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Post by Kelemvor » Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:06 am

Perhaps that's because they would see "Order full" and not apply.

Hmm, I'm not sure what made you say that...
I've updated the details of the spaces available in the lesser orders whenever a change has happened. The only order that has always been over-subsrcibed is Corellon's.

It may be that that info thread is a little out of the way and needs posting somewhere that it's easier to find.

Here's the current situation
Current squires inactive, one paladin active with two spaces open for new squires with one already allocated leaving ONE space remaining.

Current squires inactive, two spaces open for new squires with one already allocated leaving ONE space remaining.

Current squires inactive, two spaces open for new squires with one currently allocated leaving ONE remaining.

One inactive squire, two spaces open for new squires which have both been allocated leaving NO spaces currently available currently.

One inactive squire, one paladin active, two spaces open for new squires with one already allocated leaving ONE space remaining.

For the smaller orders, you must apply as noted in the earlier posts above and your acceptance is at the discretion of the Deities and/or High Priest/esses of the faiths concerned.

Unfortunately, those players with hopeful squires, or squires in the middle of lessons, who applied and were accepted but have now let the character lapse will need to re-apply if they wish to resume their training

For the main paladin orders of Tyr, Torm and Helm you do not need to apply and the joining is usually quite straightforward within the game.
Simply meet a suitable member of your faith to petition a knight to train you.
However, given the appalling attendance rates for Squires I am always happy to consider new applications even if the notes indicate an order is full.

The restriction of two slots per order was purely to allow kngihts to be created for those faiths. Once there are Knights in game then the number of slots can increase - since there will be Knights to guide them.

It looks as though once the Organisation review is complete, I'll be reviewing paladins again. :)
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Post by Larethiel » Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:42 pm

Note that Kelemvor's quotation is taken from the last entry of the "HOW TO become a paladin thread" in the classes-section. Reading the posts there might add to the discussion here. Mind too, the quotation is from around 20th Februrary of this year, probably not that up to date :)
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Post by Kelemvor » Mon Dec 03, 2007 5:53 pm

That's what you get for asking a mortal to pass on a message.. :)

The details for the slots and orders is correct, has not changed since that time. The only item in that quote that is out of date is the request for lapsed squires to re-apply.

This is something to consider in any review though, do I need to once more remove those unplayed squires from the slots they occupy and give them to someone who is willing to play more frequently
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Post by Raona » Sat Dec 08, 2007 4:25 am

Kelemvor wrote:However, given the appalling attendance rates for Squires I am always happy to consider new applications even if the notes indicate an order is full.
Is squire training still ongoing?

(Sorry, I dropped off the map completely this drafted into teaching physical chemistry lab at the last minute, and I'd never even seen the experiments lots of extemporaneous improvisation ensued.)
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