Drow and the surface:

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Post by Levine » Fri Nov 16, 2007 4:04 am

Personally, I am not for this idea.

To put it very shortly and simply:

ICly, my drow wouldn't like to visit the top. Besides, if she truly does need her spell components, I can always ask some drow to ask someone from Skullport for spell components.

ICly again, on another character, I have seen halfdrow being sent up as merchants/informers for the drow stuck in the Underdark.

On the whole, I think the way it is now is good. There are thousands of opportunities for RP, it all depends on whether you think of it or not. Yes, it gets boring sometimes because there is no one online, but whenever I type 'who', I do keep a lookout for drow online so I can possibly log on and strike up some fun RP. This way, I play my part.

I strongly feel that the Underdark should not be such an easily accessible place to the surface beings (which is what having surface drow implies), and vice versa.

I agree with what Mariela said, something along the lines of having a nice quiet, safe place all to ourselves, and I really do like it that way. This is the only character that I have had that lives in a place so full of culture and beings of ONLY one race. It adds to the effect.

My point is, I feel that things should stay the way they are now. Even though I've had my drow character for less than a month, I've received a considerable amount of help and RP there. Much more than I expected, anyhow.

I suppose, if you want a surface drow, go ahead and apply for it, but I don't think they should have daylight adaptation, still. It's not in their nature, is it?

This is an RP mud. To me, if you want to create a character, you shouldn't be looking at how powerful it can be (unless you have some sort of big RP in mind that you HAVE to be powerful for). Instead, you should be looking at how much you are willing to sacrifice for this SURFACE drow. That means accepting all penalties to being on the surface.

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Post by Dalvyn » Fri Nov 16, 2007 4:30 am

The idea of "special drow fridays" has already been mentioned before, and I think that it's the best solution to bring roleplay to the drow.

Besides, it can be done: look at what Ooma did for orcs. It just takes one or a few motivated players. It seems obvious to me that you'll get much more roleplay for the drow by setting up some sort of regular event than by constantly asking to have a way to the surface "so you can meet people to roleplay with".
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Post by Nysan » Fri Nov 16, 2007 6:50 pm

Mouat wrote:surface dwellers get to go into the Mithril Halls
Never again...never.
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Post by Velius » Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:02 pm

I think that every once in a while there should be surface raids as there are in FR. Every once in a LONG while I mean. Drow, as mentioned before, HATE the surface. They only go up there to kill ( only the evil drow that is :) ). I think that drow SHOULD be able to go to the surface, but only with an application and only for short periods of time.

As for a comment made earlier... Lloth is NOT the only Drow god in the FR pantheon. There are I believe, 2 surface gods for Drow. One of which is the goddess of good drow who wish to redeem themselves on the surface world. There are also some other Evil drow gods that have shrines in the underdark.

EDITED TO ADD: There is no reason/place for evil drow to roam the surface. It generates RP, but is it IC? No. Drizzt has been on the surface for YEARS and his eyes still hurt in the daylight. Evils go up, kill, go back home. They hate the surface world. The goody drow have a reason though, but as there are no Drizzt like RPs, or even normal drow following their drow goddess ( can't remember that good drow goddesses name! ), there shouldn't be any drow roaming the surface for long periods of time.
Jysrak Armgo of House Barrison Del'Armgo -MENZO-
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Post by Selveem » Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:59 pm

I really think Alaron's Drow invaders should be removed, then. And other areas where Drow exist above the surface, too. If we want to have this as an 'across-the-board' house rule, then we should not really have something that doesn't fit the game occurring at all hours of the game.

Could we change Alaron to be invaded by some other local, monsterous race?

Edited to include: This change is not made to remove something from the game, but change it. It's a huge tease to see all 30+ Drow at all times consistently raiding the surface when it's been house-ruled that no Drow should be able to reach the surface.
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Post by Velius » Wed Nov 21, 2007 10:24 pm

Valid point Selveem, but there is a flaw. I don't know why these drow colonies have been placed on the surface ( And I know these aren't good drow ) but...

If we let PC drow on the surface for long periods of time people will get ideas... we don't want that to happen do we *grins*? I don't think that all the Drow up in Holyhead will turn into a bunch of Drizzt Do'Urden's :). The PCs have more of a chance to turn into Drizzt and do more harm to the MUD than help it.

A lot of the PC Elves act like pointy-eared humans, the evil-thieves steal too much, etc... imagine how bad the RP will be with drow ( Pointy-Eared bloodthirsty, humans that happen to be very sneaky. ) if we allow them on the surface. You actually have to know about drow to play a drow, and a lot of people don't know what they are getting into. They don't know their place in the societies ( if you acted like a pointy eared, bloodthirsty, sneaky human in FR in Menzoberranzan you be killed, and if you were a male who disrespected females you'd be tortured/slaughtered and the such. Step on a spider you are dead. ) If you don't believe me, head down to Waterdeep and take a look at a large percentage of the Moon Elves.

