Priority changes?

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Post by Teyn » Tue May 30, 2006 12:56 pm

Sorry to go and add to things again, but...

Over the last couple of days, it's really stood out how some combinations of equipmnet are impossible. For example, it is, i should imagine, very reasonable to have a quiver on the left of your belt, a scabbard on the right and a money pouch (spellpouch/etc.) somewhere in the gaps. However, it just doesn't let you. And it is strange that one should be able to wear a pack with something such as a scabbard or harness on their back, but you cannot have a pack and another thing like that on at the same time. For example, you couldn't have your bow on your back (on a harness or whatever) and a pack.

So, if it's possible, maybe something could be done to the back in particular, so you can have more than just a pack on?
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Post by Dalvyn » Tue May 30, 2006 1:18 pm

There is a "back" location that should eventually come in, though hard code support is not fully in yet, as far as I know (that is actually what caused some crashes recently, because a few "worn on the back" objects made their way into the mud while it was not ready for them).

Once the location is in, we will need to go through all the areas and add the option to wear packs and similar things "on the back", while will take some time, for sure.

Post by Zach » Tue May 30, 2006 5:13 pm

maybe bows could be 'shouldered' where it is not on the back... but over the sleeves or something so one could wear a pack as well
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Post by Teyn » Tue May 30, 2006 10:51 pm

Ooooo, I like the shouldering option - afterall, that's what y' do...

And thanks for the info Dalvyn :)
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Post by Nysan » Wed May 31, 2006 1:14 am

Mmm, like tossing a saddle bag over your shoulder next to your pack. Similar to how Adon and/or Midnight carried the tablets of fate through most of two avatar books. Interesting thought. Always hoped for more container areas. Used to play a mud that allowed knowledgable tailors and armorsmiths to craft container type items for all wearable locations from a few simple pockets on a sleeve to full blow cargo type pant designs and neckpurses. Would go along way to help those little pack-rat characters. :)
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Post by Hviti » Mon Jun 05, 2006 1:30 pm

These are kind of wizard/priest focused, but:

1. Counterspell: What's the status on this? Is it still bugged, and if so, possibly a fix?

2. Items that used to give + mana transition to + spell slots: Yes, there are a few hundred/thousand of them and checking each would take a while, but being able to use them eventually would be nice.

3. Some sort of channel in game (like the old BUG command) which would allow people to report where quests bug up and why, one which would eventually be read by the builders for possible fixes (I assume this is sort of what quests at is, but I was hoping that an in game command could be seen by the imms, who could, if they had time, then help whoever had the problem - and this would be separate from question because only imms would be able to help with a truly bugged quest, so if it went through question it would just spam NC members). I kind of want to propose this so that quests might have an avenue dedicated only to fixing them; they are often one of the most rewarding (Rp and otherwise), so, IMO few things are more frustrating than a quest getting snarled up.

Hope that wasn't too long winded

Edited to take out the @...never know when a spammer troll's going to search the forums...
Last edited by Hviti on Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Glim » Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:58 pm

Well, finally decided to post.. lets see, wont give much reason as I think they are self also sure they are nothing new and are being worked on, but this is just a list of priorities... :)

1. Fix existing bugs upon the mud.

2. Add new spells from the new system onto trainers.

3. Add hometowns or fix other problems to get new races unavailable into the game.

Thats about it at the moment, thank you for at least taking the time to read my opinions. :)

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Post by Cret » Thu Jun 08, 2006 6:23 am

1) Id have to say an overhaul on the Help files. Lots are still baised on the old code, Ie. Meditate. This would also include a typo finder. "Help cure" Would bring up: Did you mean? Cure critical, Cure serious, Cure light. But for other things. Help M. Help files containing the letter M.

2)I believe strengthening the Diety Team, adding assistant DMs, would fall in Most important catagory. While we do have Awesome Team. They are not always present, willing, or able to run fully active Rps.

3) I would like to see more activities in guilds. We have some, just no real interaction. Harpers - Zhents. Or Thieves guilds.

