Event - Northern Alliance Organization

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Event - Northern Alliance Organization

Post by Larnir » Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:36 pm

This is a furthering of the call to war already spread throughout much of the realms. All goodly people who seek to serve in this forming alliance to combat the threat of Orc in the south are to fill out simple information on a piece of parchment, and have it sent to Larnir, who will be organizing recruitment - as well as forming a council as to who should be leading the forces. All volunteers, from any race, religion, or background are welcome - though only those with intentions of good, to save these realms from the growing threat of Orc are welcome. Soldiers, Farmers, Mages, Healers, Archers, Any profession will be welcome in this alliance. Those without many skills will be trained to fight in the planned fort north of Shilmista. As for the current gathering place, It has been decided that the Northwest of Tethyr forest, just by the road, will be where volunteers should come to hand their papers in - or the Magical post - in which Larnir will contact the volunteer personally. All interested parties should be ready for intensive training in the field they'll be serving in, once the fort is erected.

Also, Information on the reference sheets should include your name, Skills, hometown, living relatives and their locations, and past, and current professions.

OOC - This is just the first part of a plot that I'd like to make longish. The Orc players would be around in a few weeks, or so I understand, so we can use that time to build up to the war itself. Any ideas, feel free to PM Me.
Edit - Here's the time I have planned.
http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/f ... c=0&p1=179
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Post by Ooma » Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:56 pm

I would like to know if there is Imm approval and support on this RP. I am very concerned about the PVP nature of a declaration of war... when there is a treaty in place. We have recently had a heated debate about the brutality of orc RP... and I would very much like to be assured there is Imm support happening for this before the orcs participate.
thanks :)
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Post by Kregor » Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:26 pm

I'll echo Ooma's concern that this RP should be not only cleared with applications, but also closely supervised by the imm staff during any interaction of it, Considering that there aren't many active orc players that log compared with any other race, and this is sounding like either pre-planned bullying, or a get-together to raze a hometown (Orc Camp) to me.

We've just recently had to deal with a huge heated controversy over an RP in Shilmista that started with goodies swarming across the map to a potential pkill to bully one lowbie orc, that erupted in name calling and spatting on both sides OOCly, and it was NOT pretty.

Not to mention, if this is an organization that is forming, all IC organizations are supposed to be apped and approved before any efforts to organize said group is made.

Hence, I will not participate as my orc in this affair unless I know that it will be both approved and closely managed imm-wise.
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Post by Lathander » Thu Aug 09, 2007 12:11 am

It has not been approved or denied. The application arrived and is being discussed. Please refrain from creating and posting PC organizations without approval.
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Post by Larnir » Thu Aug 09, 2007 1:41 am

I'm sorry, I wasn't creating any sort of Organization, by Organization I meant planning such an event to recruit. I'm waiting myself for a response of the application, and I, by no means, meant to further the event along more than It should without Imm consent. Please don't misunderstand my intentions. Mostly, I just want to get some sort of Roleplay, not neccessarily PK at all, initiated between good/evil PC's that have honestly done nothing less than code PK enemies. I honestly have faith that this could be a good, strongly roleplayed event that will only improve the atmosphere of the game itself. If I came across at -all- in terms of setting anything in stone, then I do apologize. I did not mean as such at all, and my intention was only to get the word around to go into pre-pre-pre-pre planning phases, with again, nothing set in stone that can't be turned around if the application is denied by the immortals. Please don't misunderstand my posts, I apologize if I sound confusing.
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Post by Kregor » Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:34 am

Building a fort in Shilmista, note aside, is also a building project, and will have to be submitted in an application to fkbuilders@lists.skynet.ie, to be built by you, and/or someone else willing to code it. This application will, in turn, have to be approved by the builder admin team :)
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Post by Larnir » Thu Aug 09, 2007 3:56 am

I understand that - and again, I've already sent one in. Please be reassured this isn't for some bloodlust I have against orc PC's. I want to create a good roleplay environment where good aligned pc's can battle, but not neccessarily PK, evil pc's. I really believe that really good roleplay can come out of this, if it's gone into with the right mindset. I'm not seeking to raze anything like that, I'm just trying to create roleplay opportunities.. =/ Maybe I should stop doing that, though, if this is the kind of backlash I'll get every time. :'(
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Post by Kelemvor » Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:48 am

Posting before applying was an easy mistake to make and stemmed from a genuine desire to create roleplay, so don't feel bad about that.

