Priority changes?

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Priority changes?

Post by Dalvyn » Thu May 11, 2006 3:18 pm

Let's use the downtime in a constructive manner.

I'll suggest the following question: "If you could change one thing to FK, what would it be?" (aside from the fact that it's currently down).

If you have several answers and really cannot make up your mind, feel free to to order and list them, as in:
1. First thing I'd change
2. Second thing I'd change
3. Third thing I'd change
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Post by Lathlain » Thu May 11, 2006 3:31 pm

1. A lower kismet cost for evil characters

Edit: Actually just thought I'd add an explanation, regardless of whether it needs one or not. I've always felt that Zhentil Keep is horribly underpopulated, which is driven home by long evenings of standing around there... You know... Not that I have done or anything! It occurs that, although the game is geared towards being friendly to minors, 200 kismet is rather a lot to be able to make a character who can mingle with the nasties and the morally dubious. It's entirely understandable also that it's preferable for a player to be familiar with the game before being set loose in anywhere beyond the reach of the waterdeep market square, but I'd have thought 75+ hours of play was plenty for that. If they've not played for that long, and have amassed 75 hours with the help of rewards, then better still! Perhaps this is just the grumbling of a lonely and bitter evil player, but it's still something I would change, given the chance :P

2. Mandatory worship to the Prince of Lies for all!
Last edited by Lathlain on Thu May 11, 2006 3:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Algon » Thu May 11, 2006 3:42 pm

They only thing that really gets me sometimes is the way the spell feats work....especially persist. I understand that spells to be cast on other should not be able to last forever. But if you are casting the spell on yourself I think you should be able to make it last more then a short time.
A wiz is so easy to kill with physical damage and when adventuring if he isnt buffed up he isnt much use. But even things like bulls strength for a wiz will only last a while when cast on yourself. I would change it to where spells cast on other players cannot use the persist feat but when cast upon oneself it could be applied.
I just feel many people have feats now that are of really no use.
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Post by Teyn » Thu May 11, 2006 3:44 pm

Sorry if there's been discussion on it before, and i'm pretty new so i guess it doesn't count for much, but...

1. Make skills and especially trades a little easier to level up in
2. Have dwarves of the Mithril Hall start with SOME ability with common - it is a common language afterall :p

Post by Zach » Thu May 11, 2006 4:29 pm

I'm not going to agree or not with anyone in this thread... just post

1. Fighters need help ... need different skills... more hit points for the class of fighters per level... taunts... shouts, have remove base knowledge of some weapons... like... at least know how to hold it correctly... for fighters... most weapons, for fighters, should be known what way is up and not... whether he (the fighter) has any skill with the weapon... is up to him training it up...

2. When copyovers come in with new places and what not... post something on the board of what it is ... what changes are made... you don't have to go into too much IC detail... but a lot of people who, when gone for lent, and come back... a few places are added... have no idea to look for them... letting us know the server is going to be brought down because of carpet cleaning would be nice lol

EDIT: Please take the last part about the server down very lightly.. it was made purly for giggles... thanks
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Post by Duranamir » Thu May 11, 2006 5:02 pm

1. Let the Drow out of the underdark !.

Now is the time for the Drow to arise and take back the surface from the undeserving races who currently hold it !.v :twisted:

(I know that there were many reasons why this prohobition was put place but i think that now some of them no longer apply. I also think that a few extra limitations on Drow characters for example never being able to learn daylight adapataion would go a long way to controlling the Drow who would be visting the surface. It would also add to the number of evil characters as antagonists for the good guys on the surface.)

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Post by Kregor » Thu May 11, 2006 5:56 pm

My desires would be...

1. D20 combat rules - best way to fix what's broken in combat is to move to what makes games like Neverwinter Nights, Star Wars, and a scad of tabletop games work so well.

2. Wider range of skills/feats - Especially for the poor thieves who were so sorely missed in the spell updates. Crossover from item 1, above, revisit the thief's bs/circle combo in favor of true sneak attack D20 style.

