Stephanie (Geneveve, Pheobe, and others)

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Stephanie (Geneveve, Pheobe, and others)

Post by Dalvyn » Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:25 am

It is with great sadness that we learned that Stephanie, the player behind Angus, Brea, Dorinia, Geneveve, Karis, Mitsy, and Pheobe, passed away on Sunday night (December 3rd 2006) from severe cancer.

If you want to write a few words about her - especially if you knew her better than only through the game -, please use this thread.
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Post by Dalvyn » Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:32 am

I only knew her through some of her characters and did not put in as much time as I would have liked into roleplaying with her, but I have always enjoyed interacting with her or watching her roleplay. Every time I saw her, she was performing some enjoyable roleplay, not only for her, but also for other players. Her roleplay was far from self-centric, and she was always trying to share it with others; and, as a result, making the mud more enjoyable not only for her but for other players as well.

You can never fully know a person through internet but this behaviour, to me, shows that she cared about others. And that is how I will remember Geneveve.
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Post by Tandria » Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:38 am

I didn't know her outside of the game at all, but I very much enjoyed roleplaying with her when I got the chance. I remember questing her as Tandria, and the dedication and energy she put into all her RP. She will be remembered in and out of game for bringing fun and new energy to FK, and she will be greatly missed.
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Post by Mele » Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:44 am

I also did not know the player out of game at all.

I always appreciated roleplay with Geneveve. She was someone I could enjoy both spectrums of rp, good and evil. She was an excellent friend to Alize, it will be a great IC loss for Alize to no longer see her. Ever wonderful was she a foe to Daunyelle. RPing with her was some of the best good to evil RP I've had in my time on FK.

Not enough it can be said, she will be missed.
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Post by Scylere » Tue Dec 05, 2006 8:00 am

I've never had a friend that I had never met in person. Almost a year ago, my character Kamn met Geneveve and I began to talk to Stephanie. We are very much alike and we became fast friends.

If you think her characters were the nicest characters ever, they only scratched the surface of how nice the real person was. I often tried to convince her to create a evil character with me, but she was just too good.

We talked on the phone, we sung songs together, we talked about the loves in our lives, we talked about the problems, and stayed up hours to be with each other when we needed it. This past year, we both needed each other more than I can say.

The girl was 21 and she had more degrees than we could count, math, business, sign language, nursing... She taught kids and deaf people for fun. She was so smart and so excited to learn and live life. She loved people so dearly and her family twice as much.

I won't go into how much she has been through in the past year, and you probably wouldn't believe me if I told you. Yet, through it all, this girl gave me hope, this girl made me smile when I needed it. She remained happy and content in life with what she had. She blessed others around her, was there for anyone who needed her, and continued to smile and laugh.

She was dying. She knew it, but she didn't take from other people. She gave and she gave and she gave. She loved and she loved, no matter what people did back.

Her last words about me were about a girl I had just met "I hope she likes goofballs and treats them well, because I would hate to have to go to Canada and give her a Texas sized lesson." She was wishing me well, while her pain killers gave out. I wonder if I could ever do that.

She died peacefully and happily, in the arms of the man she loved, whom had recently asked her to marry him. She's an inspiration to everyone. She survived cancer once when she was younger, and prolonged it several months more than she was expected. I personally believe it was because she chose to love and be content in what God gave her. She trusted God with her life and gave herself to what she had in life. It makes me step back and see that so many things in life just aren't important as others.
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Post by Mariela » Tue Dec 05, 2006 8:04 am

Stephanie I will miss.
She was always up for doing "something." It did not matter if it was just sitting around a table in character shooting the breeze or if it was helping someone who was having a dickens of a time finishing up a quest. If one of her characters couldn't help you, and she wanted to, she made sure that one of her characters could or she could find someone else in the game to get them involved. If you were bored, she had a solution. If you just wanted to clear a quest and you just couldnt' do it alone, she knew who to grab and she just went!

And if you were just being silly, Stephanie was right there with you.

Some of my favorite memories were of her out of character humor through her characters. Here's an instance: Both Mariela and Pheobe were obessed with pink. Pheobe especially after Vezain gave her the pink ring. I remember being able to help Caelyvar on a quest with the Pink Sultan and keeping passing some of hte pink armour to Pheobe so she could dress up in it.

