps a spell that grants the effects of a light converter- however you want to call it- will work.

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Post by Kregor » Sun May 07, 2006 3:05 am

No offense, but I would imagine if we put most of the magic of Faerun to the test with the laws of physics, we would find that none of it is feasible. To justify or refute a spell or its affects based on physics is pushing the envelope a bit too far for a high fantasy setting.

Humans can't fly, or weave balls of flame from their hands, just as they cannot likely sustain a blow with a sword to the head and still live. So if we begin to refute the feasibility of a black ball of light, or an aura of darkness that illuminates the way for a PC, we might as well ditch the spell system entirely, and most of the combat system too, go play a historical MUSH.

It's fantasy, make believe, why a black ball of light? Because it's cool, because it adds to the ominous presence of a dark charater, because it's fun, why not run with it.
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Post by Paskry » Sun May 07, 2006 3:10 am

To also point out a small little detail: most of the things ARE possible and people DO fly:

All you got to do is throw yourself at the ground and miss.

Yes, a black ball of light would be cool, but what about a pair of black sunglasses that make you see in the dark? magical ones that do not last like a ball of light but worn on the face.

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Post by Nysan » Sun May 07, 2006 3:22 am

Paskry wrote:Yes, a black ball of light would be cool, but what about a pair of black sunglasses that make you see in the dark? magical ones that do not last like a ball of light but worn on the face.

Fascinating how a simple idea like allowing choice on a certain spell can create such interesting side topics...

In FR, there is published sources that have had wizards and/or clerics creating balls of light of colors other than white. So, in game-terms, it wouldn't be much of a stretch... code-terms, wouldn't know. Leaving out the realistic-physics branch off, this suggestion fits FK well.

As for the sunglasses comment quoted, it is FR possible. There are magical items noted in resources that allow night-sight of sorts. The catseye circlet used in certain Drizzt novels that allowed the wearer to see in the dark as if the area was lit by a full moon, for example. I could easily see monicles or goggles with some minor night-sight type enchantment fitting into FK. But again, game-terms possible... code-terms, wouldn't know. *shrug*

Never hurts to toss out those ideas that are balanced though. You never know when some bored builder might be reading the forums and put something in as a quest reward or something. :wink:
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Post by Gwain » Sun May 07, 2006 3:25 am

I agree with Kregor, FR or Fk for that manner has an element that cannot be accounted for in the real world, magic, which makes the impossible possible just because it works out of the realm of the normal and goes into the realm of imagination to create a reality that would often be impossible. For every illogical occurance there is a logical explanation, and many here have looked for a feasable realistic solution for differing spell alterations, any idea is a good idea, just make sure that in supporting your own idea you do not dismiss other people's solutions as malarky. The spells suggested are just ideas that help shape the finished product. Were all here to have a fun and enjoyable experience.
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Post by Paskry » Sun May 07, 2006 4:14 am

I agree that having colored balls of light would be cool, and I also agree that a black ball of light would be possible in the game and in the code. However I was suggesting that when someone trys to do it, they get the glasses instead. Now I also understand that magical occurances can not always be explained by physics- like the summoning of a creature. But physics can be applied and is applied quite often in the game- otherwise we could not relate. Now, my suggestions were not aimed at anyone in particular as they were merely statments of what light is, and how it works.

Now, if you are suggesting that light itself is different- that is another discussion. But if you choose to argue that magical light is different- would the same be for magical fire? As fire is a simple chemical reation that requires a fuel source- torch, wood, combustable fuels...- it would be simple to assume that the weave subsitutes for the fuel source. The same would be light- granted the magical proporty would be it's source but the effects would still be the same as anywhere else.

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Post by Telk » Sun May 07, 2006 4:33 pm

I'd agree with Kregor, we want the MUD realistic, but it's still a fantasy game. Most of FR is nonsense if you looked at it scientifically, it isn't possible to turn yourself into a squirrel, nor fly, nor breathe underwater, nor is it possible to turn someone into dust with a few words. I don't see why balls of darkness wouldn't work. I don't think that we need to bring all the scientific calculations in, whether it's possible or not, why it wouldn't work, how it would work, the mass of the object in question, the density or the energy given off... it's just a game, and I don't think everything needs to be explained.
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Post by Isolrem » Wed May 10, 2006 1:09 am

Inside the witch light is a temporary flux of congested weave, which when thus woven produces its energy in a excess of light and a very mild, mostly undetectable heat. Coated around the witch light are more constructs of the weave, which are shaped by the wizard to prisms that fracture the light coming out into the appropriate colour.
A black witch light is coated by a fine dust of weave, through which the light seems greyish and dark.
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Post by Nedylene » Fri Mar 02, 2007 1:50 am

Instead of creating a new post I would like to revisit this post. The Bright balls of light that witch light creates are wonderful and temporary. Not bad. I would like to see more colors available, but perhaps not showing by alignment or even by choosing what color. Rather that it just creates a color randomly at no discression at all from the caster. Russian Roullette style!

Colors I personally would adore seeing is the already white color, yellow, green, pink, purple, black, blue and brown. Is this possible?
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Post by Hviti » Fri Mar 02, 2007 2:05 am

Dalvyn wrote:Coloured balls of light

Spellcasters can now change the colour of a ball of light (those obtained with the spell witch light). The spell is not modified and will still always yield a white ball of light.

To modify the colour of an existing ball of light, hold it in your hand (wear ball left/right), and type the corresponding command. This will only work if you have a 'witch light' spell memorised (or a free slot that could be used to cast this spell, if you do not prepare spells).

The command you need to type depends on the colour you want. The colours listed in "help feralcolour" corresponding to the codes 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, A0, B0, C0, D0, E0, and F0 are available. The command is "changeXX", where XX is to be replaced with the code of the colour you want.

So, to turn a ball of light bright red, (1) make sure that you have a witch light spell memorised, (2) hold the ball of light, and (3) type "change90".

Note that those balls of light do not hamper drow anymore, no matter what colour they are. It might be better roleplay for drow not to use the brighter colours though.

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Is this what you mean, or did you mean a random system instead of this changing system?
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Post by Nedylene » Fri Mar 02, 2007 2:08 am

*stares* No that is exactly what I meant but could not find it when I did a search. Thank you very very much =)
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Post by Dalvyn » Fri Mar 02, 2007 5:25 am

Is it not under "help witch light"? Maybe it could be added there?
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Post by Raona » Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:21 am

Just for the record, for anyone on the help team running into this - this information is now part of HELP witch light
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Post by Lerytha » Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:03 pm

It had been on the helpfile for "witch light" since the wizard helpfiles were redone. :)
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