Debate: Do people level up too quickly?

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Post by Leohand » Mon Oct 09, 2006 3:37 am

Ninde wrote:People might choose to roleplay in different areas then Square in Waterdeep. Just a sidenote :)

Well, I'm still pretty new, but I always thought that the square was the place lots of people go to meet up. Yes, I know they go to other places too, but not as many, right? So I thought my odds of meeting someone to rp with would be better if I waited there. And besides, had I wandered too far off someone might have come and I'd have missed them, and I really was in a mood to rp then.
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Post by Ninde » Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:34 am

Leohand wrote: Well, I'm still pretty new, but I always thought that the square was the place lots of people go to meet up. Yes, I know they go to other places too, but not as many, right? So I thought my odds of meeting someone to rp with would be better if I waited there. And besides, had I wandered too far off someone might have come and I'd have missed them, and I really was in a mood to rp then.
It totally depends on your character's roleplay. Rangers hang out in their encampments often, or evils would prefer to spend their times in Westgate or Zhentil Keep. Mostly yes, Waterdeep where roleplay and groups starts, but no, some roleplayers don't spend any little time in the Square.
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Post by Leohand » Mon Oct 09, 2006 3:12 pm

I was playing a non-evil Dwarf. Going to a Ranger Encampment for no other reason would not be in character. I had a reason to go to Westgate, to pick up an item for a quest, but I personally don't know where it is or how to find it, and neither does my character, and anyone I met there I probably wouldn't want to role-play with. lol, only because a lot of them are evil. So the Waterdeep Square seems the only meeting placeI can go to.

Post by Taeron » Mon Oct 09, 2006 4:18 pm

I am still very new to all this, but can't evils also go to Waterdeep? So you never really know you are rp'ing with a evil unless you have some divine magic to detect such. I just consider everyone neutral until they prove to be evil or good. And as for leveling, I am really glad I read this forum because it makes me think before I go onto the next level.
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Post by Leohand » Mon Oct 09, 2006 4:28 pm

That is a good question Taeron. I'm not sure evils can get passed the guards. I mean, there's a goblin that's not even evil that has a hard time getting in. I suppose, since the non-evil goblin can get in though, that evils can too. Actually, the evils normally come in through the Undermountain, but not to shop, normally when they come out it's with no good in mind. This is my observation, I may be mistaken.
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Post by Rhytania » Mon Oct 09, 2006 5:07 pm

Leohand do you really think that or where you just joking? Truthfully some of us evily characters really dont sit around and sneak into WD just to cause hate and discontent.
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Post by Leohand » Mon Oct 09, 2006 5:11 pm

I did say I may be mistaken, after all, but every time I've seen people in Waterdeep that were desinitely evil they were causing quite a ruckus. But I said I could be mistaken, because lets face it, can I really know if a person I just walk past on the street is evil?
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Post by Aran » Mon Oct 09, 2006 5:15 pm

Thousands of drow amassing an army in the underdark
Forges burning, weapons being made
Then they march hundreds of miles to the surface and when they get there they come upon an army of humans
And the human are like "So you come to fight?!"
The drow "No! We heard you were having a sale on black linens!" "We need towels!"
Last edited by Aran on Mon Oct 09, 2006 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Leohand » Mon Oct 09, 2006 5:19 pm

Aran wrote:Thousands of drow amassing an army in the underdark
Forges burning, weapons being made
Then they mark hundreds of miles to the surface and when they get there they come upon an army of humans
And the human are like "So you come to fight?!"
The drow "No! We heard you were having a sale on black linens!" "We need towels!"


THat is just sooooooo funny. Did you make that up?

And sorry if I offended any evil peeps.
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Post by Tortus » Mon Oct 09, 2006 5:25 pm

Alignment has nothing to do with whether you are allowed entrance or not.
Certain rare races like goblins and orcs get tossed out if they're encountered in the city, or if they're trying to walk past the gate guards.

As for the Undermountain bit, the only entrance is atop Mount Waterdeep, so evils would have to go through Waterdeep and down into UM before they could come out of it. :roll:

Also, I think it's a very small percentage of the evils who go into Waterdeep who do so with immediate ill intent. Most are probably headed into UM, while others may just come to lurk around in the market.
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Post by Aran » Mon Oct 09, 2006 5:27 pm

Tortus wrote:As for the Undermountain bit, the only entrance is atop Mount Waterdeep, so evils would have to go through Waterdeep and down into UM before they could come out of it. :roll:.
Well that's not true at all...
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Post by Leohand » Mon Oct 09, 2006 5:38 pm

Tortus, I believe you are mistaken. Isn't Skullport beneath the Undermountain, and can't you access the Underdark from Skullport? If there's another way into the Underdark, and I don't know that there is, then there's another way to Skullport, and another way to Waterdeep. Alright, you may be right, but I can't see Orc's getting all the way to the Undermountain unless there's another way into it. I've spent a lot of time in the deep and never saw an orc crossing the city. I guess you can't really say how it's done though, lol, as that would be in character stuff.

Post by Zach » Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:02 pm

There is other ways to get into the undermountain that does not involve Waterdeep...

Evils can and do enter waterdeep... most of them do not cause a racus on their own

as for the tobic at hand...

