Nature Sense: Round 3

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Nature sense

Post by Llanthyr » Mon Dec 01, 2003 2:32 am

This gives druids and rangers combat bonus when fighting in the wilderness. They will be more of an outside person with this skill than just another kind of class who always goes indoors. Helps them combat things that threaten the wild with more skill, just as well.
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nice skill ... with exceptions

Post by Rorix » Tue Dec 02, 2003 6:08 pm

I would like to know exactly how much druids and rangers *actually* stay out of cities. Granted I don't really take note of such things, but this skill would be available to players that rped inside cities quite often .. would it not? Also, are you talking heavy wilderness such as forest areas or including anything outside of the cities. I can't really see how someone whom stays in the city would fight significantly worse in a plains area. I suppose though if these players do generally stay out of cites that they would be able to fight more efficiently in a forested area. Also Malarites would need to be given the option for this skill. lateaz

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The Real Nature Sense

Post by Rhytania » Tue Dec 02, 2003 7:17 pm

I would much rather see the true Nature Sense come into the game. It will work like locate object and instead give you a listing of all the alive things in the area. I see it working like this:

I succesfully cast Nature Sense, It will give me a list of things in an area, range determined by my spell level, the output would spit something out like this:
a rabbit in Ardeep Forest
a Gnoll Sentry in a Rocky Ridge
a wild boar in A Game Trail
an Elven Night in Ardeep Forest
a tanned-skin, wild female Elf in plains
a Bluechat bird in plains

Other ideas include:
1) limit its succesfull casting to 'outside' areas only, but shouldnot be limited to 'underground' areas...
2)invisibility, hide, or other forms of masking your presence should not apply since the caster is viewing the life forces in the area...
3)and maybe if we want to get as close to the PHB version of the spell, add a health indicator next to the output, ie:
a rabbit in Ardeep Forest 100%
a Gnoll Sentry in a Rocky Ridge 55%
a wild boar in A Game Trail 0%
an Elven Night in Ardeep Forest 100%
a tanned-skin, wild female Elf in plains 100%
a Bluechat bird in plains 79%

This spell would have tremendous RP value and would be a benefit to us. I mentioned this a while back in the old boards but couldnt help myself to a free plug ;)

Post by Mingus » Wed Dec 03, 2003 1:30 am

Both arguments sound good. But if can add to the first, I think it should go beyond the fighting and inclued a general well being and good health attribute too. Hence less fatigue, hunger and so on.

<---- Removed IC information about what a symbol does ------>

Where as the ranger/druid would automaticaly forage for food and feel much at ease with natual suroundings. Though I would like to see that spell too.

Post by Rhelian » Wed Dec 03, 2003 10:32 pm

I'm not too sure on this myself.

For the original idea, about 90% of the map is wilderness, so it's be an "always on" bonus. I would also think with their magic and skills the classes do a pretty good job of killing things already.

As for Rhytania's suggestion, again, I'd agree that in the PHB and tabletop it's a good skill, but on the mud I'd see a few problems with it. Essentially, what it'd be would be a long range truesight, track, magic mirror, and healthbars, all rolled into one spell, and the implicit amounts of massive abuse available of the skill are overwhelming. If it was brought in as:

cast 'nature sense'
You begin to pray...
You utter the words 'nature sense'
There are a few/some/many/a lot of lifeforms/humanoids/animals in the vicinity

Then it might be more balanced..just a general feeling of what is around, very very vaguely though. Also, there could be a variable attached to the spell as cast 'nature sense' type, where type can equal humanoid, beast, animal, orc, etc. The area allowed would be no more than two or three squares, at most.

I think giving specific information on individual mobs/pc's, and their exact location is seriously way overpowered, especially when you consider the uses in PK situations, or the massive disruption it could bring to RP.

Post by Mingus » Thu Dec 04, 2003 1:53 am

I disagree, If you look at it carefully it's not showing you the direction so its not tracking; the sense is not to be confused with true sight either, even if you are in the same room as an invisible PC, the spell will still not cancel their invisiblity and neither will it tell you that they are exactly in the same room just that they are in a room of the same name as yours; yes, I agree that it would be like a magic mirror but so is a "locat object" spell, this one is just dealing with mobs and PC's and like the locate spell you will just sense their presance for that brief second and nothing else, not what they are wearing or if they have moved out of that room or even anything else about the room, so you won't even know the exits;About the health meter, it would make sence that if you are that much in tune with nature you would most likely be able tell if an animal you sensed was injured too.

