by Glim » Sat Oct 20, 2007 4:28 am
Oh, by the way, heres an idea.
Currently, the way armoursmithing and weaponsmithing works, the higher skill level the better armor there is. Not so with brewing, since it's capped at level 3 spells. Thus, there really isn't any advantage to a higher brew skill except to fail less often and to be able to teach it. So why not remove the level 3 cap and let the level of the spell trying to be brewed be based off of skill? Brewing is a very hard skill to train (as hard as weapon and armoursmithing, I am sure), so why not give some advantages to having a higher skill level in it?
This would prevent the whole, well if there were higher level spells, then there would be no need for casters. Higher level spells in potions would be rare, because it takes dedication to reach a certain skill level. I remember when it used to be that people preferred armour made by a player smith with a high skill level than even magical armour.
Also, if some say that it is because it is based off of D20, let's remember that in D20 it is a feat. You take it and you can make it. There isn't really much training involved.
Glim asks Gwain 'Can I be on the watch?!?'
Gwain raises an eyebrow.
Gwain seems to display a look of complete horror for a second...