Finding a dwarf's faith in FK.

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Finding a dwarf's faith in FK.

Post by Nysan » Sat Apr 22, 2006 8:07 am

Well, I've been back playing regularly for a while now. Most of my characters have been dusted off and I think I have a mild understanding of the changes during my little vacation from FK. Time to fill in a few blanks on some characters and further their RP lives. On to the point of the post!

In FR, there are various dwarven deities to follow and even occassions when dwarves paid respects to the deities of their race but wore the symbol of and worshipped other gods (green beard, druid fellow from various Drizzt adventures comes to mind).

Would it be necessary for a player to put in a request to applications email addy to get his/her dwarf in the faithful of a non-Moradin in FK? From what I can tell, the long-term dwarf population is still as small as it was when I took my time away and not one I know of wears a symbol besides Moradin's so I'm rather curious.

Not asking about a deity that would require some unique RP reason to be, like Drizzt's green druid friend. But Gond or Tempus for example, similar to dwarf nature and not a big stretch of the RP.
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Post by Kelemvor » Sat Apr 22, 2006 8:26 am

For those races with their own deities - that is elves, dwarves halflings and gnomes - the general FR rule was always that priests would be expected to follow the racial deity whilst other classes could approach non-racial deities.

There has been flexibility in the past, for example with elves following nature deities, but I am not aware of any dwarven priests being allowed to follow a deity other than Moradin.

Applications are required for non-coded deities, but again the expectation for a dwarven priest would be that any non-coded deity would be a dwarven one.

The question you raise is one that may bear looking at though, so if your character is a priest and you wouldn't mind making yourself a test case, please apply to giving details of your character's background and your reasoning behind their following a deity other than Moradin.

If the character in question is not a priest, then you do not need to apply, merely track down a faith manager of the deity you are interested in following.

For others interested in the answer, I'll post here once the Imms have had an opportunity to discuss the matter - either on the basis of Nysan's application or as an in general kind of thing
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Post by Nysan » Sun Apr 23, 2006 7:13 pm

Only dwarf character I have is not a priest. (A fact I regret regarding practicing certain trades.) But I have been considering making a second dwarf in the near future to test out the char-gen changes since I last made a character. I'd be happy to put a new character up as a test subject for this kind of thing. :wink:
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Post by Kilak » Sun Apr 23, 2006 8:23 pm

My dwarf Kilak openly wears the holy symbols of Haela Brightaxe, Clangeddin Silverbeard, and Moradin in the form of tattooes on his body. I'm not a cleric, so it doesn't make any difference in game, so I haven't gone about asking to have them added. Been talkin' about them however when discussions of gods come up.
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Post by Leohand » Tue Oct 03, 2006 7:32 pm

I myself have been considering making a dwarf cleric, hoping for Clangeddon Silverbeard, but since the dwarf I have doesn't have infravision, I'm hoping to sort out why that is and if gold dwarves have it and shield dwarves don't. Infravision, that is.

Edit : My dwarf does have infravision, he doesn't have low-light vision, which is what I was thinking of.
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Post by Moradin » Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:16 pm

Forgive me if I misunderstood that.. but you were originally saying that you wanted to make a dwarven cleric but werent going to if he didnt get infravision...?

I'm so disappointed *sniff*

As per the posts above, a dwaven priest wishing to follow other than me would be best supported by an application. I dont have so many active followers that I can afford to hand new ones off to Clangeddin or that boring old stick Dumathoin
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Post by Leohand » Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:35 pm

No, I am going to make a dwarf cleric. What I meant was, I wanted to resolve which types of dwarves had infravision, but I was thinking of night vision, see? So I thought for some reason my shield dwarf didn't have it. But since I just had the definition of infravision wrong, I'm going to make me that cleric. Of course, I have me some ideas of following an uncoded diety, Clangeddon Silverbeard, no offence.

Edit: I just thought of something. Can a cleric follow an uncoded deity? Hmm. That's an important question to answer right off I suppose, lol.

Edit again: Would it be difficult to like, copy the stats and everything for a cleric of Moradin, same abilities and all, and have the only difference be the name besides diety on the score sheet? I know that kind of thing, at the very least, would require an application, but can it be done at all is the question.
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Post by Talos » Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:06 pm

You may, indeed, follow an uncoded deity, but, as you said, it requires an application to do so. What benefits and drawbacks are entailed in the following of an uncoded deity can be found in the 'help uncoded deities' helpfile.
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Post by Leohand » Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:32 pm

What alignment is your character?
(A) Lawful Good
Dwarven priests must be lawful good in order to follow Moradin.
Anything else would require a special roleplay application.
Special roleplay applications for non LG dwarven priests are not being taken at this time.

Normally Clangeddon prefers his priests to be Lawful Neutral, but it says they aren't taking applications, or at least the programming says that. Since you are a deity, would I be better off to wait to make my cleric, or should I make it now, and if I do, can my alignment be changed to LN if my application is accepted?
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Post by Moradin » Wed Oct 04, 2006 8:33 am

I'll try to be definitive this time

Normally a racial priest would follow the relevant racial God. It is possible for cleric characters to follow another, but this should be supported by an application.

Any character may follow an uncoded deity and this is requested via an application.

An application which covered both of the above would be quite rare, but is not impossible. Likely the racial deity would have an opinion on the application.

In your case, Dwarves are limited in choice of alignment by the expectation that they will be following Moradin - hence all dwarven clerics are created LG.

An application can include a request to change alignment, though kismet costs will apply to any alignments which bear a cost at creation. (So no applying for a NG Waterdhavian to become a CE Zhent unless you have enough kismet to have done it that way yourself at start).

Write your application and send it in BEFORE creating the character and indicate why your character will be a Lawful Neutral cleric of Clangeddin. If your creative talents are up to it, write a background or introduction to give us an idea of how this dwarf will be roleplayed.

If you have any further questions on the process, or about dwarves in general, feel free to PM me.
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