Magicy Skills/Trades

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Post by Glim » Fri Oct 19, 2007 1:50 pm

Kelemvor wrote:
Glim wrote:Now, because the failure rate is usually much less (I think you meant more there) than that when starting from inept and the lag could be more, it could take 30-45 minutes to make those 10 potions. And they would also need to stop and meditate somewhere in there to regain spells because no one has 135 slots.
Just a couple of points here...

Failed brews don't cause lag as far as I am aware.
Yes, yes they do. :) Also, thank you, I did mean more. I have now changed that.
Kelemvor wrote:Slots recharge over time without meditation and whilst brewing for 30 minutes you would almost certainly recharge the slots you were using up in the brewing.
Nope, not even with GM meditate. Theres no way you can recharge 3 spells every 30 seconds without meditating.
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Sword Grand Master
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Post by Glim » Sat Oct 20, 2007 4:28 am

Oh, by the way, heres an idea.

Currently, the way armoursmithing and weaponsmithing works, the higher skill level the better armor there is. Not so with brewing, since it's capped at level 3 spells. Thus, there really isn't any advantage to a higher brew skill except to fail less often and to be able to teach it. So why not remove the level 3 cap and let the level of the spell trying to be brewed be based off of skill? Brewing is a very hard skill to train (as hard as weapon and armoursmithing, I am sure), so why not give some advantages to having a higher skill level in it?

This would prevent the whole, well if there were higher level spells, then there would be no need for casters. Higher level spells in potions would be rare, because it takes dedication to reach a certain skill level. I remember when it used to be that people preferred armour made by a player smith with a high skill level than even magical armour.

Also, if some say that it is because it is based off of D20, let's remember that in D20 it is a feat. You take it and you can make it. There isn't really much training involved.

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Post by Dalvyn » Sat Oct 20, 2007 5:14 am

I believe that skill level in brew matters more than just whether or not you fail to brew. I think it also caps how powerful the "spell in the bottle" is.

A possible formula (it might be the one that is used, actually), would be to set the "skill level" of the "spell in the bottle" as the lowest value between
- the brewer's skill level for this spell
- the brewer's skill level for brew
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Post by Glim » Sat Oct 20, 2007 5:26 am

Really? I didn't know that.

So let me see if I got this right, if a person is novice in brew, but adept in the spell, then the spell in the potion is set as novice? And the other way around, if they are adept in brew, but novice in the spell, then it is still novice in the potion?

Or do you mean it would set it as the value in the middle of those two?

Sorry, the use of the word between is confusing me a bit. :)
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Post by Dalvyn » Sat Oct 20, 2007 8:12 am

Sorry, replace "between" with "amongst".

Then again, I'm not entirely sure it works like that.
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Post by Glim » Sun Oct 21, 2007 5:01 am

Hmm, that does seem more like a limitation than an advantage, though. Either you are limited by your spell skill level or by your brew skill level. But then, it does make sense. :)
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