Cause it was just... PINK!
The pink jokes were so awful that Pheobe, Caelyvar and Mariela talked about trying to find pink bandanas to wear into battle cause it obviously helped chanel damage away from people. When Mariela and Pheobe died a few hundred times during another quest, they determied it was because of a lack of pink.

We laughed so hard. It was just.. in the end we had a whole pink bag full of pink things for Pheobe to wear. (And she emptied it out and it had nothing but pink in it to horrify anyone who looked into it!) It wasn't the point of the quest but it was just the idea of seeing other people's horrified faces when Pheobe showed up wearing even more pink than humanly possible. It was about the color joke more than anything.

Stephanie, like Pheobe, loved jokes. You could just tell. All her characters had this zany sense of humor that was undeniable. No matter how craptastic you felt out of character, she made you laugh. If your character was having a bad day, they weren't after you ran into her.

From what I have known of Stephanie, she did not have a good life dealt to her. She had friends, and the like, but fate really enjoyed her company just as much as the rest of us did. I know I for one am glad that she is no longer suffering as she had been. I am doubly glad she was able to share her jokes and her joy with us for the time we were allowed to know her. I know I am going to miss being able to call up on one of her characters at a moments notice and just go out and have an adventure.

Miss you Stephanie, and I'll catch up to you on the next leg of the quest. *winks at the sky* I'll even bring the PINK!

And for those who knew her better than I did, at this time, I am sorry for your loss. Please feel free to IM me or PM me if you need someone to just listen. I have really great ears and let me know if I can do anything for you.
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Post by Lukon » Tue Dec 05, 2006 11:47 am

Pheobe and Co., from the beginning of my FK experience, have always been there with a smile and a kind word (even to Estriana, who rarely deserves it...) Stephanie made my gaming experience not just fun, but also warm and alive. I wish I had known her better. Then again, the good in people carries over, and maybe that's what counts.

Light shine on, Stephanie, on all paths you tread, and on all tracks you leave.
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Post by Gwain » Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:41 pm

I did not know Stephanie outside the mud, but I knew her characters and had the pleasure and privilege of rping with them on several occasions. Always positive in character and outside of character, she was very positive and kind. I know few words that I can type here that could even begin to do her justice as a character player and role-player, but for me like everyone else I have met here or role played with here, she filled the world with a sense of place for several characters simply by taking the time to listen to us, sit or stand with us or travel with us. To me, the saddest thing in the world is when you know for sure someone is no longer there, I will never forget the time, effort and dedication of Pheobe, Mitsy, Geneveve, Dorinia and her other alts or Stephanie herself. It was an honour to stand in the realms with you.
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Post by Larethiel » Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:46 pm

To hear that Stephanie passed on saddens me more than I can say even if I did not know her that much like I would have wished to.

I loved playing with her and her charcaters, for they were amazing and had this wonderful sense of humor Mariela already mentioned. I remember Mitsy, freaking the hell out of Larethiel with all this glitter she had and wanted to put on him and all the fun we had together while adventuring with both Pheobe and Geneveve as well as what she called her "girly talk".

While doing a quest or so, she'd always manage to get one of her other characters to know that you were in the need of help and she'd come and jump to your side.

It was so relaxing to just sit or stand around with her, doing nothing but some roleplay among characters being friends. I will dearly miss her presence.

Even only through her characters I got the impression of a very kind-hearted person, always helpful and willing to aid if you were in the need of support.

Gen, your sneaky ranger will miss and remember you and I'm sorry that I could not get to know you better.
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Post by Jaenoic » Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:50 pm

It is with deepest regret that I admit I never got to know her or her characters the way I wanted to. I always noticed her characters and wanted to RP more with them, but I suppose it wasn't in the cards for us.

Nevertheless, reading what I have read about her it seems obvious what a wonderful woman she was. She has obviously made a lasting impression, and a loving one at that, in our little community here. And with that, she will continue to live on with us and with our memories, in the best, fondest way possible.

It makes you stop and think about the person behind the character. It makes you stop and think about yourself.

I'll remember her, and the obviously compassionate example she set. But most importantly, I'll learn from her.