These are things I hope to see change, but understand we have select few people behind the curtins. And I thank thoese for the effort they put forth to alow us to have fun. Wich is why we are playing.
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Post by Hviti » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:22 pm

Cret wrote: Id have to say an overhaul on the Help files. Lots are still baised on the old code, Ie. Meditate. This would also include a typo finder. "Help cure" Would bring up: Did you mean? Cure critical, Cure serious, Cure light. But for other things. Help M. Help files containing the letter M.
I don't have anything against this idea, but I'd just like to point out that asking for a list of helps containing the letter M would probably be massive. Perhaps words, as in the suggested "help cure" yielding a list of "cure ___" spells would work better. Excellent idea...perusing the helpfiles is very useful for newer players, and while it is very while set up, searching it in game would be helpful (though there always is the help on the website for that).
Last edited by Hviti on Fri Jul 14, 2006 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Isolrem » Thu Jun 08, 2006 11:18 pm

except the game has no way of distinguishing a word (unless you mean to erase only the one-letter searches, which doesn't really do that much).
a certain search syntax could certainly be developed so people don't accidentally type "search m" and get spammed that often.

e.g. search @"string" searches for all files containing the word or words in string and lists their titles

search $"string" searches for all files whose titles contains the word or words in string and lists their titles

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Post by Teyn » Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:10 pm

It's not important... But I was wondering if a coder could fiddle a little to allow you to draw into a particular hand, like when wielding.

If it's more than a few seconds worth, nevermind, it's only really to save fiddling around.

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Post by Hviti » Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:23 pm

If you are dual-wielding, you can already do so, it just takes a bit more typing. For instance, if I have a "black sword" in a plain scabbard and a "red sword" in a blue scabbard, and I want the red one in my left hand and the black in my right, then I would type "draw red blue" first, then "draw black plain" (The tricky part here is finding the correct combination of keywords; for instance, if one had a black embossed scabbard and a black leather scabbard, one might have to try a few different words befor figuring out which keywords actually designated each scabbard uniquely). Now, if you have different weapons or different sheathes, it's much easier (e.g. draw whip loop, draw sword scabbard).

One of my alts has a bunch of sheathes on him -- I just played around with different ones until my two favorite weapons drew first to the hands I wanted them to go to (This is easier than it sounds, given the amazing variety of sheathes coded - all you have to do is explore and try a few out).

Now, sheathing weapons can be a bit more complicated, depending on whether you want to type out the containers' names and whether the code recognizes your scabbards as different objects (this is more of a problem when you have ones with matching keywords, as in the black embossed and black leather scabbards). In that case, if you don't use any keywords (e.g. "sheath longsword studded"), the LAST weapon drawn will be sheathed in the FIRST scabbard drawn from. Ok, here's an example of that. My character draws a sword to my left hand from a scabbard, then a whip to my right from a loop. If I just type sheath, the last weapon drawn (the whip) will be sheathed in the first open sheath (the scabbard) -- which doesn't make IC sense, or return the whip to its original place. To return the sword first, to the first open sheath, the scabbard, I would just type "sheath -sword keyword-". Then I could simply type sheath to return the whip to the last open slot.

In fact, if dual wielding, the keywords are only necessary once in sheathing, since one slot remains after one weapon is returned (unless you're carrying around a bunch of empty sheathes). Drawing necessitates two uses of keywords only if you have more than two weapons in scabbard/inventory, otherwise it needs only one.

Frankly, it's much easier to just use "sheath -weapon keyword" "sheath keyword", unless you have a lot of matching sheathes (say, 4 or 5 black/leather ones) which is quite possible, given the aforementioned variety of objects.

If you're wielding one weapon and nothing else, I'm afraid I don't know any way to specify hand =/ (Though I'm not a coder, so that's not authoritative or anything).

Post by Zach » Sat Jun 10, 2006 12:30 am

Oh... got an easy one i just remembered *against my will*

The priest in the undermountain... that warns you about the dangers...

Could we have him not cast... anything... he is the one who everyone has a problem with... and instead of worrying about the code right now... just have him stop...
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Post by Lorion » Sat Jun 10, 2006 5:40 am

About the drawing of weapons..wouldn't it be ok for you to just use two commands? you can "get weapon scabbard" and then "wear weapon left" or something. Unless i remember it wrongly this should actually wield it in the hand that you desire. And forgive me if there are other drawbacks to this syntax that i didnt just think of now..i'm playing a wizard, no fighter..who needs weapons anyway? :p

Post by Zach » Sun Jun 11, 2006 4:53 pm

your weapon when wielded is auto to go to the left hand... unless it is a 2 handed weapon
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