Item morphing

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Item morphing

Post by Talos » Fri Dec 12, 2003 4:00 am

I have a wearable item which, by nature, could be worn just about anywhere. I want to make it so the pcs can change where it is warn as they like, as well as change its abilities. After some initial inquiries into the matter, however, I'm wondering how possible it is. So I'm seeking some additional, more detailed input. The main sticking point is the wear location. I want them have to take it off to change it. Easy. However, I'm not sure if the oset wear command removes any old wear flags, or just adds new ones. I need to be able to do both.

I think the applies aspect is covered by affect and rmaffect.

I'm wondering also how hard/possible it is to have the item make or remove programs.

I initially had planned on making several versions of the item, as has been done before, but I am alredy short on vnums and could save about six this way. The wear location thing is most important, the rest can be compromised. Any advice appreciated.
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Post by Tyr » Fri Dec 12, 2003 2:49 pm

oset wear works as a toggle so it will remove a wear location if it is set. The difficulty in your situation is you will have to know which location is currently set in order to remove it.
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