Learning spells from temples.

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Learning spells from temples.

Post by Tazmin » Tue Dec 02, 2003 8:59 pm

I was curious what temples a wizard could concieveably learn her spells from. While my wizard alts have often learned spells from Mystran temples, for obvious reasons, I have shied away from having them learn from other temples.

The spells may have the same name and effect as mine, but are cast and powered in a totally diffrent way that boggles my little wizard mind. ;) That is my ic reason anyway.

What temples can we learn from without being terribly unic? Mystra I know. Oghma? Denir? As they are knowledge gods and would have both divine and arcane versions. Who else?

On a side note should a cleric learn spells from wizard towers? I don't, but I immagine there are some who do.
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Post by Rorix » Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:20 pm

Though this does makes the balance of the game odd doesn't it? There are many spells to learn that are *only* trainned by mobs with good alignment. Unless of course it is already worked out for those purposes, then I can see not trainning for rp purposes working wonderfully. lateaz
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Learning.. spells and prayers

Post by Belose » Wed Dec 03, 2003 7:36 am

I've never paid attention to that myself, I was just glad to have found someone that trained what I was looking for.. but what about feats? I've found a feat trained by a wizard that my priest could learn...all of my other prayers I think have been taught mostly by priests in the temples...I'm pretty sure they were priests, anyways....
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Post by Rorix » Wed Dec 03, 2003 8:10 pm

I did not see it that way. So .. an evil priest would not be prevented in ICly (not by code) to learn from a good temple? There would be exepctions, such as maybe your temple and it's location. I suppose he could be disguised to obtain what he wished. Is that what you are saying? Then a paladin would not do such a thing because they would not disguise what they are and would not come near such a temple. Thanks. lateaz

Rad Adam - the Eye of the Storm
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