Priority changes?

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Post by Mariela » Fri May 12, 2006 4:34 am

*whistles lowly at some of the suggestions*

Man, I hope we have really adventurous coders! I barely remember enough pico to wing it! Oiy!

Anyways... my thoughts as somewhat new and delicious into the FK mix.

1) A rehaul of the help files!
I realize that everyone wants game game game! And I adore RPing with people,b ut it's really hard for new people to find information without sounding like an idiot when they ask simple questions. I am not an encyclopedia of D&D much less Forgotten Realms, and much less the ins and outs of the forgotten kingdoms. I really think that if the help files were a bit more up to date and maybe covered a bit more.. or even was adequetely available and indexed on the website, new players would have an easier time understanding little things. (LIke the new magic system.. and why one might want to use heighten spell... and how one wears equipment or even a description file!)

I really think that if the help files were more accurate and comprehensive, it would also prevent more PC deaths. I know I wouldn't have done half the stuff I did do had I found something that even hinted that it was a bad idea to wander off because Trolls are X huge averagely or that a staff in theory, and so forth. Even simple city descriptions would have deterred me from some travelling that lead me into dangerous places as a character.

I get the idea that there is some information a basic traveller would not know before actually doing it. However, I still think that the setting and the game itself is alien enough to completely new people that learning howt he computer acts is a toss enough without subracting the fact that Zhentil Keep is seriously a "1 month" walk from Waterdeep and is concidered an evil city. (Don't look 'em in the eye!)

I have found in a lot of the help files, that they are not very helpful when one has no frame of reference to the person who wrote them. After creating the script for the game, one tends to know the ins and outs of the game world, and I think that colors the perspective in such a way that it's more complicated than helpful for the new eye.

2) God Action or something! Religiocity Quests maybe?

I'd like to see either a cut down on the Gods (Sorry Ninde) or maybe a bit more action on the religion side of things.

I see so many people do such a GREAT job with their faith. I do. And I think that should be rewarded with something now and again that is not neccisarily just the computer gaining people kismet automatically cause the right person bespelled them, or because they remembered to bury a body. I do not really see a lot of the main gods out there, and maybe cause I'm new and not paying attention.. but for all the perceived interferance the Gods run in the daily lives of the citizens, it would be nice to see a bit more. RP's run by them, whatever you wanna do. Even something as basic as emailing one of the members and saying, "Hey.. you have a dream. Go get this object and give it to the Head of the Order" would be fun things. I dunno.

By the way, the whole thread about training Priests and the like, I loved it. I like the idea of learning your religion from a nother PC that is higher up in the organization. For it makes sense and gives your character some RP potential. I do not think it's a right that only Paladins should have. I think that the priests and the clerics and the ninja monks should also have some sort of training cycle, either to gain higher access to their circle's mysteries or something. It's a GREAT RP tool and should be super encouraged! (By the way, thank yo uto all who put up with Mariela's fan struck attitude when it comes to high level priests and especially the UBER Priests like the Deathbringer and the Silverstar. You guys are awesome.)

3) Lower level quests

As boring as the begining quest you do as a new character is, I have to enjoy thte fact that it was a quest that only YOU could do. you were trapped in those temple basements for so long, easily killing dummies and training up that you truly feel invicible when you come out. Only to find out that there is practically NO quest you can do by youself that is not money based.

I really do think that especially around the main start cities, like Waterdeep for example, there needs to be more mini quests. Quests that will gain some decent experiance for really low level characters that they can do on their own, fights especially, that they also learn something about how their combat system works a bit more. I will be honest. I have learned next to nothing about combating and learning how to train as Mariela until I was like level 18 and that's only cause I had people who would take me out on "Training runs" and show me around the region and help me hunt down thing sthey thought would be useful for her to know. Had I not run into someone like my first night, who was experianced with the mud, I would have been soooooo lost.

And some characters do not have the option of hooking up with another due to RP situations. It would be really nice to have two or three quests that can be safely done by one person that is like howling peaks.

