Reforming the Drunkeness Code

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Reforming the Drunkeness Code

Post by Oghma » Sun Jan 27, 2008 6:33 pm

Currently I've been finding that pc's get very drunk easily. Though this can be gone around by having higher stats in certain areas like constitution, I honestly don't know if it makes sense that a single glass of wine of stein of beer can make you hiccup or slur your speech. I would opt for increasing alcohol tolerance to the equivalent of five beers affecting your state instead of one or two in response to each level of constitution you have.

For example, a person with a hardened CON could easily drink twenty pints of beer, while someone with average could manage 3-5. The alcohols with stronger kicks should only kick in once several sips are taken, and not so much as one. I don't know if the code can be altered, but it does seem a shame to see people neglecting alcohol and taverns because after two beers they vomit uncontrollably.

I would also suggest the inclusion of remove poison again to strip drunkenness. This was formally used before in the game but was removed because of abuse. I would suggest that this time instead of removing and sobering completely, the spell only strips one level of drunkenness each time it is cast.
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Post by Vibius » Sun Jan 27, 2008 6:43 pm

I couldn't agree more with you, having a character drooling after finishing a mug of beer is a bit excessive in my eyes.
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Post by Nedylene » Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:04 pm

Totally agree more. Would love for Constitution to play a role as well as race (Dwarves will down a helluva lot more then humans). Perhaps though, it would also be good to have a feat to raise your tolerance?
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Post by Mariela » Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:26 pm

I agree!
It would be really nice to actually have to put forth effort even if it's a little to get drunk. What fun is it to go out on the purpose of getting drunk when all you have to do is buy a glass of wine?
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Post by Selveem » Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:29 pm

I disagree on increasing resistence to drunken behavior. How else will my less charismatic characters have successful dates?!
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Post by Tobias » Sun Jan 27, 2008 7:31 pm

hah! But um ayE! I plus I think certain races should have a natural resistance to drunkenness. I read somewhere that drow are hardier than dwarves when it comes to alcohol they can get drunk but with a mere concious effort they can throw off the effects. While a dwarves it takes ALOT to get them drunk..I think gnomes are somewhat resilient to it. Last night two pc's drank one small glass of wine..seems to be super potent and they where for like an hour or more puking all over the room we where in!
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Post by Kregor » Sun Jan 27, 2008 8:10 pm

There is ACTUALLY a d20 supplement that deals with getting drunk. Believe it or not, and the mechanic seems to be pretty workable. The supplement is Tournaments, Fairs, and Taverns. It also has mechanics for all sorts of contests, jousts, tournaments and such we might want to look at for contest areas and such like Foregathering, Mage Fair, and Tournaments.

They also offer a PDF of JUST the drinking part, which is cheap

Follow this link for details.
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Post by Ekina » Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:20 am

I think this is a perfect idea. There have been plenty of times when one of my characters have been hanging out, having only a drink or two, and next thing I know I'm barfing all over the place and I have to excuse myself.
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Post by Horace » Mon Jan 28, 2008 12:21 am

Can we just remove the barf echo and replace it with something that isn't that terrible.

a little glassy eyed or something
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Post by Mouat » Tue Jan 29, 2008 12:55 am

Horace wrote:Can we just remove the barf echo and replace it with something that isn't that terrible.
But I like commenting on what people ate.... :(
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Post by Elenthis » Tue Jan 29, 2008 1:43 am

I drink scotch IRL. Glenfiddich, Glenlivet, and Johnny walker (black label). IRL, I can handle about 6-8 shots before I'm thoroughly retarded (on number 3 now). As it stands, I dont vomit when I drink, unless I'm drinking rum. I, personally think that vomit should be the second to last emote, followed only by convulsions and death.
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Post by Velius » Tue Jan 29, 2008 3:18 am

