Will you be bringing in other elven deities for following?

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Will you be bringing in other elven deities for following?

Post by Penryn » Mon Oct 27, 2003 5:57 am


I was curious of something for possible rp for the future. I noticed that there is a shrine to Sehanine Moonbow in the game. She is a major elven diety, and considered by silver/grey/moon elves to be their "mother" in many ways. Highly reveared and embraced. I was curious if there is a chance she could in the future become a coded diety choice for elves to follow another aspect of elven religion. As a deeply religious race, she would be a great second god to add in if not Angharradh. She is after all Goddness of the Night, Starlight. She has her own faith and even Oracles.. A major power almost as much as Corellon in many communities specially Evereska as most moon elves do their ceremonies and government meetings at night

Oh wells.. just was a curiousity .. :)
rper of
Penryn, Priest of Corellon and Annoying Gold Elf