Dwarven Moot

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Dwarven Moot

Post by Moradin » Thu Aug 24, 2006 12:31 pm

It’s been said o’ late that I be more at me adventurin’ than the kingin’ and mebbe I’ve took to letting things slide a bit here in the Halls.
Bein’ as how tis mostly the durned priests tuggin’ their beards and muttering at me I guess I have to be takin’ note.
Best boot forward though, eh? I reckon if I show willin’ and see to doin’ a bit o’ the rulerin’ they’ll be havin’ less to grumble about.

Anyroad, the point to be makin’, be that there’s goin’ to be a Moot up here in the Halls come the break o’ Winter. Plenty o’ dark ale and some decent food that’ll stick ti yer ribs, mebbe a bit o’ singin’ an’ dancin’ too.
All the Clans o’ the Halls be welcome an’ don’t be forgettin’ those lads an’ lasses out on the roads or a workin’ down in Deepwater. No point to havin’ a Moot if there be none to enjoy it.

I’ve got most of them clerics seein’ ti clearing up the Gathering Halls and settin’ ‘em a’right for this little do so things should be keepin’ peaceable for a tenday or two. But mark me words, they’ll be at their grumbling again if the Moot don’t go well. There’ll be trouble if you lets me down, or I’m a bearded gnome.

Waes hael!

Bruenor, Eighth King o’ Mithril Hall

Signed in blocky dwarven runes and marked with a wax seal bearing the Foaming Mug symbol of Clan Battlehammer.


moot - an assembly of the people in early England exercising political, administrative, and judicial powers.

The meeting will take place inside Mithril hall on the evening of Sunday August 27th or Monday August 28th from around 10pm British Summer Time. We'll firm up the exact day depending on the level of interest shown in this thread.

http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/f ... c=0&p1=136

This will be a general meet and greet for all dwarven players and a place to discuss matters of the faith, matters of trade, craftwork within the Halls and any other burning questions or problems that are particular to playing a dwarf.
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Post by Birgit » Thu Aug 24, 2006 12:39 pm

Cousin Bruenor be taskin’ me wi’ o’erseein’ yon gathering. He’s nae stooped ti havin’ me sweep floors yet, bu’ likely tha’ll come if’n I stops ti take a breath.

I ain’t much fer socialisin’ but I wants to encourage all o’ ye lads an’ lasses o’ the Halls ti round up all o’ yer kith an’ kin an’ bring ‘em along ti the Halls fer the mootin’.

It be a rare chance ti look o’er matters o’ the faith an’ see ti hopefuls o’ the All Father. Ye misses owt, it be on yer head.

Birgit Battlehammer, Forgesmith o’ Moradin

Feel free to post to this thread: to specify a preference for the date of the meeting; to note a particular topic you would like raised; or just to let folks know that your dwarf is still alive and well.
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Post by Brar » Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:08 pm

Tatll be a good ting ta be here so well be here wit te Derissa whenever itll be.
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Post by Eltsac » Thu Aug 24, 2006 1:12 pm

Aye, ah will be dere, watever day it be. It will be good te see some ot'er Lads and Lasses.

Derissa Silvershield
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Re: Dwarven Moot

Post by Japcil » Thu Aug 24, 2006 3:56 pm

Moradin wrote:This will be a general meet and greet for all dwarven players and a place to discuss matters of the faith, matters of trade, craftwork within the Halls and any other burning questions or problems that are particular to playing a dwarf.
I take it this is an OOC meeting? Or will some parts be IC as well?
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Post by Moradin » Thu Aug 24, 2006 8:38 pm

The meeting and all topics raised will be IC. Topics posted here that can not be dealt with ICly by the faithful I can deal with on a post by post basis.
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Post by Belose » Fri Aug 25, 2006 6:00 am

Braeck will be there on either day. Just post the day here.
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Post by Sirys » Fri Aug 25, 2006 6:50 am

If Ah kin find the Halls, Ah'll be there fur meeting ma cousins

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Post by Moradin » Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:43 pm

We'll go for Sunday night for our little shindig, mainly because that gives us the option to carry it over to the Monday whichever way the turnout goes.
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Post by Japcil » Sat Aug 26, 2006 9:28 pm

I wont be able to make it on sunday until 2 hours after is starts so perhaps we could have a few people log it and post it here.
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Post by Lysha » Sun Aug 27, 2006 5:11 am

Yeah, I won't be able to make it until 5 hrs after it starts ><

Y'all have fun! :)
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Post by Brar » Sun Aug 27, 2006 12:13 pm

IRL coming in the way, not sure if we can make it tonight or not.
Your friendly house-elf,
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Post by Moradin » Sun Aug 27, 2006 7:36 pm

I'll be around tonight and tomorrow. Those who can come along are most welcome. Even if numbers are insufficient to make something substantial of it, there's still fun to be had by the lucky few.
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