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Post by Lerytha » Tue Dec 26, 2006 6:35 pm

Waukeen is returned, and trade once again flowers. A blow has been struck in the heart of an Abyssal realm. Yet our travels took us not only to the Abyss, but to other planes of existence. To an infinite staircase connecting each and every plane where creativity lies, we travelled. And on our travels, we gathered to ourselves possessions which none of Faerun will ever see the like of again. Yet would it be fare, to keep such possessions for ourselves?

So it is, that we announce an auction.

It shall take place in a little less than a month, in the auction house of Waterdeep. Proxies may bid, for those races that are not permitted access to the city of Splendours.

Abyssal weapons, souvenirs from other planes, books of rare and antique knowledge, spells to be scribed by my own hand... the list is great. Come, come to the auction, and see for yourselves a small glimpse of the wonders we have seen.

(OOC: will update this with a time, later)
If you have knowledge, let others light their candles with it.

--Sir Winston Churchill

"This place is boring, I'm gonna go eat whatever I can find laying on the ground"

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Post by Lerytha » Wed Dec 27, 2006 3:42 pm

Preliminary time, subject to change: ... sec=0&p1=0

Curiosity in the coming auction has come far and wide, even from those people and creatures not normally welcome in the city of Waterdeep. For this reason, I am publishing a list of the items that might be sold in the auction. Allow me to stress that this list is very much subject to change. Some items may be withdrawn, others may be added. This is merely to allow those who must use proxy bidders to examine what is on offer. Minimum bids have been placed at each entry. The items will not generally be sold unless this minimum bid is met, though of course on the day it might be decided differently.


Entry # 1

4 x a glowing purple mushroom

Scraped from a deep cavern beneath a volcano, where the ceiling was covered in these fungus. Poisonous to eat, but filled with a strange pulsating light that never seems to run out, perfect to replace those unreliable torches.

Minimum starting bid: 1 platinum


Entry # 2

2 x a large pink egg

Below the demonic city of Zelatar, in the Abyss, there rested a colony of harpies, which we entered unknowing. Fighting our way through their caverns, we discovered these eggs, fascinating relics of an adventure. When cooked, it is said they can heal many wounds.

Minimum starting bid: 2 platinum


Entry # 3

a mug of Baatezu Blood

A curiosity, an insight into demon culture. In every tavern across the thrifold realm of Azzagrat, they were drinking these mugs of blood. A perfect display piece for the enterprising collector.

Minimum starting bid: 1 platinum


Entry # 4

( 2) a piece of elemental ice (perfect)

Behold, a remnant souvenir of the Paralemental Plane of Ice, where ice elementals did seek to drag us to an early grave. Yet as we sliced them apart, they left these pieces of ice. When placed on your tongue and swallowed, even the most chill blasts of the north do not feel so cold.

Minimum starting bid: 3 platinum per piece


Entry # 5

Three tablets, perhaps more, that when broken bring about different effects, either of flight, healing or invisibility. These were seized from the treasure trove of Maretta herself, a favoured demon of Graz’zt, the demon prince, himself.

Minimum starting bid: 5 platinum per tablet


Entry # 6

a silver tiara set with three abyssal heartstones

A tiara taken from the brow of a fallen alu-fiend sorceress, who sought to prevent entry to the chambers where awaited a champion of Graz’zt. Perhaps two of these exist in the world.

Minimum starting bid: 10 platinum


Entry # 7

a circlet of electrum

A circlet of electrum gifted to us to allow us to bypass a particular golem. Now, it remains only as a relic of our adventure, but also as a rather beautiful artefact for the artistic connoisseur.

Minimum starting bid: 2 platinum


Entry # 8

2 x a viperwood greatclub

Within the underground complex where Waukeen herself was held captive, guards awaited to destroy us. Their weapons are crafted from the hard, cruel wood of the dark forest Zrintor, and these are amongst the only two viperwood clubs in existence, perhaps three or four at the most.

