Changing the process of dwellings

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Post by Zach » Sat Jun 24, 2006 5:20 pm

how about a few resedental places in the city... Different priced homes in different resedental locations... nothing too fancy... just a long row or a few branching roads with dwellings in them? A few in the castle ward for the higher priced range (or kismit range or whatever is decided on), a few in the north ward in the eastern side... We could do the same for the other Cities like Westgate, Zen Keep, and Silverymoon.

That is.. unless we don't want the size of Waterdeep to get any bigger

EDIT: Room descriptions... no problem... you need them? i'll send them...
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Post by Gwain » Sat Jun 24, 2006 10:09 pm

What about rentable rooms in a Hostel with a cubby for items you can rent for about a month rl and then you'd recieve an echo telling you to go to the rentmaster and reclaim your things after the time period by returning the key? That might be hard to code, but it could be interesting.
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Post by Hviti » Sat Jun 24, 2006 10:40 pm ... rage+space

The whole temporary storage space idea was discussed (and kinda shot down) in that thread.
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Post by Dugald » Sun Jun 25, 2006 12:26 am

In another mudd I played, they had coded residential areas - where entire "blocks" were pc homes. It wouldn't be as neat as having your dwelling someplace with a little more city/wilderness relevance, but it sounds to me like it'd be easier to do.
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Post by Felgar » Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:22 am

I know i am probably a little late with this reply but here it is anyways....I have to agree with the kismet/coin/glory setup it would make it more even for all players.....but I also seen in the post about setting different cost for different areas, Why not set a base price for a dwelling (I.E. Fred the Hobbit wants a Inn in WD) He pays base 100 kismet/200 platties/50 glory...then the price of each room an so forth (Then Dwarven folks pay for a shop in Settlestone) Base price 150 kismet/250 platties/75 glory)
Just a thought....

As for myself I have applied for a dwelling an it took over a year for a response....I then was told to wait which I have done so quietly (I have horaded my coin for sure) an knowing that dwellings have been closed an had a long list I have been buying my time for it to open

On another note, people who have had a strike (1) but have long since been removed an are now more into RP than anything should still be able to aquire a dwelling (IMHO)....but once again I am only one person
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Post by Dalvyn » Tue Jul 04, 2006 12:24 pm

Just a reminder (I posted about it in another thread), that the person who was in charge of the dwellings does not seem to have much interest in the mud currently, and so all the previous applications were lost. Things will start anew once we have defined exactly how it is going to work.

A few more comments:

- The addition of building will be done online. That means: get your descriptions ready in a text file, from where you can copy/paste them to the game.

- Adding dwellings will be relatively easy. Adding special mobs in dwellings might not be possible though (that means, no personal smith, no shopkeeper and thus no dwelling shop, ...) at least in a first time.
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Post by Lathander » Tue Jul 04, 2006 3:58 pm


Once all strikes are removed it is a clean slate, always has been. Any delay in getting a dwelling is not because a player "once had" a strike.
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Post by Hviti » Wed Jul 05, 2006 1:01 am

Dalvyn wrote:- Adding dwellings will be relatively easy. Adding special mobs in dwellings might not be possible though (that means, no personal smith, no shopkeeper and thus no dwelling shop, ...) at least in a first time.
I'm a bit confused by this part...I always thought that dwelling occupants (at least shopkeepers/guards/servants) were hired...and thus were not "added" per se to dwellings - one had to go out and hire them. Does that mean that those mobs out there for hire cannot be hired w/o builder intervention, or does that mean that mobs such as golems and "special" shopkeepers such as bard or component ones cannot be placed without such intervention?
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Post by Dalvyn » Wed Jul 05, 2006 2:12 am

That's right, but those mobs have to be put in game BEFORE they can be hired; and they need to be set in a very specific manner. That's where the problem lies.
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Post by Nysan » Wed Jul 05, 2006 4:47 am

Ahh, no new shops in Settlestone in the near future then. Understandable, but still a pitty.
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Post by Dalvyn » Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:12 pm

Here's what I suggest to use as a dwelling system for now. It's not as objective as I would have liked but, well, I think it's worth testing it. Before people start screaming about favouritism, I want to point out that - as I have always stated -, I called this system "less than perfectly objective" because there might be some negative subjectivity (rather than positive subjectivity, i.e., favouritism).