Now. I will admit that I know nothing when it comes to quests. I just stumble into them, so maybe their are tons of low level quests out there for fighting type things. And I get the argument that it will not stop high level characters using the system to get some swag.. but then again, why aren't they allowed back into the temples at a certain point hmm? closing off these "easy" quests is not unheard of, afterall.

Like all my wishes, these are desires from a new soul. My opinions can change in a minute! I warn you now!

Oh yes, and umm. Selune rules! :)
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Post by Nysan » Fri May 12, 2006 6:10 am

Boredom, thy name is forum crawling.

1. A guard system for parts of Ardeep to reduce the number of evils bugging young rangers/druids.

2. MH dwarves being granted common as a starting language along side of dwarven.

3. Faith managers being considered IC common knowledge like heroes and high priests/esses.

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Two cents

Post by Raona » Fri May 12, 2006 12:18 pm

1) Vestigial and logical tidying up: Remove boats, which no longer work, remove ancient notes from the message boards, change the orc village sign to reflect current reality (no truce), stuff like that. These things frustrate newbies. I know the Imms are already WAY too busy, so pragmatically this would mean making it possible for anyone to do this stuff, or at least the heavy lifting for it, or inviting more people to help with these things.

2) Help file updates - as above, with the same solutions proposed. But within the current status quo, can a grunt like me just rewrite a help and submit it? And does doing so help the Imms, or give them one more of too many things to worry about?

Post by Yonna » Fri May 12, 2006 2:14 pm

1.)Evil Quests - They are a must. I have noticed, as many others most likely have, that it is nearly impossible for an evil to get more than 30 glory or so.

2.)Revisit Thief Class - I know there are still many considerations being made with the new spell system coming in, as well as all of the new areas being put into the game day by day, however, Thieves have been quietly overlooked.

3.) Drow allowed on surface - While this may not be important to some, it is the be all, end all to getting more drow attention on this mud. It adds a new dimension to the many-sided gem that is FK. This different kind of evil rp is very enjoyable, as well as a break from the type that most are used to.

Post by Theillik » Fri May 12, 2006 6:15 pm

I'd have to thoroughly agree with Mariela and whomever mentioned this...

Updated and detailed help files:)
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Post by Athon » Fri May 12, 2006 10:35 pm

Theillik wrote:I'd have to thoroughly agree with Mariela and whomever mentioned this...

Updated and detailed help files:)
I recall that Kregor (and maybe others) updated nearly every single spell and I think skills as well with the new spell system. A lot of new help files came in then. I would assume that the help files are probably the tedious and most time-consuming factor in terms of coding the game. It's hard to get a helpfile to cover every single topic and I think they do a wonderful job. However, I've been here for nearly 5 years or so and it might be totally different to a newer player.
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Post by Gregal » Fri May 12, 2006 11:20 pm

I would like to see added to the game.

More God-like RP's

More IMM run RP's

and last but not least some cool companies and guilds Characters can join to make it more special.
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Post by Lukon » Sat May 13, 2006 3:48 am

My only concern for improvement is that faith managers are hard to come by for many religions, and it would be nice for there to be alternate means of achieving a faith status, if those high in the faith are never available.
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Post by Lathander » Sat May 13, 2006 5:48 am

I'd like to see more players join the mud. Particularly if they want to improve their rp or are already good at rp.

I'd like to be less busy so I can do more than just check the boards these days. Sooooon!
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Post by Hrosskell » Sun May 14, 2006 3:34 pm

1) You guys employ me to be a full time player instead of a Subway Sandwich Artist, so I can enjoy some of what's already here.
2) More evils, and whatever benefits need to be added to encourage evils who can roleplay. I come from some heavy RP, and only a few people I know can actually live up to it - I can't, if the mood isn't set by other people willing to do it. So yeah, some heavy dark evil RP would be sweet.
3) An expansion of the deities. As hard as I know it is, you said what I wanted, and I would love to see a few more come in and maybe some roleplay to be generated around them.