Minimum starting bid: 5 platinum


Entry # 9

3 x a huge ice club

Upon the Paraelemental plane of ice, strange creatures and the fell, icy winds sought to end our lives. Yet we prevailed, and brought with us these clubs crafted from pure ice. They will never melt, for they are too cold, and hard enough to be a vicious weapon.

Minimum starting bid: 5 platinum


Entry # 10 and # 11

2 x a broad steel greatsword with iron barbs
4 x a sharp steel dagger with short barbs

Within the Counting House of Maretta, where Waukeen was held captive, Graz’zt’s elite guards waited for us. We slew them, and their weapons became ours. Forged from Abyssal steel, with cruel barbs designed to inflict the most pain and damage on a foe, these are the perfect stocking filler for a weapon enthusiast.

Minimum starting bid: 15 platinum per greatsword
Minimum starting bid: 8 platinum per dagger


Entry # 12

9 x a gleaming steel sabre with a bamboo hilt

Deep in a swamp, the hag Ligatha made her home. Protected by an army of lizardmen fighters known as khaasta, she preyed for years on many adventurers, allowing her to equip her lizard soldiers better than most Waterdhavian guards. These sabres are forged from an otherwordly steel, bound by bamboo grown on another plane. Only nine of these are to be sold in the auction, making them amongst the rarest blades on Faerun.

Minimum starting bid: 6 platinum per sabre


Entry # 13

1 x an impressive steel meat cleaver

Near a portal to the Negative Energy Plane, we encountered an inn filled with the undead. We cleansed the terrible place, and in its kitchens we found this massive meat cleaver. A wickedly sharp weapon, it would be devastating in the hands of a skilled axe-wielder and is the only one of its kind on Faerun, forged from otherworldly metals and used in who knows what strange planar recipes.

Minimum bid: 5 platinum


Entry # 14

2 x a thick vest of vrock leather

Functional yet beautiful, these vests are woven from feathers taken from vrock demons that managed to displease the demon prince. These vests are the perfect accessory for anyone with a taste for odd clothing that still is stunningly woven. Abyssal craft is, though evil, amongst the best known to us.

Minimum bid: 5 platinum


Entry # 15

15 x a star-shaped shield with a green eye symbol

Deep in a swamp, the hag Ligatha made her home. Protected by an army of lizardmen fighters known as khaasta, she preyed for years on many adventurers, allowing her to equip her lizard soldiers better than most Waterdhavian guards. These shields are crafted from otherwordly steel, and are emblazoned with the symbol of the hag Ligatha.

Minimum bid: 2 platinum


Entry # 16 and # 17

1 x a spiked metal shield
2 x jet-black spiked armour

The champions of Graz’zt that sought to protect his stolen goddess from us were amongst the most skilled warriors in all the planes. And, to match their skill they carried impressive armaments. This shield is crafted from Abyssal metals, but is also spiked to make it an implement extremely dangerous to foes. This is the only one of its kind in all Faerun. This suit of armour is crafted in the fires of the Abyss, granted to only the finest of demonic warriors. Adorned with cruel spikes, it provides unparalleled protection and happens to be one of only two suits of this armour in all Faerun.

Minimum bid: 10 platinum (for the shield)
Minimum bid: 60 platinum (for the armours)


Entry # 18

5 x a black leather cap with a green eye symbol
5 x some black leather armour with a green eye symbol
2 x a black leather belt with a green eye symbol
3 x black leather boots with a green eye symbol
4 x black leather sleeves with a green eye symbol
4 x black leather leggings with a green eye symbol
4 x black leather gloves with a green eye symbol

These fine black leather pieces of armour were taken from the khaasta fighters of Ligatha the hag. Perfect for the aspiring rogue, ranger or merely a connoisseur who wishes to wear some of the rarest clothing in all Faerun.

Minimum bid: 2 platinum per piece


(Possible) Entry # 19

Throughout our journey we encountered many weird and wonderful creatures. The Warden of Corellon has obtained many skins and hides from these beasts, with the intent of crafting armours from them. Some of these may, depending on his decision, find their way into the auction. I emphasise that there is no guarantee that any of these items will be in the auction. It is fully up to Janon of Corellon whether to include them in the auction.


