Proposal for an OOC meeting to discuss evil RP on FK

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Post by Dalvyn » Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:49 pm

Kirkus wrote:Some solutions I would propose: More evil areas, more evil hometowns. Go buy or at least look at a FR campaign setting, there are tons of towns and areas we don't have yet. Many of these could easily serve as either low leve evil training grounds or a starting town.
The temporary mail for sending building applications is:
Kirkus wrote:One of my biggest problems is training. Its hard because of this question, since I am evil is it ok to kill goblins and what not, other non-human creatures that are evil? Now I get favour for killing somethings but I am afraid that sometimes I might be lowering my hidden alignment at the same time.
Don't worry about hidden alignment. Nobody does. It's currently not used at all.

I am not in favour of putting in training areas full of good character-like creatures for evil to slaughter though. Just like I do not plan to add areas full of evil character-like creatures for good to slaughter. Raiding an area full of villagers or the orc camp for example might be fine for specific roleplays (e.g., a faith-based roleplay), but those are not to be used to regular training areas.

There aren't many good-aligned monsters, but evil can perfectly train on evil or neutral mindless critters. Being evil does not mean that you can only kill good. That's the core misconception that creates many problems. Good opposes evil, that's true. Evil does not oppose good; evil opposes everything but him/her-self. That's what Yzelle wrote above, with other words.
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Post by Lerytha » Sun Mar 11, 2007 5:05 pm

Found an interesting article online, which people might like to read:

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Post by Ceara » Sun Mar 11, 2007 11:25 pm

Cool link, apparently I'm a real villan ;)
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Post by Meekir » Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:52 am

I'd really like to have a live chat and discussion about evil roleplay. I hope this happens, one-time or ongoing, especially to get some IMM perspective on how we as players can help out. Villains often initate conflicts and plots, but this is sometimes hard to do as a "nice" player.

Maybe a regular evil OOC get-together would help generate plot and coordinate excitement for evil ideas.

not evil, just "interesting" 8)
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Post by Jaenoic » Tue Mar 13, 2007 9:44 am

Even though I don't play evils(often or well ><) I would like to attend such a meeting. I would like to attend because it is often difficult for goods and evils to RP together, like Meekir said because it's hard for evils to pull of an evil RP "nicely."

Sometimes I think people forget that goods don't always win! We don't always get our way, and we get upset sometimes when evils pull something on us because we forget that the RP isn't about us; at least it's not in the sense that it's not about us, the goods. It's about us, the players. That includes evils too!

So my point is! :D As a goodie player I would like to contribute ideas as to how evils and goods can get more involved with each other. I don't mind letting you guys win... Sometimes. :wink:
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Post by Tretch » Tue Mar 13, 2007 3:14 pm

If this does happen... I would like to be a part of it.

Back from the shadows so to speak :P
A young male human looks at your claw, his eyes widen, "Wha-what is that on your claw?"
You look to the claw, stopping abruptly
You yell, "Git et off! Git et off!" and begin to hop up and down, shaking your hand,
voice turning to a girlish scream!
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Post by Selveem » Sat Aug 04, 2007 11:31 pm

Did anything ever become of this thread?

If not, bump!
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Post by Oghma » Sun Aug 05, 2007 1:31 am

It was apparently resolved. If you have any outstanding issues of importance in regards to the posting here please outline them clearly. "Bumping" such a large forum entry does not really serve any purpose in my opinion other than to start another discussion that deviates from the original topic at hand.
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Post by Selveem » Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:30 pm

I'll simply repeat here what I stated on the Great Cleave thread.

The reason this thread was bumped because I have heard nothing that has come of this. I have not heard of any meeting for players to discuss how Evil characters can also help be a positive source to this MUD's other players and staff.

If something did become of this, I am very happy. I am a little disappointed I may have missed it, but I would like to view the discussion for myself so that I know if I ever decided to play any of my Evil characters I can help contribute to the game as well.
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Post by Oghma » Sun Aug 05, 2007 7:19 pm

There have in the last few months been several rp opportunities introduced for both good and evil pc's. Though they are only slowly emerging they are there. The problem is, they take time to come out and time is a difficult thing for volunteer staff. However, you and anyone is free to submit quests, areas, publications, or actively apply to found evil organizations all within the game world.

I'm not of course poo pooing the advent of an ooc discussion for evil, rather, I do not see the need. I have been observing a great many evil players of late of all kinds and types and I have been impressed. There are many examples of proper pk rules observed, good rp and developed interaction. I've seen many attempts to create and facilitate rp among orcs with festivals and meetings and individuals responding to rp situations with a sense of joy and overall good rp. The question that now remains is, what grievances are still present and what are the best solutions to such. Instead of having an ooc chat about that right now, I would bid or ask as a better word for them to be posted here along with solutions if needed. If they are specific though they could be set in their own forum.

I can start the ball rolling I suppose.

Evil player characters follow a wide variety of story lines and influences depending on how they are shaped or made, once they have achieved their goals ie. joining a guild, faith or organization what would you most like to see them continue to do within the world to make their time worthwhile or give a purpose for them to follow to avoid the stereotypical evil situation?