At the same time, posting to say 'maybe I shouldnt bother' when players query the post looks a bit sulky.

We welcome all contributions and you'd be cutting off your nose to spite your face (my favourite saying this month :) ) if you stopped contributing just because one idea attracted a response you weren't expecting

I'd suggest that until the application has been reviewed and answered we all save the concerns and angst for later ;)
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Post by Raona » Thu Aug 09, 2007 1:35 pm

Larnir and others interested in this may want to read over

Historically, I have not done a good job at all of reacting constructively to orcish RP, but in hopes of making some manner of amends, I would also ask you to read through
(Though the latter is hardly my brightest moment in the Forums...though not intended, I really hurt some people's feelings.)

I refer you to these to indicate to you the complexity of the situation you are venturing into...and to encourage you to engage in an OOC conversation with Ooma about this before anything IC begins, even if your application is approved. The current orc RP is fragile, nacent, and Ooma has worked very hard on it indeed, so I beg that out of respect for her substantial efforts you coordinate any grand schemes involving orchood with her.
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Post by Larnir » Thu Aug 09, 2007 7:48 pm

Thanks for the reply, Raona. I glanced over them, and I can understand some of problems that could arise. But when I thought about the creation of this little event, I had pure roleplay in mind - No PC Deaths. My intention was to just create fun roleplay between orcs and goodies, but everyone seems to think i'm some kind of bloodthirty monster. =/
Deaths in the war can be played out by NPC's..Unneccesary PC deaths are..well, unneccessary.

And..Yeah. I don't mean to sound sulky, Kelemvor, it's just dissapointing to see the annoyance in some of the posts, namely Kregors. :|
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Post by Kregor » Thu Aug 09, 2007 10:59 pm

Geez, I even smiled in my last post :(

I'm not disparaging your effort, or automatically assuming your intention, but also I am keen on the fact that this effort will solicit other players into the venture as well, and even if your intent is not to pkill anyone, that doesn't mean that all those who will come in on either side automatically feel the same as you.

That is the only reason that I immediately questioned the announcement of this effort, is because the minute we're talking an open invitation for a group of players into this sort of situation, we're talking a HUGE dynamic of different play styles. And yes, some players on this mud actually LIKE PvP. And Shilmista is historically a notorious place for such to erupt. The minute that becomes a possibility (because we're not just talking a festival, or other sort of "peacetime" activity), there should be imm intervention and participation into the goings on. The imms are a needed moderator, in my opinion, to make sure everyone stays on the same page, and can step in to control things just in case it doesn't. This is important for BOTH sides, and even important to make sure this concept actually is set up the way YOU envision it, if it is so approved.

Plus there's the same reason you don't start playing morning sickness, or RP a proposal of marriage and engagement to someone else on this MUD without an approval to the app first: it's kind of awkward once the RP is already out there, to suddenly retract it.

I would most gladly be a part of such an RP on one side, or the other, if such is approved and moderated. Perhaps that would have been the more positive way to word my previous statement. :)
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Post by Sindri » Fri Aug 10, 2007 12:32 am

Would it help to add something to the sticky at the top of the events forum? Something like: "If the event you wish to organize is likely to cause major conflict and/or PKills, please wait for admin approval before posting here."

I don't know how much player/IMM discussion went into most of the other player-run events posted here, since so much of that happens behind the scenes -- I think it would be handy to have some kind of guideline for future reference.
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