4) (I know it's too many) A few extra slots for mundane items (someone already suggested this, I'm showing support). I -have- had to pick between an ICly acceptable scabbard and a sweet fur cape, and limit my carrying space to a beltpouch 'cause I'm paranoid about my backpack getting stolen (even if I do play one of the few thieves around).
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Post by Lerytha » Sun May 14, 2006 7:17 pm

1) Make it easier for mages/wizards to earn money. There are many nifty new spells, but it is still veryvery difficult to gain enough gold to use them.

2) Use those who cannot build/design but who want to contribute to the MUD in other ways that can help. Maybe taking over some of the 'time-eating' time? Maybe coming up with RP ideas?

3) RP/exp benefit increased greatly so those who RP a lot can gain as much exp as adventuring types.
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Post by Tretch » Mon May 15, 2006 1:52 am

1) Some kind of time limit placed on positions of merit for players that obviously go MIA (HPs, etc). This of course does not apply those that also happen to play alts, etc... but imms have access to that info. Some characters are just obviously gone.

2) An EVEN-ing out process that gives evils the same opportunites as good(quests, trainers, IMM RPs... when is the last time a ZK RP happened?? How about that ZK fair in the works eh?), thus creating a better envoirnment for more evil players. Tis my opinion, but I think its a large portion of why so many don't play evil, or play them for about a week... before returning to their good characters :D

3) And this one actually should go first. Less friggin whining from players :D Especially that Algon guy.... I hate him so. haha
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Post by Algon » Mon May 15, 2006 12:39 pm

1) Total banishment of all players named Jake :p
2) I completely agree with the more evil RP deal....but I seem to remeber about a month or so back that there was an IMM run evil RP planed and Kaer was the only person to show up. So I can see why they IMMs seem to not want to initiate RP for evils....when they try nobody seems interested.
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Post by Dalvyn » Mon May 15, 2006 1:12 pm

Just a short answer to people requiring more this and that for evil characters.

First, about evil roleplays, as Algon wrote just above, I posted about opening Sasszrin to a group of evil characters, and only one of them showed up.

Second, about having more evil guilds / quests / areas / whatever, ... the answer has always been, and is still: get in action. There was no evil fighter guild, till a player made the effort to build one, now, it's in. There was no evil bard guild, till a player made the effort to build one, now, it's in. That's the same for everything. The main rule is that builders build what they want to build, we don't tell them "Now, you have to build this kind of area, because we need it, even if you do not feel like creating something like that."

Third, about trainers, ... I posted a few months ago to have a list of missing trainers. I got very few answers (maybe 2 or 3) and added the missing trainers. As for the new spells, I ask the builders not to put any of those in their areas, so I can add them myself, and, when I do add them, I make sure to add both a good and an evil trainer.

So, for most of those things related to "evil not having access to as many things as good", stop wasting time blaming builders and imms, and instead apply to build the missing area, the missing quest, and so on? And "I don't have time to build" or "I cannot build" or "I don't understand code" are no good excuse: just pair up, or group up with other builders/coders; you can gather up to build the area.
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Post by Lathlain » Mon May 15, 2006 3:08 pm

In fairness, the thread was started to discuss what the players would change about the game if they could. Noone here has whined or blamed anyone for the lack of anything, and I believe they have valid points regardless.

It is true of course that building is largely down to the player-base. I have recently been working on my first area in fact, and will confirm that it's a lot easier (And in fact a lot more fun :P) than I'd first expected. I'd heartily encourage anyone else to take it up, especially if you've got good ideas regarding areas that should exist but don't.
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Post by Meekir » Mon May 15, 2006 10:27 pm

I agree with Mariela, on several points:

1) Low level quests,

2) help on the help files,


3) Easier to do skills, spells, and especially trades.