Stephanie, if you're the true FKer I know you are then you're still browsing the forums right now instead of doing something you're supposed to do. :wink: We'll miss you dearly.
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Post by Ceara » Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:22 pm

I didn't know Stephanie oocly, and I wish I had. All of the characters she played that mine interacted with were very nice, even my evils didn't really want to hurt them. Her characters were the only ones who truely cared about my good char, even though they didn't know her that well.
I never really know what to say when someone passes. I had no idea she was sick.
For those of you who knew her oocly I'm deeply sorry for your loss and hope that her spirit has found a wonderful place. I have lost people to cancer and it is always painful but no matter how much you know it's coming and how it might be said that they weren't in pain anymore and don't have to struggle. It doesn't make it any easier. At least she had a chance to say goodbye.
I didn't know her oocly, but I'm sitting here crying. Those who knew and loved her, I'm deeply sorry for your loss. I wish there was more I could do than just say that.
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Post by Nicolya » Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:53 pm

I didnt know her outside the game at all, nor did I know who all she played. As I look at this list, two or three names stick out as important people in helping me to enjoy the game.

Any words I can say, feel hollow. I didnt have the time to know her like many of you who did. I still feel though a profound sense of sadness. For Stephanie was a wonderful asset to the game. The type of player who is truly going to be missed. A type of player that all of us I think can learn something from.

I am going to miss her greatly.
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Post by Daediana » Tue Dec 05, 2006 4:59 pm

Stephanie always knew how to make you laugh. It didn't matter how bad your day was, or what you were suffering ooc... the second you stepped into FK and bumped into one of her characters... you would instantly get a smile to your face.

I remember the first time I met Pheobe... I was just sneaking back into the game, and trying to keep a low profile... but she pulled my goofy personality right into a character I never intended her to have, because Stephanie knew how to get inside of a person and pull out what they needed. I disappeared for awhile, and when I came back she had started an rp where she was poisoned... she brought so much to the game, and so many people loved her. Every day I would go in there to sit there and keep her company, a dozen and a half people would come through just to check on her, and sit with her, because she was loved. She showed her love for people, and her unwillingness to judge by the way she interacted with certain evils. She even tried to break Rictinta out of jail one night, because she thought it was an unjust reason... She cared dearly... She was sweet, and the innocense she brought to life and the game and the beauty of friendship and truly caring... was profound

Geneveve will be missed in my rp too... we had just started a little banter and war between my evil and her to have some fun with it, but I couldn't keep it up because she was just too sweet, and I remembered what Pheobe would do, and I just didn't want to harm her characters! You couldn't! You loved her that much!

Dorinia I didn't even know she played... but now it makes sense... I was on Daediana one night... and I was in the lowest of moods, Pheobe disappeared, and Dorinia showed up. The way she growled and ran around as a halfling trying to scare people... and dancing to a song I wrote about her just changed my entire day... I had never laughed so hard in the game...

Stephanie... you will be greatly missed... when I was told a week ago what was going on, I couldn't believe that life could be so unfair to someone with so beautiful a soul... reading what Scylere wrote above, just really enforces who you were as a person. I will pray for you each night, and pray that one day we will meet again, perferably in a heaven with handsome men, beautiful fantasy clothing, sharp pointy objects, horses, and the fantasy land we all love in FK... We will all miss you... and all feel a profound loss... I pray for everyone ooc for I know what it is like to lose someone as precious as you... Good bye Stephanie, and may our paths meet again.
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Post by Shabanna » Tue Dec 05, 2006 6:52 pm

Gwain wrote: To me, the saddest thing in the world is when you know for sure someone is no longer there
I do not think anyone could have said this better... It is sad and selfish... that we will miss her :( but, for some of us who believe there is more to this life then our time with our feet treading the earth... we can take comfort in the thought that she will go on to a much better place where pain medication is not the rule and her spirit can be free of pain and angst. I feel for her fiancee and friends and those who loved it is they who need strength and support now...her suffering is done. I pass along my condolences to those who knew her well oocly. Honestly, I know this is a difficult time for you all. :( *hugs*

She clearly touched many here... and was a joy for all who had the chance to RP with her :) ( myself included) She will be missed in many ways...
Fondest regards....
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Post by Maybel » Tue Dec 05, 2006 8:44 pm

I would like to add in that whenever I saw Pheobe logged on... 90% of the time... (if i was not in the middle of pressing RP) i would log off without another word... just a bye... and log onto Katiena...