I think that we should allow Drow to the surface for raids, but only for short periods of time. In the future, we should be able to allow drow to stay on the surface for larger periods of time, but I do't think now would be a good time.
Jysrak Armgo of House Barrison Del'Armgo -MENZO-
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Post by Nedylene » Wed Nov 21, 2007 11:28 pm

can't we just take the stance that "Lllothite" drow cannot be on surface? There ARE drow on the surface in FR lore and I like the flavor it adds. Just me
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Post by Selveem » Wed Nov 21, 2007 11:45 pm

You aren't getting through UM alive without a BIG party below at least level 35. If a Drow isn't comfortable roleplaying as a Drow by level 35, there's a bigger problem that just 'reaching the surface.'

I don't want to repeat myself, I'm just trying to say that my post was never intended to allow a Drow to just pop onto the surface at random. They'd have to work their way up just like the surface dwellers have to work their way down.

If there are that many people willing to take a lowbie Drow to the surface - a Drow who would not be a good enough representation of a Drow - then perhaps the problem is not the Drow trying to reach the surface so much as those irresponsible players helping said Drow?
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Post by Velius » Thu Dec 20, 2007 2:07 am

I've played the MUD for a bit, every minute I've played it, I must admit, I've thought to myself "Lets make a drow!" then .001932 seconds later I think to myself "Why?"

I began playing this MUD after I read the Legacy of the Drow books. I wanted to Roleplay being the evil drow of the Matriarchal society we know as Menzoberranzan. I wanted to raid the surface. I went to create a drow and Doh! There was a Kismet cost. I was thinking to myself, "200 hours doing something I really don't want to do?" then I thought "Fooey, beats studying, lets kill something" (There is your average teenage american for you)

I created my first character, Leith, and I wanted to become a paladin and join the Waterdeep Watch. First thing I get is, "Good luck joining the Watch, Marcus hasn't been seen for a long while." Then I got "Are you sure you are willing to put the time into becoming a paladin?" No. I want to be a drow. Then I created Velius, who I happen to love RPing with. I don't care how long it takes to join the 'the ranks of the Foehammer', it beats studying right?

Then I learned that drow are not aloud on the surface. At first I said "Alright", then I thought, "What the... I rarely ever see drow around" If the MUD enforces RP, why leave them to this unpopulated place? You hate characters acting solo so much, we can't heal our wounds with bandages because that would put a halt to the RP of priests, yet the drow are left to this little unpopulated place to fend for themselves.

***Before I continue, none of this was meant to assault/offend the Imm who put so much time and effort into this great MUD that I still play today. Just stating my thoughts. I'm happy with this MUD, I wouldn't still be playing it if that wasn't so.***

So far I've noticed people would love to see the drow come to the surface, and on the other hand I've seen that people wouldn't love it. Why? As I've stated before, people get ideas. Last thing we need is for all the drow to run to the surface and get warm fuzzy feelings and party with the elves of Ardeep. (Or help a certain person find invisible naked females. :) )

Why would people want drow to come to the surface? (Pros)
1. RP with the drow would be awesome!
2. More opportunies for this awesome race.

Why would people want drow to stay in the dark? (Cons)
1. Warm, fuzzy feelings ( In other words, horrible RP )

Lets weigh out the Pros and Cons.
RP with the drow will be awesome? If you look at a properly RPed drow, you have a 99% chance of finding a dagger/knife/sword/spear/spear in your back sometime or another (on the surface that is).

More opportunities for this awesome race and bad rp? I for one would LOVE to make a drow, but I can't stand being alone for too long. I say if we want more opportunites for this race people should get together and play/make drow characters. More people, more RP. Yes, I agree we should be aloud on the surface, but we have to make sure there are no bad apples before we go through with this. One wrong move, and all efforts would go to waste. In the future, I hope to see the drow to have access to the surface, but on the other hand people should come down to Menzoberranzan. In the books it states that merchants come down to Menzoberranzan and have made great proffit, but few have the courage to come down ( a great quest for a Helmite if you ask me, make sure the merchant remains safe, help him/her make it to Menzoberranzan). I say if we are to have more opportunities for the drow, both sides have to play their part. If you want to go to the surface, prove that you have the responsibility to do so.
Jysrak Armgo of House Barrison Del'Armgo -MENZO-
Jys/rak: Jys = Hard, steel, unyielding, /rak = Chaos, storm, tempest
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