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Post by Ooma » Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:26 am

We Needz a Ork baby.
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Post by Shabanna » Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:33 am

In response to Ninde's post:

Well I sort of believe protection is the key. From a strictly code standpoint... the belly can be damaged... or "injured" since you wear it like armour or cothing. So if you are in a situation where weapons are brandished... I would say have "Goons" with you :P and do not engage in a fight yourself if you can avoid it. From personal IRL experience... I would say that riding a horse would not have been fun or something I wanted to do when I was preggo :P It puts you in a dangerous situtation... if you fell etc... as a matter of fact I beleive horseback riding is still a sport they advise against now when preggo :P but then.. your char will have to make those choices based on how confident SHE is... ;)

IN modern times we look at pregnancy as a healthy VITAL time... a time when you do not "eat for two" or lay around with your feet up the whole time. We KNOW a lot more about pregnancy now... and though we tend to put a lot of the anachronistic stuff into the game because of our current knowledge a ( i.e. Not drinking during pregnancy, eating a healthy diet, and fathers present at birth etc...) That said... I do not think that it is unreasonable for a woman IClyto travel a little in the game when she is preggo because... OOCly...the RP is a long one and sometimes... there are no people where you are !!! (Hard to RP all alone :P sorry) ICly I think as long as you are SENSIBLE....and not out galloping on your mount nonstop from Westgate to HV, brandishing your two handed sword while chugging a pint of ale.... Your baby will be fine.

That is not to say... that if you make a conscious effort to repeatedly do things that are bad for a pregnant woman and for her baby, the baby will not be affected. I am certain Moms will be held accountable for IC actions as it has clearly been posted here before.

I think if you use common sense... and say " would *I* do this if I were pregnant and wanting a healthy baby?? you will be good to go :D women who have never been pregnant get that way everyday... and BUUUNCHES of healthy babies are born so... Im willing to bet that your common sense will lead you in the right direction :p

of not... I advise.. that you surf a few minutes and look up the stages of pregnancy and the symptoms and so forth IF you happen to have a few minutes ( I know people are very busy... it is only a suggestion) :D

If you want... I have a couple of links to stuff about medieval childbirth and customs etc... though... to be honest it is VERY different from the way things are in the game simply because most here have modern opinions and views of pregnancy and childbirth...and you will encounter that as you RP...or at least I did :P for example...a lot of folks would ask If my character were are having a girl or a boy (of course back then a woman never knew what sex her child was until birth.. and always prayed for a male, using charms and potions and what not.) but that makes it a fun RP :D you have to deal with the things that happen and are said... as they come at you... and do not spend all the time you are in your preg RP worried that you are doing something wrong. I am sure You will do much better than you imagine XD

As far as the elven pregnancy"bonding" that is spoken of... I have read about it as well... and it speaks of a period of months spent in reverie toward the end of a pregnancy... where a sense of knowledge of the elven culture and history are passed on from the mother to the child. I am not sure what the FK official views are of this but I am curious and I will try to find the passage I was reading about it ( I believe it was in the "Complete Book Of Elves"... but I am not laying my life on it :P have to get back on that.)

And as always... I am no one of great importance so take my opinions in the helpful, cheery nature which I intend them and any sort of gospel. I am sure that there are differening thoughts on almost every topic! XD lol

Enjoy your belly!!!!! You will be amazed at how many strangers ask to feel it lol
*pats your belly*
Happiness!! and LUCK to you....
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Post by Mele » Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:52 pm

Ninde, When Mele was pregnant I was sooooooo anal. I would never travel uninvis, and the one time my invis wore off a bandit hit me, I fled and sobbed irl, lol. Now this time, Daunyelle gets attacked a lot in cities and stuff because well, she's evil and breaks laws. :P I still freak out a little, and get a little paniced, and generally keep her in her house. But I definately do not worry as much as I did with Mele. I've realized a little aggro won't hurt you if you flee away. ;) Plus, if you're uncomfortable moving around the map(Like I am) generally people will come to you if you call, you're pregnant. :D It's all about your preference just make sure you do things you can handle any ic consequence from. :)

This is strictly my opinion, but I definately would never, ever ever ever ever get on a horse. Even with GM mount sometimes we fall off, and that could definately be fatal to the baby, and just because an imm wouldn't see you fall, doesn't mean it wouldn't happen and potentially be problematic. Drinking, brawling etc I can see as things people would care less about, but the horses I personally, can't move past I definately think a horse, or worse a flying mount, would be something they'd know could potentially do major damage. People have been falling off of horses forever, lol.

omgfullelfbabyyourgestationperiodwillsuckgoodluck! XD
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Post by Nedylene » Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:33 pm

From personal IRL experience... I would say that riding a horse would not have been fun or something I wanted to do when I was preggo It puts you in a dangerous situtation... if you fell etc... as a matter of fact I beleive horseback riding is still a sport they advise against now when preggo but then.. your char will have to make those choices based on how confident SHE is...
As an equestrian myself who has been with horses, ridden them and helped train them since I was nine (the helping train didn't start until I was 16-17) riding while pregnant depends on the person. Currently in the barn I am taking lessons (I sold my horse in the fall so so sad) there is a woman who is six months pregnant and still rides her very lovely mare. I have known many who have ridden well into their 6th or 7th month and then just found it too uncomfortable for those last few months. There are also some that have found their balance to be incredibly off starting on three months and have leased out there horses.