Entry # 20

leather armour with a six-fingered hand symbol

The only one of its kind, it is a fine piece of armour perfect for those who do not mind bearing the symbol of a demon prince

Minimum bid: 5 platinum


Entry # 21

winter wolf hide gloves
winter wolf hide sleeves

Crafted from the soft fur of these evil but beautiful creatures, the winter air seems to lessen in its cruelty when these are worn.

Minimum bid: 5 platinum per piece


Entry # 22

a tattered robe made of crocodile hide

The robes of the hag Ligatha herself. History itself clings to these robes, a history of grim torture, kidnap and murder.

Minimum bid: 2 platinum


Entry # 23

a book 'Plane Hopping'

A book that details some of the secrets of the Planes, a valued addition to the collection of any knowledgeable scholar.

Minimum bid: 5 platinum


Entry # 24

Abyssal heart stones

These stunningly beautiful gems were found on the course of our travels within the Abyss. Formed from Abyssal rock, these will never be found on the face of Faerun, and they have been cut by gemsmiths that will never set foot on this world, making them truly priceless.

Minimum bid: 10 platinum per stone


Entry # 25

The Complete Set of Journal Entries

These pages were placed on a notice board in our safe refuge, and they detail each and every step of our journey from beginning to end, though often quite roughly. These entries will be invaluable to any bard wanting to document events. We shall sell our story, as it is, to any bard, or consortium of bards. We recommend that many bards group together to purchase these entries so the knowledge can be more easily shared. Obviously those bards who do not win this bid are still able to write for the Church of Waukeen, as we will still share our story to any who asks. Unfortunately, they may be at a slight disadvantage.

Minimum bid: 25 platinum


Please remember, that nothing on this list is final, nor can this be definitely said to be an exhaustive list of what is being auctioned.

(OOC: I have done my best to list what is available, for those who aren’t going to be allowed in the city. However, OOCly lots of these items may be taken by any one of the adventurers who looted them and so a lot depends on what is or isn’t wanted by those who originally claimed them. I hope you can all attend though, it should be interesting! And there will be lots of the people who travelled into the Abyss there, so any bard that wants a chance at the 250 platinum from Waukeen’s Church for the story, feel free to nab us for the verbal story and for more details than what will be covered in the notes that are to be auctioned, as well)

EDIT: to show the new time for the auction
Last edited by Lerytha on Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
If you have knowledge, let others light their candles with it.

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Post by Scylere » Wed Dec 27, 2006 4:29 pm

Will we be able to switch characters in between items to bid for items that different characters might want?
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Post by Mariela » Wed Dec 27, 2006 5:04 pm

And is there any chance for "Leaving" a bid with a high and a low bid?

Cause I dunno about anyone else, but I am at work in the middle of that auction. :) We bookstore flunkies don't get internet access while we are working the clock.
Confusion heard his voice, and wild uproar Stood ruled, stood vast infinitude confined;
Till at his second bidding darkness fled, Light shone, and order from disorder sprung.
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Post by Alaudrien » Wed Dec 27, 2006 5:15 pm

I like that idea..perhaps have a shadowy merchant we can leave our bids with as the proxy bidders. I must say though this whole thing has me excited! I love going to auctions irl to -giggle- Just the fact this is from an adventure gets me excited to when it comes about!
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Post by Lerytha » Wed Dec 27, 2006 5:57 pm

Yet another notice has been sent out...

If any of the Realms wish to bid for any number of these items, they may contact me, Miriel Tingilinde, and I will ensure that the bids are placed. How will this work? Well, for example, if you wanted to bid for the glowing pink mushroom, you would tell me what the maximum amount was you wanted to bid.

Say that maximum was ten platinum. In the auction, someone may bid three platinum. If there are no other bidders, I will say, "I have a proxy bid for four." Then another would bid five, and I would continue bidding on behalf of the other person, till the ten platinum is reached. And then, the bid would either be lost or won.

I trust this allows others who wished to bid, the opportunity to do so.
If you have knowledge, let others light their candles with it.

