Merchant guild for the drow
Merchant guild for the drow
First off I'd like to say that this MUD is wonderful so far, and I've had a lot of fun exploring Menzoberrenzan. The few players I have met have all been really helpful while at the same time keeping up the persona of an evil dominatrix . Although I've never played on FK before, I chose to make a Drow character so my friend who has would have someone to berate, order around, and abuse in general as a male... and I've had a good time of it so far. One thing I'm wondering is if there has ever been any pronouncement on house boards, something that was discussed in the old forums. Another is if there is any IC representation of the various merchant concerns among the Drow... from what I can tell in the posts it was deemed that because players wanted to be nobility they made being a commoner far less frequent... but perhaps some IC representation of the merchant guilds of Menzoberranzan would present a better solution. Merchants would require priestesses of Lloth to ensure they were staying inside the lines of Drow society, warriors to protect their trade goods as well as venture deep into the Underdark, mages to assist in the creation of magical goods, and perhaps even rogues could be reintroduced into Drow society with this other option, stealing from Drow would be suicide, but having a Rogue's skills at a Merchant Guild's command in the city of Skullport might be a big advantage if it is to become a major center of trade and RP. In the Drow of the Underdark they spell out the relationship between the merchants and the noble houses as one of necessity, the nobility look down upon the merchants, but they need their skills to bring the valuable products of the surface to them. Although I've never built in the SMAUG codebase before, it doesn't look difficult and I'd be more than willing to assist if this was deemed a viable suggestion.