3. More imm-run RP! - The Yhurgh RP was/is ongoing fun... and I want mooooore. Not just centered around WD, though, there should be evil RP for those who have around WG and the Keep, and RP outdoors for the more outdoorsy types.
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Post by Rhytania » Thu May 11, 2006 6:12 pm

The Economy:
Either make a way that shops can purge their items constructively or raise it so people who spam-sell dont screw over the rest of the playerbase. The biggest problem with the economy that I can see is that it doesnt account for the hords of NPC's who buy/sell so everything kind of piles up in one shop making the economies in the cities go bust.
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Post by Amalia » Thu May 11, 2006 6:36 pm

Sneaking echoes. I'd like to see a system where the players don't see any echo if their character doesn't see someone sneak in. Spot checks could be made to see either simply that character, or "a blur of motion out of the corner of your eye," or maybe to hear something rustle through the leaves or step softly on the cobblestones. A similar lack of echoes when a sneaky person looks at another character or pulls something out of a pack would be quite nice.

I know this has been mentioned before, but I think it's something definitely worth looking into changing. Or, if it has been changed and I missed it, a helpfile telling people what it means when they see "someone sneaks" echoes would be immensely useful.
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Post by Zach » Thu May 11, 2006 7:18 pm

*in a disguised voice*

1. I for one would like to see the D20 combat rules in play as well...

2. An overhaul of the thiefs wouldn't be half bad as well
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Post by Ellian » Thu May 11, 2006 8:12 pm

Lathlain wrote:1. A lower kismet cost for evil characters

Edit: Actually just thought I'd add an explanation, regardless of whether it needs one or not. I've always felt that Zhentil Keep is horribly underpopulated, which is driven home by long evenings of standing around there... You know... Not that I have done or anything! It occurs that, although the game is geared towards being friendly to minors, 200 kismet is rather a lot to be able to make a character who can mingle with the nasties and the morally dubious. It's entirely understandable also that it's preferable for a player to be familiar with the game before being set loose in anywhere beyond the reach of the waterdeep market square, but I'd have thought 75+ hours of play was plenty for that. If they've not played for that long, and have amassed 75 hours with the help of rewards, then better still! Perhaps this is just the grumbling of a lonely and bitter evil player, but it's still something I would change, given the chance Razz
First, here are links to some relevant discussion:

RE: Kismet requirements for evil alignments: ... l+roleplay ... characters
RE: Not enough evils: ... nded#10784

Second, my thoughts on this. Two hundred hours is a very long time. You can watch Ferris Beuller's Day Off 130.43 times in two hundred hours. While some new players may need that cushion time to learn how to roleplay and to get a grasp of their environment in FK, I have to imagine that it is only a hinderance to others who come from a heavy roleplay background or are just quick at picking up on the way FK works.

Zach wrote:1. Fighters need help ... need different skills... more hit points for the class of fighters per level... taunts... shouts, have remove base knowledge of some weapons... like... at least know how to hold it correctly... for fighters... most weapons, for fighters, should be known what way is up and not... whether he (the fighter) has any skill with the weapon... is up to him training it up...
You're always welcome to post ideas for new skills etc. in the skills forum. There isn't any problem with hit points; they are determined by a D10 roll for the warrior class, as they should be per D20 rules. Priests are D8, Thieves D6, Wizards D4. Taunts and shouts are a part of roleplay and can be smoted, I'm not sure what change is needed there. A warrior can have basic knowledge of at least four or five weapons before even leaving the newbie area, but perhaps there is a feat or ability out there that you could find and propose, that would allow a character to use implemented weapons? i.e. A character could use weapons or objects that they haven't had any formal training with, at a penalty.

Kregor wrote: 1. D20 combat rules - best way to fix what's broken in combat is to move to what makes games like Neverwinter Nights, Star Wars, and a scad of tabletop games work so well.
3. More imm-run RP! - The Yhurgh RP was/is ongoing fun... and I want mooooore. Not just centered around WD, though, there should be evil RP for those who have around WG and the Keep, and RP outdoors for the more outdoorsy types.
These would be my things I would change as well. I think a complete transition into D20 rules would work wonders for game balance and group-adventuring mechanics, making each class distinctive and unique and less stand-alone and making all of the classes complement each other on many levels.

Regarding imm-run roleplays, how about just calling them player-run roleplays and letting anyone take the role of DM?

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Post by Dugald » Thu May 11, 2006 8:44 pm

1: clothes/armor/items don't fall off your body in scraps - they can just stay on you in a tattered, no defense bonus, and irrepairable manner. That way you still have to keep on your armor if you don't want to lose it, and you don't have to walk back through town naked because bandits ripped your pants off.

