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Post by Isolrem » Sun Jan 07, 2007 10:38 pm

syntax: guard <direction>

The fighter stands guard of an exit, anyone attemping to enter from that exit must attempt to overpower the guard. If he succeeds in entering, the guard is automatically in combat with the target.
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Post by Kregor » Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:22 am

The big problem with this one, is that it would equate to coded PKill. Having a character automatically attack another one that enters a room totally throws out the intent of requiring roleplay before attacking another player.
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Post by Maybel » Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:57 am

Yeah.. I like the idea... but junk the in combat... If the person is hiding they come visible with an echo... If the person is invis... there is a % chance that person will come visible...
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Post by Alaudrien » Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:09 am

mmm I would think give it a chance for the person sneaking hiding to come visible. Some skilled thieves especially if they are halflings/gnomes then they have a good chance of getting through.
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Post by Isolrem » Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:09 am

I installed combat because I kept thinking otherwise people could just spam the direction until they get through.
Now that I think about it though, a sort of delay after failing to enter would be better.
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Post by Maybel » Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:39 pm

or if they fail... make them visible
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Post by Algon » Mon Jan 08, 2007 9:47 pm

How about instead of going straight to combat. If they try to pass the "guard" they get confined. Have like an echo saying "The guard sees you as you try to pass and he pulls his weapon on you cornering you against the wall" or something. That way combat is not started without rp, but its not something that someone can just run in and run straight back out of they failed to sneak past.
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Post by Isolrem » Tue Jan 09, 2007 1:20 am

hmm should have made my post a bit clearer.
I didn't mean guard to be so much as preventing hidden people from entering as preventing people from entering in general.
Think guard mobs that forbid unfaithed from entering temples or unguilded from entering guilds.
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Post by Aliatris » Tue Jan 09, 2007 11:27 am

I would restrict it to guard only a direction (Example: guard east) since you are guarding the position in which you are.

I would add also the posibility of the sneaky one, could evade the guard, providing he his better at sneaking than the guard is at guarding.
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Post by Xryon » Mon Feb 05, 2007 1:54 pm

Took me a little while to respond, but I really like this idea. In another game I played, a command like this was made good use of. Basically what was done there is you would type "block <direction>" and it would prevent others from exiting that way.. Not entirely sure about the sneaky characters part, but in certain situations I would think that no matter how sneaky you are, you aren't getting through.
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Post by Cret » Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:09 pm

While a good idea Im going to point out a major flaw in this: The ability to 'guard' non-portals (doorways).

If someone were to sit in Shilmista and type 'guard shilmista' shilmista being the exit. How will people enter Shilmista? How could one person guard what is coded as 1 entrance, but has, well ICLY, almost 360 degree entrance to that area? Or Ardeep. Or any other place with only 1 entrance/exit.

Another thing. Multiple people trying to pass said guard. If 5 people rush past a person, 1 at least will make it.

So, if this becomes a skill apply it to only doorways/indoor's and possibly city streets/roads. You can stop people on the road, and they can just go around.

One person can defend a hallway alone from an army for quiet some time. 1 person cant defend a forest very well alone from the same army.
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Post by Duranamir » Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:25 pm

To clarify would this block people from leaving the room with the blocker ?. So you could enter the same room as the blocker and RP with them but not go through the exit that they are blocking ? And you could walk through the block from the other side to enter the room with the blocker?.

If this is the case i think it is a great idea as long as consideration is given to the blocker only being able to block things that they can see/detect or stop so that stealth and magic stand a chance of avoiding a block depending on the relative skills. Or the magic invloved so no blocking an outdoor exit from flyers for example unless you can fly yourself.

