Killmode, Killing, and Murder!

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Post by Scylere » Fri Aug 03, 2007 4:54 pm

I think death should be done using the code: aka - killmode kill
I enjoy going on killmode spar and smoting out a fight.

killmode spar
smote lunges at $Bobby, his fearsome demonic longsword coming down to strike at $Bobby's body.
murder bobby
code stab
code stab
smote howls at the pain, a new experience for him, causing him to stumble back and stare aghast at $Billy.
(Bobby did no attack smote, so he doesn't type "murder Billy")
smote grins viciously at the blood oozing from $Bobby, but shows no mercy, growling and aiming to stab $Bobby in the lungs.
murder bobby
code stab
code stab


killmode spar
smote grips her wand and, with a swish and flick, sends a bolts of seering energy toward $Billy's chest.
zap billy
code Billy dodges the lightning bolt!
smote manages to lift his shield enough to deflect the lightning bolt aside, feeling its warm as it strikes a nearby tree. With a grunt, he swings his heavy axe at the armourless mage, $Nelly.
code slash
code slash
code slash
smote is pounded back against the smoking tree, blooding spilling from deep slashing. She gasps for air as she breathes "I give up."
smote with an evil grin, brings his axe down on the defenseless mage.
code slash
code slash
Nelly is stunned.

I like this because it gives you a chase to outsmart a character, if they roleplay a dumb character. I've had characters that were completely stupid and got pounded by weaker characters. It gives you a chance to describe your spells and how you uniquely cast them. It gives you a chance to talk and intimidate while you're fighting. It's a really fun rp that no one should be afraid of entering, and should be rped without panic.

But where should we go from there? If the two are mortal enemies, should we switch to killmode kill, and finish the job?

New Topic:
As for smoting death, I think you should type "score" and look to see the affects. Usually, all your stats will have dropped. What does a loss in Strength and Constitution do? What does a loss in Dexterity do? Charisma loss, makes you at least pale, and more? Intelligence loss numbs your brain at least a little, and more? Wisdom loss brings you close to insanity? You did just visit the realm of the dead, think there's any trauma, pain, etc?
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Post by Lathander » Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:43 pm

I agree with Dalvyn's post.

We have coded killmodes for a reason. If you want lots of smotes, use killmode spar. If you want your opponent to die, then they die. There used to be a whole thread on death in FK. Not sure where it is now, but the coded "annoyances" are there because it shouldn't be trivial.

The arguments I see against code death are:
1. Have to experience the lingering affects of having died.
2. May have to spend time in the fugue plane because you've died.
3. Lose exp because you die.
4. May lose stat because you choose a more expedient, but less powerful, method of return.
5. It may be expensive.

To me, those are all good, legitimite consequences to dying.

As for smote fights, we're a mud not a mush. Smotes can be used well in killmode spar and nofight, and code can still act. I think we should keep it this way. Thank you for posting Selveem, at least we can get everyone's opinion.
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Post by Kregor » Sat Aug 04, 2007 12:53 am

If you want to fight to stun, agree on killmode stun or killmode spar. Spar let's you smote it out round for round.

If you want to fight to the death, agree on killmode nofight or killmode kill. Nofight allows the pause between single full attacks just like killmode spar, but if you land a blow or attack that takes your opponent below -10hp, they die.

What you can NOT do is switch killmodes mid battle, or even end battle. If someone agrees to fight you in killmode stun, then no, you should NOT be allowed to switch modes and kill them. One of the rules for PKill on FK is that both sides in a PvP situation are supposed to be allowed an option to avoid pkill in part or entirely, as long as the "out" is not abused. If someone fights you believing the fight to be to stun, and you switch and kill them after they're unconscious, then the way I see it, you are violating that intent.

It is ALSO wrong to switch modes mid battle to try and codally trick the opposing character in ANY way. I have been on the receiving end of a nasty cheating trick someone discovered that you get against a melee opponent as a caster by switching killmodes right after a fight starts. And frankly I'll fire off a complaint on anyone that switches killmodes on me mid fight as a result.

Killmode nofight and killmode stun are perfectly fine ways to smote out a battle with the pre-determined result, either death or stunning. Either way, it should be agreed upon, and if you agree to not kill each other codally, then you're not killing each other.
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Post by Scylere » Sat Aug 04, 2007 4:00 am

Thanks for the info on nofight.

I never knew that nofight kills. I'll probably use nofight from now on. Thanks!
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