That said, from RL experience things to be considered.
* Many horses seem to become 'aware' of the pregnancy in their mother's belly. Horses that have been owned by the same owner for a prolonged period of time seem to take special consideration then their mommy started to change. Strange but true. Examples such as unknown patience, standing stiller for longer, walking slower, being less spooky, being protective. (Mares seem to be more aware of the change. I took a lovely picture of my barnmate's horse nuzzling her belly)
*When mounting and dismounting when you get the bigger belly you have to start to get creative on how to get on and off. It can be sometimes amusing to see the nice pregnant lady in my barn sidling her horse up to a set of stairs and rocking herself into the saddle then, while on the horse, walking him back to those same set of stairs and swinging her leg over the horses neck so she can slide off in little scoots back onto the stair platform.
*Side saddle is your friend.
*Anything faster then a walk is NOT pleasent.
*Your balance is COMPLETELY different and you will find yourself sitting slightly back to compensate for the large rubbable belly.

I have known of several falls from women in the earlier stages of (Think 1-4 months) with no adverse effects at all. The thing to take into consideration... If you feel stressed do NOT ride. Many who are pregnant and ride do it because the act of riding relaxes them and puts them into a good state of mind. The easier your mind is the better chance you have at a successful pregnancy.
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Post by Lerytha » Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:20 pm

There are places in Africa (though I am not sure whether this is a cliche or if it may be deemed as racism in which case many apologies) where a pregnant mother goes out to work (hard, physical work) in the field up to nine months, gives birth and then stands back up again.

In Medieval times whilst childbirth itself (the delivery) was awful, there are documented cases of pregnant women continuing to work hard despite being pregnant.

If a certain of my female characters were ever to be with child, she'd be one of those ridiculously independently-minded women who tries to do everything till the last minute. I'd hope that if someone does the "I'm independent" RP, whilst they should be able to accept the consequences, I'd also hope that any imms watching would not make every slight mount/dismount or every fall something of a major health risk.

My own mother fell while she was rather heavily pregnant. Both of us were fine. I am not saying that falling when nine months pregnant, from sixty feet in the sky and landing on the belly is beneficial to your health. If <i>that</i> happens then you take whatever consequences you get. But if you RP riding slowly along the road even nine months pregnant and you fall it should not result in instantly negative results.

I'm sorry if I'm the only guy getting involve with this! :shock: Also, nothing in this is meant to be rude or argumentative. Just saw a discussion, thought I'd say what I thought and see what other thoughts people get from my thoughts. A proper thought-cycle of thoughts, you might think...

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Post by Shabanna » Sat Mar 03, 2007 8:57 am

Okay... Im not a coder and I dont play one on TV... but I want to remind everyone here that the "belly" is not a real baby inside a mommy...CODE WISE... its something you WEAR :P Meaning? that it can be damaged as easily as your armour. I want someone to explain what would happen if that belly got damaged in a skirmish.. :P do we rip it off and go to bradigans for repair??? NO.... It is ICLY part of you and OOCly its not comin off :P ... so code wise it gets damaged... it STAYS damaged and I can bet and Imm who sees

A pregnant belly (superb) or...
a pregnant belly (very good) or.... heavens forfend...
a pregnant belly (useable)... is going to know straight away that the mom is not being as careful as she might need to be! and may not be too happy. It is eventually going to SHOW wear and tear if you fight a lot :P sorry... it will. So long as you are willing to accept IC consequences...I suppose you can do anything.That is all I AM saying :P

Ninde posted sounding as if she is a more concerned mommy :P not wanting to go out and fight a dragon.. but still wanting to not sit in her tree for eightlyleven years :P I understand this. But.. as a player I was met with some serious IC stuff when I tried to "do things" now that does not mean Shabanna did nothing... it just means I did not go on a field trip to UM :P in my spare time!!

My main point here.. is that people are starting to veer away from the OOC reality that the belly is an item :P WORN but not removable. It can be damaged it has no super protection :P and I would advise that a mom not do anything she does not want the IC consequences for. I imagine Ninde wants a happy healthy bouncing baby pointy XD so I am guessing she is going to lean to a more conservative momy RP .. adventure is okay , travel is okay with protection... but I would avoid lots of fighting...

