D20 SRD Divine Rules Supplement wrote: Sacred Spell [Metamagic]
Half of the damage dealt by a sacred spell results directly from divine power and is therefore not subject to being reduced by protection from energy or similar magic. The other half of the damage dealt by the spell is as normal. A sacred spell uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell’s actual level. Only divine spells can be cast as sacred spells.
[feat] Sacred Spell
[feat] Sacred Spell
This is kind of in anticipation of the new saves/resists coming into the game port:
"There is no safety for honest men except by believing all possible evil of evil men."
Kregor - Ranger of Tangled Trees
Rozor - Lady Luck's Duelist
Tygen - Ranger-Bard of Mielikki
Kregor - Ranger of Tangled Trees
Rozor - Lady Luck's Duelist
Tygen - Ranger-Bard of Mielikki
There really isn't much in the way of divine or vile resistance in D&D either, thats what makes them particularly nasty. Resistance to them generally falls under basic magic resistance, instead of resistance to their specific type.
There are spells already in game that do half their damage in holy/divine, flamestrike being the primary one. I'm not sure if its coded as such in FK tho'
There are spells already in game that do half their damage in holy/divine, flamestrike being the primary one. I'm not sure if its coded as such in FK tho'