Player Run RP Announcements

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Post by Japcil » Wed Sep 13, 2006 3:03 am

Attention People befriended by Pheobe:

Pheobe has fallen ill to some sort of poison and is in need of your help. The poison remains unknown to all but Talona, Goddess of such. I have begun to study a potion that should restore her to her natural self. But we both seek your help.

Fresh Gem Powder is needed. Along with a brightstone that has been buried under the moonlight of a holy night to Selune. Two vials of holy water blessed by a priest of Ilmater. And the rarest of all, A vial of dragon blood. I ask that Vezain said lover of Pheobe to contact me in Golden Oaks and visit his lover in the Lucky Drunk Inn. Pheobe asks for her lovers help as well as her friends in overcoming this disease sent upon her.

Japcil Kawalk, Priest of Garl Glittergold

OOC:There is no set time for this roleplay if you would like to be involved feel free to introduce yourself to either or, most likely myself or Vezain since Pheobe is ill. The day of healing will be scheduled upon preporation of all items and announced here so other may be online.
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Post by Geneveve » Fri Sep 15, 2006 3:49 am

OOC: I just found out I am leaving town tomorrow (Friday) and will not be returning until sometime on Sunday. So unless Pheobe is cured tonight, everyone will just have to consider her to be in a coma until I get back. . . sorry for any troubles. . . just leaves more time to look for the cure :)


Post by Gregal » Thu Sep 28, 2006 6:42 pm

Cities across the kingdoms lack the proper display of news.

Griggs Brierfeet sends out word to all aspiring bards, or scribes, or heralds that he is in search of bards to collabrate to write within the newspaper of the kingdoms. Please send post, or contact him directly if you wish.

OOC: Alright the time has come to get a better prespective on the realms, And I want to give the oppurtunity for other players to play a bard, or herald of some sort. This will also help out with spread of ic happenings. Entering into this great time where the imms are going to be doing plots and the many characters devise plots, I ask for some aspiring bards or already bards to step forward. Please send me a PM if you wish to be apart of this, I would like to collabrate with all the bards to put together one nice paper every two week IRL.
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Post by Scylere » Sun Oct 15, 2006 4:31 am

Personal invitations are sent out to all the friends, old and new, of Mariela and Daylahn Aroha. Sunites, Selunites, Lliirans, and followers of Haneli are especially welcome.

Daylahn is throwing a surprise party for Mariela, celebrating their four year anniversary. Bring an item of food! (Mari likes candy:D)

To add to the festivities, bards, musicians, painters, sculptors, and other artists are invited to share their works of art related to love, beauty, and passion.

This lovely event will be located within the Temple of Beauty in Waterdeep.

Don't tell Mari! It's a secret!

OOC: Here is the time for the party! Please come and bring friends! Bards and artists are especially welcome!! ... ec=0&p1=64
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A letter marked URGENT posted throughout the Kingdoms

Post by Daediana » Thu Oct 19, 2006 3:51 pm

*a large piece of parchment is pinned up to the post of every town baring one for information... the words URGENT lie across the top in big bold letters*

To the friends and family of Lorekeeper Kladian Sandail:

It is with great regret and saddness that I bare this new to you all. Lord Kladian had been ill for some time now, and is losing the battle quickly to his illness. It is requested that all who cared for him gather quickly in Waterdeep at his wife's quarters in the Temple of Selune. He is being guarded and watched over there by the priests and priestess of both the Binder and Selune. There is not much time! Please come quickly!

With Great Saddness,
Loremistress Daediana Jacobs of Oghma
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Killer Puddles

Post by Geneveve » Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:40 am

A few things have happened in Waterdeep within the past week that everyone needs to be made aware of. The first thing is a recent invasion of some strange demons. I have heard some people call them mane demons..or something of that sort. When they are killed they leave behind a pool of goo.. Now, if this pool of goo is not disposed of it will regenerate into a new demon and new pools of goo will pop up in various other places. The only way that has been found to get rid of the pool of goo is to pour a vial of holy water over it. So all citizens are urged to carry vials of holy water with them. If you do not have one or do not know where one can be found then ask around.