I think for me it would be something of the stuffs that are slowly being introduced or rp incentives like more evil venues. This would need to be accomplished by dedicated builders though and designers. I feel quite good for discussing my concerns though they may be a bit off topic, but as time progresses things have changed in my opinion for the better as always. Though things can always be improved.
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Post by Duranamir » Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:58 pm

Evil RP opportunities

Most evil characters I have met belong to one of the evil religions. This seems to be the standard path for evil characters to follow. If the IMM's want to guide evil RP they could do a lot worse than using these religions and there gods to steer the RP. No evil priest or worshipper is ever going to deny the wishes of there deity !, forgiveness is not noted as one of the characteristics of an evil god.

It ought to be possible for a deity to set some long range goals for his/her religion that would result in RP for the members of that religion and bring them into contact with others e.g.
  • God A wishes to know the position and number of there faith enemies worshippers with out alerting them, cue lots of spying, this may well result in the usage of intermediaries to do the spying.
  • God B wants create a magical artifact, and will reward whichever worshipper brings them the required resources, cue lots of wheeling and dealing to gain the items from assorted other people.
  • Or for a more insidious plot, God C wants to try and corrupt one of the up and coming paladin squires. This could result in a fun RP for the evil player and the paladin what ever the result.
  • Or maybe the God wish to stamp his authority on a given region and requires that the worshippers step up there presence in a given city and attempt to gain converts. Therefore bringing the worshippers away from the cosy environs of there temples into the wider world.
None of these ideas require PK, but all require RP.

The current difficulty is passing this information on to the worshippers as unfortunately not many of the evil high priests are commonly played. And I have never seen most of the evil gods, mind you I would probably run 10 miles if I did !.

As an idea more message posts like the ones in the mages guilds/rangers camps might help. Then high priests/deities could post information for their worshippers and receive information back in there own time.

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    Post by Raona » Mon Aug 06, 2007 3:50 pm

    To follow up on Duranamir's fine suggestions - there are some things that threaten (almost) everyone - where even good and evil seem trivial in comparison, and humanoids from many races, creeds, and sects could find common cause. A massive failure of Faerunian magic, the takeover of a den of evil by an even worse force (imagine demons keen to take up residence in or near the Keep, perhaps: bad for many a goodie and badie alike), some creature exacting a toll from all who travel the road, no matter their nature (um, I think that already happens at times). Granted, nothing is quite as hard as getting good and evil to work together in common cause, but it did happen to some extent with the demons in Ardeep RP, and that was neat. It got goods and evils to know each other, which makes it easier for future RP to develop.
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    Post by Hrosskell » Wed Aug 08, 2007 4:41 am

    I don't know if anyone ever addressed this idea specifically, but, with new areas and lots of roleplay coming into the game, and thieves being increasingly targeted for lack of things to do, it's been on my mind a lot lately.

    The mass number of thieves are evil. The mass number of people who need thieves for certain quests don't have a good thief handy. The mass number of people, in general, do without.

    The interaction between good and evil seems to be entirely hostile on the MUD. I admit, I am a victim to the same urge - to tell evil people the what is, and to get gone, but I would like to see more interaction between the two. It's not like it never happened in the FR books, or in any scenario. You take the help of the bad guy for the greater cause, and he gets his jollies from that or something weird is fulfilled from his childhood. I don't know how this could be resolved, but like I said, I think it should be pointed out.

    Now, don't get me wrong. This DOESN'T mean people should do things that aren't in character just for rewards or as a means to take an easy way out; I just think it would help evils have more RP.
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    Post by Nysan » Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:33 am

    Hrosskell wrote:I don't know if anyone ever addressed this idea specifically, but, with new areas and lots of roleplay coming into the game, and thieves being increasingly targeted for lack of things to do, it's been on my mind a lot lately.

    The mass number of thieves are evil. The mass number of people who need thieves for certain quests don't have a good thief handy. The mass number of people, in general, do without.

    The interaction between good and evil seems to be entirely hostile on the MUD. I admit, I am a victim to the same urge - to tell evil people the what is, and to get gone, but I would like to see more interaction between the two. It's not like it never happened in the FR books, or in any scenario. You take the help of the bad guy for the greater cause, and he gets his jollies from that or something weird is fulfilled from his childhood. I don't know how this could be resolved, but like I said, I think it should be pointed out.

    Now, don't get me wrong. This DOESN'T mean people should do things that aren't in character just for rewards or as a means to take an easy way out; I just think it would help evils have more RP.
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    I'll sum up Hross's post in 2 words: "Necessary Evil." :D
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    Post by Alvirin » Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:55 pm

    It is also interest to consider the aspect of overt-evil and no-overt-evil, a good/neutral character will be more likely to admit a evil character as a companion in a adventure (or as a friend), if the evil character doesn't idles in the market square with his scary black assassin armor and threatening people of horrible things, or making mention to people of how they are going to steal their money.
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