Disguise Expansion

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Sword Grand Master
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Disguise Expansion

Post by Amalia » Wed May 09, 2007 3:29 pm

First off, I'd like to say a big thank-you to the folks who've made this skill more readily available to thieves everywhere. You rock!

Second, I'd like to make a plea regarding its use! I'm not sure whether the inability to change one's race or sex with disguise is a code consideration or an RP one, but if it's codeable I think it would be both wonderful and reasonable to allow it. It shouldn't be too difficult to cover up the telling marks of unusual heritage, even if a halfdrow had to wear earcaps and a whole lot of skin-paint, or a tiefling had to file down his fangs for a bit or wrap his tail tightly to his body so it didn't flicker about. Naturally, it would be expected that players not abuse the ability to change their race and become something ludicrous-- the changes would have to be of a similar size and build to the real PC-- but I think/hope the players with the kismet to create thieves in the first place, especially thieves of a "special" heritage, would be responsible enough to do that.

...not to mention that I think it would be ridiculously awesome to hunt down "cloth cloth" somewhere and pose as "a plainly dressed man/woman" or "a citizen of (insert city here)". Imagine the glorious spying possibilities!

Going another direction, I'd think it great if a thief could also disguise other people-- perhaps with other classes having an "acting" or "bluff" skill of some sort that would be used (maybe with a modifier depending on the disguise-r's skill level) to determine if others saw through the disguise.
Dear Enemy: May the Lord hate you and all your kind, may you be turned orange in hue, and may your head fall off at an awkward moment.
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Post by Vindur » Mon May 21, 2007 8:20 am

Having the ability of appearing as "a crippled beggar" or "a citizen of Waterdeep" would be really cool since most adventurers will pay them less attention that if they looked as an adventurer.
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