Recipe Shop

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Recipe Shop

Post by Enig » Thu Dec 06, 2007 10:30 pm

Hello, just a quick question if you fellows have a moment, about a shop idea I was thinking about adding on to my guild.

I've played around a bit with cooking, IC, and so far it's been quite a bit of fun, but one of the stumbling blocks I've run into is that there doesn't seem to be a lot of information floating about either OOCly or ICly about what is and isn't possible with existing code. What I'm thinking of doing to help remedy the situation is to make a shop that sells a player recipes and add it to the abjurer's school I'm building. It should be an easy matter to write out a number of basic recipes with instructions on how they would be prepared, and then append on to the end the OOC commands required to do the work via code.

On the other hand, I'm not certain if the lack of information is by circumstance, or by design, if you follow. If these things were put up with the intention that they be found by experimenation, I'll be happy to cut out the shop from my floor plan, no harm done, or at least reduce the quantity of planned recipes to a few basic ones. Otherwise, I'll add in whatever I can, to try and help get the ball (of dough) rolling.

Anyways, as always, thanks in advance for your time, folks :)
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Post by Dalvyn » Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:12 am

I'm not sure if recipes would need to be sold one by one.

Maybe you (or another cook) can write an IC book and send it to publications? It could be sold at the cooking implement shops.
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Post by Raona » Sat Dec 08, 2007 3:15 am

The basic idea is a really neat one, Enig! A cookbook would be a big help all the way around, as what and how one cooks is something it seems relatively few people have the persistence to puzzle out for themselves.

That said, I think a good IC object should try, if at all possible, to just be helpfully suggestive about how to cook, not spell out the code in OOC detail. So instead of

A cookbook could say something like "holding a rolling pin, one should then flatten the dough into a vaguely circular form, and, whist still holding the dough, place the fruit upon it."

I'm guessing here, and there are some cases where you may have to break down and just spill the code (as I do in a spot in the Watch training manual), but I try to avoid doing so where possible with in-game objects.
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Post by Nedylene » Sat Dec 08, 2007 4:35 am

Personally.... I think a few quests on cooking would be better. Adding to Raona's idea "apprenticing" under the chef go gather the ingredients then they walk you through the commands in quest format. Much like learning a trade!
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Post by Enig » Sat Dec 15, 2007 11:09 am

First of all, thanks for all your helpful replies. Especially Nedylene's, since I love the idea of doing a little quest line following a chef apprenticeship, though in retrospect I don't know why it didn't occur to me right away.

That said, however, I did have another question sort of related to the same subject that I wanted to ask. I was considering rewards for the quest, and of course, the obvious things came to mind at first; chef's hat, apron, ring, etc. But it strikes me that these things aren't often used, since most PCs will opt to wear their snazzy magical gear, given the choice. That said, I thought it might be fun to award the player with one of a set of 'fancy' tools. Nothing magical of course, just a piece of expensive cookwear that they could pull out when they code-cooked to set them apart from the riff-raff :P

To get to the heart of my question, though, I was wondering just how difficult/possible it would be to create something like this, a duplicate version of the current rolling pin with a different set of descriptions.
As always, thanks in advance for your reply! :)
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Post by Dalvyn » Sat Dec 15, 2007 2:12 pm

It wouldn't be too difficult. You could always simply load the normal object, and rename it for example as a quest reward.

Even if a full suit of chef's clothes does not look like a good reward to you, you can have a mob selling them. You are right in thinking that some people would prefer other gears most of the time, but some would still wear that chef's hat and apron for specific roleplays.
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