Level: Brd 3, Wiz 3
You make your oponent move slower.
Affected creatures lose an attack by round they also suffer a -1 penalty to AC, attack rolls, and Reflex saves.
I can see this being abused in many ways, this being one of them:
"Lets defeat the almighty warrior by casting Slow every other round"
If this spell were to be implemented though, it should be of higher level than 3 due to its power.
"Lets defeat the almighty warrior by casting Slow every other round"
If this spell were to be implemented though, it should be of higher level than 3 due to its power.
Jysrak Armgo of House Barrison Del'Armgo -MENZO-
Jys/rak: Jys = Hard, steel, unyielding, /rak = Chaos, storm, tempest
Jys/rak: Jys = Hard, steel, unyielding, /rak = Chaos, storm, tempest
Erm, I don't mean to be rude at all. But can't that be said against every spell in existence? "Let's defeat the almighty warrior by casting Lightning Bolt every second". It isn't abuse to cast one spell over and over, it's just stupid. Fine, you might as a wizard be able to kill that warrior with Slow, but every person after that? I doubt it.I can see this being abused in many ways, this being one of them:
"Lets defeat the almighty warrior by casting Slow every other round"
If this spell were to be implemented though, it should be of higher level than 3 due to its power.
If you have knowledge, let others light their candles with it.
--Sir Winston Churchill
"This place is boring, I'm gonna go eat whatever I can find laying on the ground"
-- Hoildric
Cacie asks Larethiel 'Did that air just bow to you?
--Sir Winston Churchill
"This place is boring, I'm gonna go eat whatever I can find laying on the ground"
-- Hoildric
Cacie asks Larethiel 'Did that air just bow to you?