I am completely new at muds, and I would have given up on this game if not for a group of friends who invited me in and encouraged me to stick with it. I'm happy to meet such a helpful, social group of RPers, but I still get frustrated being lost and stupid.

It's not encouraging to hear that you can't go anywhere on your own, or accomplish anything on your own. It seems purposefully impossible to find the skill, spell, or trade I would like. The impression I get as a new player is that the game is meant for a group of players that already knows where to find everything and how to do everything. I understand the game is for experienced MUDers and is roleplay focused, but it is very discouraging.

On the flip side, I enjoy the player base and STs. You guys rock. The more roleplaying, the better. But people aren't on all the time, ready to chat, ready to party. I just wish I had something (or knew about something) I could do on my own.
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Post by Taerom » Tue May 16, 2006 1:09 am

  1. Stat checks on quests or other things should either be based on modified (not base) statistics, otherwise almost all of them should be lowered. They are too demanding at present.
  2. I very strongly support an evening process between good and evil. Two entire wizard guilds are unavailable to evil characters. Flying mounts are basically unavailable to many of the "evil" races.
  3. Evermeet, Baldur's Gate, Calimport be finished.
  4. Prestige classes be implemented.
Edit: I didn't read all the replies. A change was made.
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Post by Kilak » Tue May 16, 2006 3:17 pm

I know these aren't priority changes or anything, but I do like the idea of them.

1) Sizing. Dwarves in all the RPGs I've played in are considered Medium creatures. It feels silly for my dwarf to be going around with a Large Gleaming Battleaxe which I had to resize down to small so I could use one-handed. Half-orcs I've always thought were 6 some feet tall.

2) Change the Mithril Hall specific dwarven feat that allows medium weapons one handed to a regular dwarven feat not location specific. If Dwarves are increased to medium, then the feat wouldn't be necessary.

3) I definately agree with the people bringing up the starting quests. Being able to get a character's feet wet (early XP) is nice to be able to do without much combat.

4) Mundane slots. I liked this suggestion a lot. I know I've had to deal with this on my Dwarf. He has to choose between wearing a pack or his axe (weapon) harness.

-edit- fixed grammatical error
Last edited by Kilak on Wed May 17, 2006 12:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Basic Quests

Post by Mariela » Tue May 16, 2006 7:57 pm

The reason why I like the idea of basic quests, that are like super known to most everyone, is that it makes me paranoid to ask someone to help me knowing that they would probably die in the attempt.

Does this mean that I think that low levels shouldnt' be taken on teh whole "Round everyone up and go" quests? No. Absolutely not. Mariela wouldn't be ANYWHERE in terms of strengths if I hadnt gotten clotheslined into going on some massive Round 'em up Quests. But for that to work for new characters, you have to have one of those Round 'em ups once a week or more. That is how high I've noticed turn over to be. And the turn over lately, has been that the old characters are dissapearing, so who is going to start the round em up?

I just like the idea of knowing that the begining quests are, "The Begging Wall" in the NE corner of Waterdeep, and looking at someone with plain clothing and ask them if they have heard rumors of this ghost in that corner of Waterdeep and sending them there without my help. kinda give the new adventurer a job to keep themselves in shape ect. And also give them a chance to explore a bit.

By the way, thank you to those who just walked up to Mariela first thing and helped her out when I was in my "I have no idea" phase in the game. When I kept getting lost in Water deep and was killed by a snake like two days after I started her. *laughs* You guys are peaches!
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Post by Amalia » Thu May 25, 2006 4:09 am

I don't know how this didn't occur to me earlier: Quest repair. It is my guess that IMMs spend a fair amount of time fixing bugged quests. As such, if there are known issues with quests that can be fixed to avoid further bugging, it would (I imagine) speed up the entire updating process and give IMMs more free time if those issues were addressed early on. I'm not sure what exactly the issues with these quests are code-wise, so I'm not sure if they are fixable, but if so I think it would definitely be a good idea to have at them.
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