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Post by Selveem » Mon Dec 03, 2007 6:00 pm

First off, I want to apologize for having to have made the difficult decision to post here instead of the other 'creation: luck and charisma' thread.

The reason I am posting here is specifically for luck. The Help file outlines Luck as the following:
Help Luck wrote:Luck (LCK in your 'score') represents the tendency of a character to succeed or prosper through chance or good fortune. As in life, the exact extent of this factor remains and will always remain shrouded in uncertainty...

Also as in life, however, it can be said with surety that its influence on a
character is pervasive. Though it affects some aspects of life here in a very direct manner, it can affect nearly every aspect to at least a degree.

Please note that luck, unlike other stats cannot be trained at a trainer. It has been decided that luck is a gift/curse from the Goddesses of Luck.
The only way to raise or lower luck is with the use of spells from these Goddesses or with equipment. The reason for our decision is it made no sense for it to be trainable. Its not like doing strength exersises to raise strength, or studying to raise your intelligence and so on.
Before I begin, I want to say that I agree with the decision to make Luck a stat that cannot be trained anymore. I never understood that to begin with. However, this raises a couple of issues:
  • Luck is innate. It's something that you're born with. Is there a reason, upon character creation, that we cannot put points into Luck? Agreed, it should not be possible after creation aside from equipment or spells, but the creation is 'character birthing' process.
Next, I would like to address the ambiguity of the help files.
  • If you look at any of the other helpfiles, there is a direct link between stat and affect. I understand that IC a character would not know for sure they're lucky. Besides, no one is _always_ lucky, but is it possible to have that OOC information available?
Third, failing that Luck currently has no real in-game use, I would like to bring to discussion how to make it actually useful. That all would depend on whether or not there is currently a real use, though. I know currently you can take the feat called 'Luck of Heroes' that will apply your luck bonus to AC, but my attempt to find out if it is even in-game yet has been unsuccessful despite my searching and using ask in-game. I would assume Luck of Heroes is not currently in-game and is awaiting saves to be brought in.
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Sword Journeyman
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Post by Aegir » Mon Dec 03, 2007 6:11 pm

I'm not certain how relevant it is, but in d20 "luck" is a type of modifier, often used in spells and magic items to deliver bonuses to stats, skills, attacks, most anything.

Taking that concept and adapting it to a stat would make for a pretty powerful stat, but in theory it could be done simply enough.
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