2: I'd like normal clothing, things that don't grant any mechanical purpose at all, to be damaged way less than they are now

3: I'd like more slots to wear mundane items. I know slots are a big deal in dnd because each slot can hold a magical item - but I don't see the purpose in limiting the mundane items worn. I like cloaks, quivers, travellers packs, surcoats, and tunics. I almost guarantee most players have had to choose between equipping 1 item or another, when they feasibly would have been worn at the same time.

It makes sense for magical items, very little sense for mundane.
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Post by Harroghty » Thu May 11, 2006 9:29 pm

I'd have to say:
1) Improved combat mechanics (d20, whatever)

2) More versatility with equipment (wearing a cloak/kilt/whatever and a pack at the same time for instance)
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Post by Ninde » Thu May 11, 2006 10:51 pm

1)Elven Hometown
I know the elven towns are not ready yet, but I would wanna see some elven hometown implemented into game
2) More Deities
I have to admit that there are various deities in the game, but I would like to see more deities in the game, especially racial ones; for dwarves, drows,gnomes, halflings and elves. I believe they might add a bit more depth into the game.
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Post by Penryn » Thu May 11, 2006 11:05 pm

1. Imm run quests
2. Campaign groups
3. More NPC encounters

Post by Zach » Thu May 11, 2006 11:29 pm

Ellian wrote:Her whole post
What was asked of us was a list of things that we would like changed... those discussions are still up for grab... but Dalvyn asked for a list. Most of the things listed are found on the forum...

We are giving our thoughts in listed order... not really discussing them in detail

So please contenue to post your "if you could change FK" suggestions... even if they have been mentioned... i, for one, am interested to find out...

Unless I understood Dalvyn's post and read it wrong... then i should shut up

Edit: for stupid wording... and take out something that could be called "flaming" ... left in some stupid wording cause it's my fortae
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Post by Telk » Thu May 11, 2006 11:39 pm

I don't see what's wrong with explaining why you think stuff should be changed in FK, it actually helps more than a simple list. Plus, things in other threads can be overlooked, forgotten about, dropped down the list. I don't see why this thread should be policed like that.

Post by Theillik » Fri May 12, 2006 12:10 am

1. More guilds: even guilds beyond the regular guilds (i.e. fighters can become bladesingers/cavaliers/etc).

2. Rangers maimed, tortured, and destroyed.

3. Girls give out their phone numbers more.

4. Guidelines to rping for beginners, oldies, and ancients. Just suggestions to help increase rp.

5. All my characters made into gods.

6. Customized armour easily accessible. If players could give items to blacksmiths to make weapons etc..with gems, gold, etc.
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Post by Gwain » Fri May 12, 2006 1:35 am

1. Relightable lamps and lanterns that can be worn in other places than the hands like on a belt or around a wrist.

2. Make it possible for pets and minions that are appropriate to mount their owners again without the elements that were abused previously.

3. Allow for shops to only sell icly appropriate items and put a limit on the amount of times per day that a pc can sell items to a shop without purchasing something of the same value. For example, a pc is bent on selling five breast plates, let him sell the first, but do not allow him to sell the second until he has made a purchase of equal or at least half the value of what he sold. Increase the economy, but raise prices slightly and lower payouts to players so that they can sell more items to shop keepers but will recieve less coin in return but the shop keeper will have more coin to sell items and will recieve more coin when items are purchased from the shops.

(I apologise in advanced for the fourth)
4. Allow component prices to be based on the level of the character, but log when components change hands in case higher level pc wizards are employing low level pc's to purchase components for them. Make certain components more widely available in shops where it is icly applicable like npc run magic shops though certain components should be scarce because of power and rarity. make certain components findable as random events throughout the world based on their ic nature like acorns being found in a forest or salt in the sea.
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Post by Argentia » Fri May 12, 2006 2:09 am

1. I think the most positive thing that can be introduced is more imm-run RPs. They help promote player-run RPs and it's a lot of fun to not know what's coming next.(As opposed to OOCly knowing a dungeon because you're playing your fourth or fifth character =P)

2. I personally prefer the old system we had over a move to the D20, but it seems pretty inevitable for a multitude of reasons that we make the shift. But as we do, I would like to request that we pay attention to the difficulty and balance changes that occur because of this switch, and dampen them as best we can. I feel very strongly that there is a difference between challengingly fun and frustratingly difficult, and the challenge level of the mud is, if anything, a bit too high right now as is.
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