Elenthis wrote:I, personally think that vomit should be the second to last emote, followed only by convulsions and death.
Yeah, uh, about that dwarven racial bonus... I'd like to change the bonus from :You don't get drunk too soon - to: If you happen to become way drunk you don't fall over dead. 8)
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Post by Jaenoic » Tue Jan 29, 2008 3:48 am

As the guy who ends up being the responsible person at many parties I can say that vomiting is a sign of severe alcohol poisoning. It occurs only when a person has had far far too much over their limit, generally around 10 drinks within a few hours for a normal sized male.(Although I have seen a tiny girl suffer from it after just 1 drink on an empty stomach - poor girl. :( ) Other side effects that coincide with it are decreased logical and cognitive capacities, such as being unaware of the time, place, or context of your surroundings and incoherent speech, numbness of limbs and skin, and profuse apologies and/or confessions of love for fellow members of the male gender. It's embarrassing if it happens, but it generally takes a lot for it to happen. Unless you are the aforementioned girl(who I would say had a CON of 6 or 7, I'm such a dork) it's not going to take you 1 or 2 drinks to get you to that stage.

Granted some people have a particular drink they just can't stomach - for many it's tequila as I understand it.(By the way, know how to count tequila shots? One, two, three, floor.) But unless we want to introduce an alcohol version of the racial enemy feat, I wouldn't worry about this. ;)
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Post by Orplar » Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:24 am

rofl, oh dear
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Post by Larethiel » Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:43 am

I would really welcome a reformation of the Drunkeness Code. As it stands I think it's a bit "harsh" :) Out of experience I agree with Jaenoic, vomitting being the consequence of drinking way way too much thus poisoning your body till it seeks to get rid of the poison you just pumped into yourself. And you don't randomly burp or drool, well, perhaps you do if your inhibition threshold already dropped down due to the alcohol.

I'd like new echoes for the different stages of being drunk. The lightheaded-echo is nice as it is now but there could be others f.e. people squinting randomly or smiling serenly, giggling at random things. At stages of heavier drunkeness staggering and confusion could be an option as well as echoes of feeling slightly sick which increase while continuing to drink till it gets too much and sickness comes obvious with vomitting.

Just my 2 early morning cents :)
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Post by Raona » Tue Jan 29, 2008 12:01 pm

This would be a more readily implemented suggestion if it were more concrete. Since there seems to be a lot of agreement on this topic, let's turn to writing up a series of specific echoes and stages of drunkenness, proposed to replace the current one. What should the echoes be, in order? What should happen to player movement, stats, and/or skills/abilities after x drinks?
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Post by Travis » Tue Feb 05, 2008 12:57 am

Is there such thing as death by drink in FK right now? I'm pretty sure with the current code you can drink as much as your character can afford... I think it would add some serious flavor if you had a certain stat based ammount that you can drink before you keel over stunned and or dead. Perhaps after x ammount of drinks you would get poisoned, I dunno.

On whole, I heartily agree with the reformation of the boozing code.

To go off Raona's last post, it seems like the first stage of inebriation would be swaying, facial coloration, a burp, or something like that.
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Post by Elenthis » Tue Feb 05, 2008 1:09 am

Light drinking:

:!: You're filled with a warm sensation
:!: You feel lightheaded
:!: The outlines of your vision are pleasantly dulled

Drinking for that buzz and going one drink too far:

:!: Your stomach lurches and you feel dizzy
:!: Your head aches with a dull throbbing
:!: You have the sudden urge to answer nature

Drinking for that buzz and going one keg too far:

:!: Your stomach rebels against you!
:!: Your head is throbbing, and coherent thought eludes you!
:!: You wonder which way is up as you tumble to the ground!
:!: Your vision darkens as though you were looking through a tunnel.

And another drink...

:!: Reality fades from sight as you pass out into a dreamless state
:!: Your liver gives up, and you die.
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Post by Travis » Tue Feb 05, 2008 1:29 am

That sounds good to me.
What do you think the emotes would look like?
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