Burrow skill
Burrow skill
Maybe for Halflings there could be a skill like hide or sneak but it would be like burrowing a hole in the ground and be hidden beacause halflings do live in burrows what do you think?
Yes, Halflings do live in burrows, but a skill to dig one makes little sense. Halfling burrows are very large, extravagant, special places built/excavated to last through many halfling generations. And, (this is just my assumption) they are not some small task for our half-pint pals. There is already a hide skill... and there is already a dig skill. I just don't see what the point of a burrow skill is. Perhaps you could give an example where where this skill might have some practical use, Gratey?
Last edited by Leyva on Thu Sep 22, 2005 11:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
So.... orcs are in hot pursuit.... our brave little halfling hero whips out his shovel and starts digging? Forgive my skepticism, but that sounds a bit farfetched. Halflings aren't built to just dig holes where ever they please. When they do get down to burrowing, it's a long-term commitment, like I said. I think hide serves the same purpose as the skill you are describing....and you can RP it out through smotes that your hide involves scraping down into the dirt if you really want to, I suppose.
Last edited by Leyva on Thu Sep 22, 2005 11:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.