--Sir Winston Churchill

"This place is boring, I'm gonna go eat whatever I can find laying on the ground"

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Post by Dalvyn » Wed Dec 27, 2006 6:04 pm

You might want to check the date given above... the one that is currently there took place some 11 months ago (January 2006). I guess you meant Dec 30th 2006?
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Post by Lerytha » Thu Dec 28, 2006 10:36 am

Yes, I meant December 30th :( Oops. The link has been updated.
If you have knowledge, let others light their candles with it.

--Sir Winston Churchill

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Post by Scylere » Fri Dec 29, 2006 1:13 am

I'm wondering if anyone else has the same thoughts about this. Could we postpone the auction for a couple of weeks or something?

For me, two of my characters lost 400 platinum in the reload. They have nothing to spend in the auction now. I know of others who have had the same thing happen. As well, Dalvyn has to reload all the planar items and such.

Maybe we could postpone it a few weeks?
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Post by Mele » Fri Dec 29, 2006 4:38 am

People from the Waukeen RP lost many of the listed things, too. So it's going to have to wait, likely.
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Post by Lerytha » Fri Dec 29, 2006 10:40 am

Revised date and time:

See above - old date and time has been kept

Thanks for all the interest so far!

Last edited by Lerytha on Fri Dec 29, 2006 1:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
If you have knowledge, let others light their candles with it.

--Sir Winston Churchill

"This place is boring, I'm gonna go eat whatever I can find laying on the ground"

-- Hoildric

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Post by Dalvyn » Fri Dec 29, 2006 10:51 am

I expect that everything related to this roleplay will be recovered by this saturday (Dec 30th).
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Post by Lerytha » Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:37 pm

I think the issue was about people having lost gold that they would otherwise have used to enter bids. I'm not sure. What do you think is best?
If you have knowledge, let others light their candles with it.

--Sir Winston Churchill

"This place is boring, I'm gonna go eat whatever I can find laying on the ground"

-- Hoildric

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Post by Moradin » Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:59 pm

Perhaps accept bids as given and allow the player so many RL days to pay. They don't get the item until they pay and if they fail to present the sum by the expected date the next bidder is offered it.

That way they have a bit of time to recoup the coin they had made in the two weeks lost.
Me childr'n 'll make o' their sens yer greatest friends or yer most implacable foe.
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Post by Lerytha » Fri Dec 29, 2006 1:46 pm

Oh, thats a good idea. Okay, auction happening as planned, on the time listed above. This Saturday, Saturday 30th. :) Hope to see you all then! And sorry about the to-and-fro-ing.
If you have knowledge, let others light their candles with it.

--Sir Winston Churchill

"This place is boring, I'm gonna go eat whatever I can find laying on the ground"

-- Hoildric

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Post by Lerytha » Sat Dec 30, 2006 3:16 pm

Just a nudge. Some people thought it had been rescheduled. It is happening today, in about 4 - 5 hours. Hope to see many people there, with many exited glances! ;)
If you have knowledge, let others light their candles with it.

--Sir Winston Churchill

"This place is boring, I'm gonna go eat whatever I can find laying on the ground"

-- Hoildric

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Post by Lerytha » Sat Dec 30, 2006 6:49 pm

Now happening in the Merchants' Guild trading post in Berdusk
If you have knowledge, let others light their candles with it.

--Sir Winston Churchill

"This place is boring, I'm gonna go eat whatever I can find laying on the ground"

-- Hoildric

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Post by Lerytha » Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:34 pm

Thank you all who attended the auction. I apologise that it went on so long. We didn't even sell all the items. Once we've taken stock of what is left, a certain wizard with a floating disc will be sprinting round Faerun selling things directly. I wanted everyone to have a fair chance at the items, so I'll put a renewed list up here of what we're selling, and anyone interested can approach Miriel directly.

No auctions, just a first-come-first-served basis, with a mixture of who actually needs it. Also, sort of at my/our discretion. :)

Thanks very much for your presences!
If you have knowledge, let others light their candles with it.

--Sir Winston Churchill

"This place is boring, I'm gonna go eat whatever I can find laying on the ground"

-- Hoildric

Cacie asks Larethiel 'Did that air just bow to you?
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