I want to share that on and IC level I was fussed at all the time by players and constantly warned against drinking IC ( which iwas kind of ridiciulous...since my char was NOT drinking :P ) I was fussed at Icly when I spoke of adventure or travel and drinking was strongly spoken out against here on the forums by the baby goddess herself ;) sooo Im saying there is clearly an attitude here of a certain decorum for a happy healthy baby in FK... that does not mean.. you have to be perfect... but if you are a whack job who guzzles barrels of booze and runs to fight liches in her spare time damaging the CODED belly... then Im willing to bet the Imms are going to take note of it eventually. its a long enough RP that if you do bad stuff the whole time... it will eventually be noticed by SOMEONE :P And if you think for one minute that the other players do not take note of your actions.. you are wrong :P lol BOY O Boy... you are in for a surprise >.< lol I found they are always being nosey! lol in a good way ;)

the players on the game are generally wonderful to preg mommies :D even the evil ones ;) lol

Just try not to damage your belly.If you are doing something that can damage armour.. it can damage the belly damaged bellies might = damaged babies :P >.< that is all I am saying.

Preg on!!
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Post by Mele » Sat Mar 03, 2007 6:26 pm

Who disagreed with you? >.>

lol.... I don't see anyone knocking what you were saying, Banna. :)
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Post by Shabanna » Sun Mar 04, 2007 8:10 am

I didnt say anyone was?? O.o I said...
people are not speaking in terms of code ;) heh my post is not about the belly and what it is code wise :P for those who are posting... but have never dealt with the belly item :)

I did not say anything at all about people knocking me I posted my thoughts...
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Re: Pregnancies

Post by Shabanna » Sun Jan 10, 2010 8:17 pm

I was wondering how, a single Mom preg app is handled? I know icly there have been a few oops babies that were not just children of a couple who had a Dead beat Dad. There have been babies with mystery Dads cause the Mom did not disclose the Dad ( or know who it was?) and babies that came from a single encounter etc. How did those apps work? Just curious Did the Mom's apply alone or was there a baby daddy app too? Are those considered special apps above and beyond the special app classification that we have given Pregnancy.

say for instance a goblin, Orc... or other icky critter wanted to have a kid (cause they breed like bunnies...)but they didnt realllly want to have to do the whole snuggly cute parent thing... could it ever be assumed that this creature mated with one of its kind to reproduce without the actual smootching deal? *shudders at the thought* So long as they didnt name another PC as their mate would that be alright? Im just asking. I know it is normally a 2 person RP but I have seen instances that it was not.. and I am curious to know how that works... in the event that I should want to make a yuanti and breed it for eyes O.O .... lol ( Kidding) but you maybe get my point?

For the record... I am not trying to stir a pile I am really curious :) thanks for any insight you might have to offer.
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Re: Pregnancies

Post by Mele » Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:50 pm

To the best of my knowledge there have only been two "no daddy" pregnancies. (I've never heard of a one encounter to baby application either I may be out of the loop.)

One was actually not applied for, but through roleplay. The other was in the state of mind that an NPC was the father. (And known IC, but kept hushhush.)

So in short - yes they're a "special" special applications.

When it comes do a monster racial baby application anyone is advised to think long on it - with the races being 'rare' it can be a very long, very tedious roleplay.
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Re: Pregnancies

Post by Shabanna » Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:52 pm

Thanks for the speedy reply Mele. :)
btw... I am very sorry if I made it sound as if there were scads of no daddy rps... :P that wasnt my intent. I have only seen it happen the two times you mention ( i think?)... so I figured there was some super special preggo decoder ring app that went into it. XD Thank you muchly for the good info.

I do agree that it would not be something a special race would want to do thoughtlessly or on a spur of the moment :P It was mostly one of the examples I could think of >.> and one that is not touched too much ( for Oooobvious reasons ) *Shudder*

Of course, I know this would be a very rare occurence, but would one of these sorts of single parent pregs be applied for in the same manner sans the father or would it need to be approached in a different manner? ( Wow... I have way too much free time and wine this weekend ....)
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Re: Pregnancies

Post by Mele » Mon Jan 11, 2010 5:10 pm

You would apply the same way, but since you have no PC father, you'll have to have a sure background ready to explain how they got pregnant. (I'm sure that's pretty obvious, but it's really the only difference!) An applicant should really include a sure father (IE: A merchant travelling from Thay, who was in Westgate. Nights spent together in his trip, but then he sadly left for his work.) over any 'she's not sure' applications, to avoid sticky situations which could potentially force pc's into being candidates. (That's sincerely not directed, or even thinking of any person, it's merely thinking in application form.)

I can't think of something else, it's not that much different at all!
Beshaba potatoes.
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