I maybe gulible to believe that most of the players are responsible enough for their actions. If abuse is what might happen, the same thing can be said about all the other divinion spells but there is no rampant PK because of them, track is more latent to abuse that what this spells sounds to be like. But what it would bring is a way for Druids/rangers to interacet with others in the wilderness areas more easily. The few time I have met someone by accident in the wilds was when they were going to Ardeep to quit and didn't have time to RP. Even if you camp at one of the entrances to an area on the map it is hard to meet another willing soul. Youll have more success finding anoterh drow in menzo or a zhent at the keep. I don't know about the rest of the rangers/druids but I play mine by a strick code and I don't park them at the MS or any other city. Again if abuse is what you are afraid of then limit it to detecting mobs and tree huggers only, I would be happy with just that.
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Nature Sense: Round 3

Post by Rhytania » Fri Jul 01, 2005 2:13 am

Ive been trying to plug this spell for years now and I thought nows a good as much a time as any to try and revive it. The first post was on the old boards id link it but i doubt it even exists anymore, the second was for a diferent spell with the same name, and i tried to steer it towards the true nature sense and then the topic kind of died So i am offering it up to the table again to kind of see what everyone thinks of it. heres the link to it: ... ture+sense

Ill see if I can explain it better here:
How it works in Table Top:
Nature Sense is a skill that is given to first level druids called Nature Sense. What it does is it allows them to sense the life forces in the area. The higher level druid you where the better your sense was bot in range and in detail. At higher levels you can even tell if anything is affecting something ie posions.

How it would work in Game:
A spell that would be available to lower to mid level druids. The spell itself will work in much the same way as Locate Object except a few differences depending on the spells level will affect what your output would be, such as:

Spell at low level:
a rabbit in Ardeep Forest
a Gnoll Sentry in a Rocky Ridge
a wild boar in A Game Trail
an Elven Night in Ardeep Forest
a plum tree in Ardeep Forest
a tanned-skin, wild female Elf in plains
a Bluechat bird in plains
a strawberry vine in Game Trail

Simple enoug output showing the animals and plants and the respective room they are in, and an area of affect spanning 2 rooms in each direction

Spell at Mid Level:
a rabbit in Ardeep Forest 100%
a Gnoll Sentry in a Rocky Ridge 99%
a wild boar in A Game Trail 1%
an Elven Night in Ardeep Forest 100%
a tanned-skin, wild female Elf in plains 98%
a Bluechat bird in plains 100%

A little more detailed output showing health and perhaps an area of affect spanning 5 rooms in each direction.

Spell at High Level:
a rabbit in Ardeep Forest 100% 95% <none>
a Gnoll Sentry in a Rocky Ridge 99% 100% <poison>
a wild boar in A Game Trail 1% 0% <bleeding>
an Elven Night in Ardeep Forest 100% 100% <res elec, prot evil>
a tanned-skin, wild female Elf in plains 98% 89% <barksin, levitate, troll>
a Bluechat bird in plains 100% 77% <none>
a Sneaky Male Orc in Yondallas Copse 99% 100% <invis, fly, bulls str>

Even more detail showing you all the previous info plus more. It shows the health, stamina, and affect flags. Notice the invised Orc that was sitting there the whole time, the boar that is on the verge of death, and the poisoned gnoll. The are of affect would be the largest maybe at 10 rooms in each direction.

This spell is more of an Rp tool than anything else. The possibilities that come with it are endless. Just for example how many times has an all powerful druid sitting by enjoying a quiet afternoon of peace and solitude, while in a few rooms away there is an orc running through the forest like a bat out of hell killing everything in sight. A druid should have an eerie almost freaky sense of everything that is going on in thier surroundings, and this spell would give us the tool to do just that.
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Post by Hviti » Fri Jul 01, 2005 2:52 am

This would be very cool for druids if it can be coded, but would sensing what was going on be closer to a skill for druids? A locate/detect life spell, as a spell, would presumably be usable by other types of priest/wizard, being based on the weave.
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Post by Rhytania » Fri Jul 01, 2005 3:07 am

Druids draw the power from nature not from the weave as a wizard does, nor from the divine as a cleric would. so it would not be available to anyone but druids. I pitched this idea as a spell becuase I think it would fit better into the game vice has a skill. A skill would leave it up for spam abuse.
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Post by Glim » Fri Jul 01, 2005 3:47 am

Ive always liked this would be a good thing for protecting and for hunting, being able to sense who is in the area around you. Though, Rhytania, I dunno if you said this, I think it would be better if the more detail was based on the spell level, instead of the level of the druid. That seems to be the way they code spells now. Great idea and I know I would use it on a druid or two.
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Post by Rhytania » Fri Jul 01, 2005 4:06 am

Yes it will definitely be based on the level of the spell not the player. I also think that once the spell is learned it should not be available for any higher training than maybe one past inept. Reason being you cant learn to tune your self with nature you just do it. A little sever yes but it should be one of those things that help develop your char.
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Post by Glim » Sat Jul 02, 2005 1:59 am

I agree, it would be perhaps like brew and scribe and shapechange. Only trainable to inept and it will take the hard work of your character to get any good with it. But once you do, it would be excellent.

I would hafta beg to get it for a certain nature priest of mine so he can hunt with more efficiency. *begsbegsbegs* *GRIN*
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