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Post by Xryon » Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:34 pm

I'm not positive, but the way i've seen it done is that people can enter the room and RP, but they cannot leave while the blocker is in position. As for being able to get past, maybe a strength check on the blocker and the person trying to get by?
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Post by Balek » Mon Feb 05, 2007 8:24 pm

I like this idea. I don't see any reason to complicate the coding by limiting it to specific terrain types I honestly think the player base can be trusted to avoid trying to block an exit in the middle of the forest, for example. Limiting it to specific terrain types would result in cutting almost any chance of abuse, yes, but it would also eliminate the ability to use it sometimes when it SHOULD be usable. For instance there might be an area in a forest that is walled off with only a small entrance. The rooms are flagged as forest because they're still outdoors and in a forest. The game sees that these are forest rooms and won't allow someone to block the small entrance. I see this as more of a problem than someone potentially blocking an entrance they shouldn't block.

Code for this would also potentially open up the possibility of coding spells that do something similar. Plants that grow to block a doorway or magical ice that does the same.

In all honesty, I think we need to get away from the concept of vetoing everything that might have some obscure chance of being abused. That's really a topic for a different thread though.
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Post by Selveem » Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:14 pm

I am very much aware this is not what the originator of this post intended, but I would like to see Guard have a more practical use against NPCs. Instead of completely blocking an exit, what I propose is a sort of auto-rescue - in a sense.

If I type "guard" anything 'aggressive' that would just run in and kill the wizard in my party in a couple of hits will instead attack me first.

Situation: My fighter has been working very hard protecting the party, but he has taken a number of near-fatal blows. The party's Cleric has been performing his/her duties beyond what anyone could have expected, but is now fatigued and has to focus in prayer to beg his/her God for more power (meditate). The rest of the party could use a good rest, but as a fighter it is my job to protect my party. Unfortunately, we are in the middle of a location that is just full of people who want to kill everyone for their intrusion.

Action: I type "guard."

Result: A murderous wight charges into the room via a nearby wall and immediately attacks my party. Because I have chosen to guard my party, I leap forward into action to die first (or hopefully defeat it)!
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Post by Kelemvor » Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:26 pm

Perhaps a Config +rescue option (in a similar vein to config +search)

When turned on and if the skill has been learned, the player automatically tries to rescue any player in their group who comes under attack.

The reason I suggest this rather than the option above is because an attacking monster would not - and therefore should not - oblige by only attacking the person who has elected to be on guard.

That and the fact that being on guard would not always mean suddenly being capable of intercepting all attacks. Skill level in Rescue would give some variation to the chance of success

I've long thought that rescue needs to be a command which operates more swiftly, so a Config option would probably need to be tied in with fewer beats delay in implementation.
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Post by Aveline » Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:29 pm

I like Selveem's idea. I have no idea how many times I have had Aveline 'guarding' some door or something while her party rests only to have some mob come through said door and bash someone in her party to smitherines. And realistically they might could push past her or something, but they are not going to just be able to stroll right by her to the rest of her party. They would have to get by her first.

edit: ok well Kelemvor beat me to posting, but I think some variation of this idea would be really nice. Either Selveem's version or the config option..a combination of both somehow...I like it!
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Post by Raona » Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:43 pm

Here here! Great suggestion, and well explained, Selveem!

Selveem's version might make sense if one specified a direction. GUARD EAST would cause what he has described to operate against anything coming in from the east, but not the south. With enough folks on watch, every exit could be GUARDed. Used without a direction, GUARD would require a successful RESCUE. A RESCUE effort might also apply to a guarded direction, but if successful it would intercept an intruder from attacking anyone else.

I'd also delight in an auto-rescue, though it might be somewhat un-IC, and it would be hard to prevent circular rescuing from ensuing. (A and B have autorescue on...A rescues C, then B rescues A, A rescues B, B rescues A, A rescues B, ad nauseum.)
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Post by Ralin » Wed Nov 28, 2007 12:36 am

How about being able to guard a person or object, would make it easier for people to rp being a bodyguard.
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Post by Selveem » Wed Nov 28, 2007 12:50 am

Guarding a person would be nice, but I don't see any reason to guard an object.. Unless you mean like a cart to prevent it from being opened, but I think that would be really hard to code.
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