Crushing device

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Crushing device

Post by Duranamir » Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:41 pm

Given the number of spell components that are some for of dust or powder it would be very useful if there was some form of device that could crush a source item into a component powder item. i.e.

Apply device to gem, get gem dust.
Apply device to smelted iron get iron powder
Apply device to ruhbarb leaf get ruhbarb leaf powder.

Historically i would have thought some kind of mortal and pestle would have been used to perform this kind of alchemy.

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Post by Oghma » Wed Oct 31, 2007 3:12 pm

There is actually a mortar and pestle in game, and I think the new features section for the magical forge mentioned a crushing device, I do not know if the later has been implemented yet though.
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