The RP Kat and Pheobe had was unbelievable... no matter what... it just was...

I wanted to stop playing kat but the RP i had with Pheobe just wanted me to stay on... I took a whole new path with Kat that I never ever thought she would be taking!...

I would have to say... hands down... she was by far... the best role play I have ever had in the game... I would miss her when she wasn't on... and couldn't stop smiling or laughing when she was...

No, i did not know her IRL... but her personality shown through in Pheobe... even it it was only slightly... I will never forget the RP time I spent with Phoebe...

Thank you Pheobe... and may God take care of you just as well as you took care of others...
You will never be forgotten..
In memory of Stephanie
and the best damn RPing I have ever had!
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Post by Kregor » Tue Dec 05, 2006 9:45 pm

I only knew her Phoebe ICly, as Pheobe, and Geneveve. Both Kregor and Rozor have had their times of RP with Geneveve, and both characters were a joy to RP with, in the limited occaisions that I did so.

I think it speaks volumes, her going away post on the player status board. She just said she was having to stop playing for circumstances beyond her control. She didn't want pity, or to trouble everyone's heart, she just wanted to say goodbye. I gather her IRL life, from my perceptions, and the stories of others above me here, was very much like her IC life as Geneveve and Pheobe, fun, high spirited, and kind.

My heart goes out to those who are her friends in our group here on FK. I know it's hard to lose someone close. And I'm never really good at situations like this...

Well wishes on your journey home, Stephanie.
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Post by Ninde » Tue Dec 05, 2006 10:38 pm

I am staring at my computer screen for long hours..since last night I heard the event. I am not sure what to write- I feel like whatever I put on words would be such nonsense who are relatives and friends of her.
We had spent good hours together with Geneveve, and I still remember that moments fondly when I look back. I just wish I would spend more time roleplaying and giggling with her, but seems too late now.

I want to offer my condolences to all whose's been friends, relatives and family. You are very lucky for getting to know such a young woman with full of life and passion.
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Post by Raona » Wed Dec 06, 2006 12:19 am

Dorie (Dorinia) had a way of breaking into the most serious of situations and making light of it all...even a stoic like Raona would smile at her antics. I can only hope Stephanie managed the same feat IRL. Here's to Stephanie, with a smile for what was, acceptance of what is, and hope for what shall be.
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Post by Rennick » Wed Dec 06, 2006 12:42 am

I sort of feel like I cannot add anything more to what has already been said. I did not know Stephanie outside of the MUD...but I always found her a delight to RP with. Pheobe, Geneveve, and recently Mitsy in particular were always characters that I very much enjoyed seeing on the who list, and always made things more interesting when I happened upon them...even though, for the most part, our RP was mostly just conversational in the Square and such things. Anyways, I can't add much more on what others have said, but I wanted to write something because she really seemed a good person and I am very sorry to hear what happened. My prayers and best wishes to those who knew her.
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Post by Forgoil » Wed Dec 06, 2006 4:57 am

It's me Vezain...I haven't checked the forums in a long time and all..but whoever started this...thank you so much for doing this..seriously. Anyhow she was the best friend I ever had IC seeing as of how we were going to get married. I remember every time I would log on I would look on the who list for her name. She was always willing to do whatever she could in the best possible way. I talked to her over msn all the time and even when I had problems then she would help me oocly. I am truly sorry that I could not have met her in person. I..just don't know what to do you know? I mean..I'm mad because there was no way I could help because all I could do was talk to her over messenger. The day before she passed away...we were talking and she didn't feel too bad about it or overly sorry for herself. She just accepted it the way it was and didn't make a fuss. She, in her actions, is an inspiration and the way she always treated me with kindness and respect..that hole in my heart where she was and still is will never be replaced.. She was a Christian and I am glad to know that I could meet a sister in Christ like her. I will always remember her and never regret saying anything to her and always remember her kind, helpful, and comforting words to me and all the fun I had with her. Now that she's gone I'm glad to know that she died in her fiance's arms and was content that she was with the people she loved when she so sadly passed away. And now..I know that she will be waiting for me with the heavenly host when I leave this world and join them. I will always remember you Stephanie and I do not know how to express my feelings in any other way..Thank you for being there and never complaining about what was going on around you even though you were deathly ill. You will always be remembered and eternally missed. We all will...
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