My second reason for writing this note was to let everyone know what has happened recently in regards to helping Ardeep. Recently a group went to Hartsvale to visit the a runemaster (Basil is his name I think.) to talk to him about the kinds of runes that would be needed to be inscribed on the four focus points that are being worked on. Basil did agree to create the runes to help our efforts. While this group was talking with Basil about the runes, another group was back in Waterdeep where we were talking with Felagos. He was telling us about what would need to be done after
the metals were collected and the foci created.

Felagos is the one in charge of casting the spell upon the foci that is going to keep the demons contained within Ardeep, he informed us that he would need wizards to help him with the spell as it would be very
complicated. He will need one wizard to stand with each foci and help perform the spell, as well as several warriors to protect each wizard from the demons that will surely be trying to stop the process. I have vounteered to take the position at one of the foci so we will need atleast 2 more wizards along with Felagos and myself as well as warriors. But I think the more people we have to help the better. If you are interested in putting yourself in one of these positions please let me know.

Also we would like to ask someone that knows something about how much metal we have and how much more is needed to give us some numbers. So someone like Raona perhaps who has been dealing a lot with the collections of the metals could let the rest of us know some exact numbers if they are available so we will know what else we need to get accomplished. That seems to be the piece of information most people are looking for at the if someone could shed some light on that it would be nice. Felagos also mentioned something about the types of metals that were used not being that important, but if there were metals to symbolize each of the races..that might work better.

I think that summarizes the happenings of the past few days. Please do not forget to pick up and carry holy water with you.

Geneveve, a mage of Mystra

OOC had no idea where to post this..just thought it was too long for the feel free to move it elsewhere..
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Post by Japcil » Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:36 am

Word travel through Waterdeep:

It is heard that a gnome dressed in all gold has made a stand in the market square against those who protect the laws of the city. While butting heads with a Hopeful of Tyr he has forsaken all ties with those of the city 'cept for the few he calls true loyal friends.

Rumor spreads also that any he butted heads with may be wanted for crimes againt will of the clerics of the prankster. It is warned to stay from this crazed gnome unless an eternity of silence and irresistible dancing is wanted.

A closing statement was heard by a wandering bard 'This city may be better to go to the demons, perhaps they would enjoy the dullness this city has created itself with its laws ... I shall not return until someone puts a stop to the laws against laughter!'
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Westgate Carnival Road Show

Post by Meekir » Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:12 am

Gyspy merchants, paperboys, and wandering troubadours throughout the Kingdoms colour the streets with posters announcing a special event at Westgate Carnival.


Spectacle, Artistrie, Exotic Ware & Fare

FEATURING... Llewis bin Llewsaan, Bard of the Southern Reaches

An Event for All to Enjoy!

2 Gold Entry for the Day

OOC: Sunday, November 19, starting at 6pm U.S Central (Chicago) time. See below for the fixed time.

All characters are welcome to come to the Carnivale. Player character merchants, artists, performers of all kinds, especially gypsy and exotic-themed, are invited to ply their trades at the various tents in the Westgate Carnival. If you want to assist the barding main attraction - dancing, drumming, acrobatics - PM me for details. ... ec=0&p1=64

I hope to see you there for a lively gypsy carnival event!
Characters: Llewis bin Llewsaan the Bard and Meekir Friendshield, Priest of Garl
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Post by Daediana » Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:34 pm

Llewis I am officially mad at you! I so wanted to go to that but I have plans for this weekend... ones I've had for a month... *plots ways to get back at you on Rictinta* :P butthead hehe
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Post by Meekir » Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:02 pm

there will be more events for people who can't make it this time... but I'm hoping lots of audience and performers can come and enjoy a big party.

it would rock my socks to have some people interested in doing palm-reading, magic tricks, games, whatever you like to add to the RP.
Characters: Llewis bin Llewsaan the Bard and Meekir Friendshield, Priest of Garl
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Post by Daediana » Mon Nov 27, 2006 4:29 pm

Well at the next one, I would love to help out just let me know... I'll try my hardest to not be busy for that one
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