People level up on their own... most people (a good handfull are new) level up right when they get to the point where they can advance...
Some, like to stay low to train up skills/spells/RP while being low... are they tweekers... no, they want to stay at the RP advantage and state they are in... to get comfertable with the new areas they are and can explore on their own or with a group... much can be done in the middle levels that most ignore because they race to 50 for no reason other then to be 50...

They level on their own accord... no one/thing is stopping them from leveling when they reach 100% exp and can level.. and why should something stop them? As long as they RP and are having fun!

I think alot of tweeking stopped when you were not able to lower your stats below average and put them into ones that "count" code wise...
The leveling up of skills has lowered due to the level difference of you and the mob
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Post by Leohand » Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:15 pm

All the skills count code-wise, some more then others for different classes. Dexterity is importand for rangers and rogues, and not so importand for wizards and priests. Intelligence is importand for wizards, wisdom for priests, and charisma for bards. Unless you are a rogue or bard, there's little use for charisma, but even still, it does something, it helps you to negotiate favorable trades. A high Intelligence helps you to speak a language better, and wisdom helps you to gain skill experience faster.
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Post by Lathander » Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:24 pm

Can we PLEASE stop sharing IC info. PLEASE!?!

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Post by Zach » Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:31 pm

Lathander wrote:Can we PLEASE stop sharing IC info. PLEASE!?!

sorry :halo:
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Post by Charissa » Tue Oct 10, 2006 12:33 am

Unless you are a rogue or bard, there's little use for charisma, but even still, it does something, it helps you to negotiate favorable trades.
:shock: *gasp* Yes, those fellow bards are quite gorgeous, but don’t forget our hard-working, irresistible Palys! Paladins need Charisma too and of course charisma has more use than just for them. Any character, of any class, needs Cha if they thinks they look good! :wink:

:D Though, back to the main topic. I wanted to put in my one, two, and maybe even three cents...
Exer wrote:This thread makes it look like twinking is an epidemic on FK.

Just a thought.
I would have to sort of agree with Exer here. Of course we would like to make the “twink” number vanish, but that is likely never going to happen. There will always be those that find sneaky ways around codes and whatnot. And those are the people that are only hurting themselves. Leveling up to quickly as a “twink,” is depriving them of all the nice juicy rps a lot of people get to be included in. I believe you know a good rper when you rp with one. Once, “twinkers” get up to their highest level or whatever else, by achieving their goal they will get bored.

I also think Valdimyr took my thoughts right out of my mind.
Valdimyr wrote: I wouldn't put too much work into any type of system to stop twinks from power leveling. They benefit nothing at all from doing this, accept a hard reality that they are level 50 and have the skill level of a level 10. It would be rather embarrasing I think to look at my skill list once I was level 50 and still see apprentice stamped all over it. Twinks will be twinks and you shouldn't really prevent a system to stop them, but instead encourage them to slow it down and pace theirselves.
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Post by Mele » Tue Oct 10, 2006 5:00 pm

This is really bothering me..

Why is it a bad thing if someone levels quickly if in the end they only have level 10 skills? They're not bothering you. They're not zerging areas, they're not killing you.

Why do we care??

Why do you CARE that sonso is level 50 but you're only 30 because you RP? Great!! Focus on that RP! Worry about YOU.

I don't think Dalvyns intent with this topic was to make it the twink hating thread. Infact he never mentioned twink at all. Is someone who gains levels quickly really a twink? Because their character has levels but no skills? I always thought a twink was someone who only worked to max their skills, then use them to be superior.

There are far worse things people do besides gain levels at their own pace.
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Post by Kirkus » Tue Oct 10, 2006 5:58 pm

amen sista! There have been Years, count 'em years, where I was stuck playing at 1:30, 2:00 in the morning when noone used to play at that time. What did you have to do BUT level. You can't explore too much because if you die, your stuck for hours with nothing to do. Now me, honestly I somehow got into the habbit of rping with mobs, call me wackie but its actually saved me from time to time. But my point is that what does it matter if a fighter levels really quick. He still will have to go and take the time working on his skills. And here is a concept.... that might be fun for some people too! Gasp! Do we have to call them a twink just because they want to be online and doing something when there aren't options for rp. Now if that same guy who likes the feeling of accomplishment he gets from gaining a new skill actually has some background to his character and rp's when there are people he wants to rp with do we still have to call him names?

Now if some guy blazes through the levels and maxes out his skills just to go lord it over everyone then sure call him a twink, but leave the rest alone.
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Post by Lukon » Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:17 pm

I'd like to rally behind Kirkus on a point.

Please, for the sake of a polite and inviting environment for current AND new players, can we stop the twink witch-hunt? A flagrant twink will receive the fury of the IMMs in due time, especially if they start picking up complaints. But when I see a vast number of the threads and mechanical changes designed to 'counter-twink', despite any real or imagined IC costs, I start to worry.

Some people prefer RP over all else.
Some people prefer a balance of RP and mechanical accomplishment.
Some people just want to stick to themselves and have a mechanically strong character in the event they feel the urge or are forced to RP.
None of these people are bad.

It's only those that equate a mechanical advantage to the right to be obnoxious and overbearing OOC that generate a problem. And these people are not as large a group as the 'hunt' would indicate, in my experience.

I have no intention of offending anyone with this, but at times, the RP community of FK comes off a tinge paranoid.
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