(Feel free to skip this paragraph if you don't want more precision about what I mean by negative subjectivity). To take a concrete example, that means that I have my pet peeves. Some that you might know: twinking, harrassing players, spreading IC information on IRC, abusing bugs instead of reporting them, and so on... That means that if you do one of those things, then your dwelling application might be refused for no clear and objective reason. At least in the first version of this system.

So, the system that I would suggest we try for a while:

1 (Conditions) - Applicants must have at least 1500 accumulated kismet, and at least 500 hours on the character who is applying for a dwelling. [Those numbers might be changed later, they are guesses] The applicants must also have roleplayed recently (that means interacting with others, not just popping in, or keeping to themselves while bashing mobs or questing).

2 (Application) - Applicants send a mail to giving details about the dwelling they would like. Useful information at this point would include:
- name of character (+ hours spent on this character)
- name of account (+ accumulated kismet)
- desired location of dwelling
- type of dwellings (house, mansion, wooden cabin, palace, halfling hill dwelling à la Lord of the Ring movie, tree-top house, ...)
- number of rooms and rough map with the room name [at most 8 rooms, plus 1 treasury/storeroom]
- special furniture and objects (fountains, statues, benches, ...) [see below]

3 (Answer) - The answer might take one of the following forms:
- No way. Application refused. (+ comments, perhaps)
- Not for the moment. Plus indication as to what is required (more roleplay, less twinking, more interaction with other players, more involvement in the major events, ...)
- Yes. Plus indication as to what would be expected ICly from the characters (seek out ranger managers if you intend to build in Ardeep, get an approbation from at least three watch members if you intend to build in Waterdeep, seek out the IC help of four dwarven miners if you intend to build an underground mansion, and so on). The answer will also include the price of the dwelling in coins (it will depend on the kind and location of the dwelling).

4 (Building) - If the project has been accepted, you are supposed to send in another mail with all the room descriptions, the object descriptions, and so on.

A note about objects. Only objects that you can interact with through hard code have to be coded as objects. That means: fountains (you drink from them), benches (when typing 'sit benches', your pose is automatically set), and so on. Other objects (e.g., paintings, tables, bells - that require special programs) can be simply added to the room description. It is also possible to add a special description for them (obtained when people type "look table" or "look painting") without adding them as "real" objects. You can only have at most 10 objects (including a key).

Feel free to send an application as described above if you apply. Keep the text somewhere handy, in case we decide to change the whole system and you need to re-apply later in another form.
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Post by Dalvyn » Tue Jul 25, 2006 4:54 pm

Mail headers To make it easier for me, please make sure that your application mail has

Dwelling: (character name) - (account name)

as topic.

Post by Zach » Tue Jul 25, 2006 7:55 pm

Dalvyn wrote:Mail headers To make it easier for me, please make sure that your application mail has

Dwelling: (character name) - (account name)

as topic.
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Post by Felgar » Tue Aug 15, 2006 9:34 pm

In understanding the whole dwelling situation....Dwarves are not currently allowed to have a shop?....but may be able too at a later time? an would one send in the email for said dwelling at this time?
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Post by Lorion » Tue Aug 15, 2006 10:27 pm

As far as i understood it, Dalvyn would love to have people make shops, only he doesn't know how. To do this you need to have a shopkeeper NPC, and he hasn't worked out how to put these in game (yet). This is the problem as far as I understood it.
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Post by Felgar » Tue Aug 15, 2006 10:29 pm

now i understand but to not be dropped to the bottom of the i put in a app for a shop/dwelling?
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Post by Lorion » Tue Aug 15, 2006 10:51 pm

there I can't help you unfortunately
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Post by Kelemvor » Wed Aug 16, 2006 10:10 am

Apply and include the shop in your submission. The shop room will remain empty until we figure out shopkeepers, but it will be there for when we do.

In the meanwhile, you can always run your own shop ;)
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