When looking at the helpfile for druid skills and animal empathy it states:
Code: Select all
Druid Skills
A druid's skills are similar to the rangers. They are survivalists who
can exist in the most dangerous parts of the wild. They can tame animals
and heal. Their skills make them a versatile character indeed.
(A) Claim (B) Flee
(C) Meditate (D) Pathfinding
(E) Scribe (F) Search
(G) Second attack (H) Shapechange
(I) Skills (J) Stun
Syntax: claim <target>
claim <cartname>
Use this skill to tame and control animals. To use this skill in roleplay
you and the animal should study each other, noting each other's body language,
vocalisations and general demeanor.
Please make sure to roleplay before using the command.
Do not sell pets gained through animal empathy. This is abuse of the system.
If we find players abuse this system, we may end up having to remove the ability
to sell pets at all.
Use claim <cartname> can be used to claim un-owned carts.
(A) Carts (B) Dismiss
(C) Druid Skills (D) Order
(E) Pets & Mounts (F) Ranger skills
Since priests of Malar are now considered druids, would it be alright to ask if they could be given this skill? Druids of Malar are known to have animal companions, though they are always of the predator sort and usually of the base animal of lycanthropes (boars, wolves, rats, bears, tigers).
Feedback is always welcome,