[Brainstorm Copycat!] Wizards

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Post by Tobias » Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:40 am

I like the idea of the blast thing Dalvyn. It could also wear down on the wizards stamina thusly showing it trains a bit of energy out of them for concentrating and the like.
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Post by Nedylene » Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:46 am

My only problem with current list/new list ... It gets REALLY tedious memorizing 70 something spells when you get to higher levels. Could the "new list" be the "current list" unless you choose to change the new spells?

Also, what does this mean for adventuring and dungeon crawls? Sometimes on these journeys into places like UM or OSOW you go through spells FAST ... much faster then in a tabletop because plainly.. a lightning bolt does not do as much damage (percentage wise) that it does in tabletop. So.. when on these adventures which is the lessor of two evils.. sitting and meditating for 15 minutes or waiting for X amount of time for the spell list to restore?
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Post by Dalvyn » Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:10 am

Nedylene wrote:My only problem with current list/new list ... It gets REALLY tedious memorizing 70 something spells when you get to higher levels. Could the "new list" be the "current list" unless you choose to change the new spells?
Yes, that would be the standard option: if you do not input any command to modify the "new" list (either by removing/adding a spell in a slot or by calling one of the saved spell lists), then you would automatically keep the same list.
Also, what does this mean for adventuring and dungeon crawls? Sometimes on these journeys into places like UM or OSOW you go through spells FAST ... much faster then in a tabletop because plainly.. a lightning bolt does not do as much damage (percentage wise) that it does in tabletop. So.. when on these adventures which is the lessor of two evils.. sitting and meditating for 15 minutes or waiting for X amount of time for the spell list to restore?
Right... that's Point 2 above. A possible option is to give casters "something" that they can do at will, which would obviously be inferior to most spells, but still useful (e.g., crossbow shooting, magical blast, ...)

Percent-wise, some spells do much less damage on FK than in table-top. Plus, there are many more mobs to fight here than in table-top games (consider areas like the Old School for example, which is pack-full of mobs).

I've never said that I had the perfect solution. :) Just trying to work towards a better system.
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Post by Tobias » Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:30 am

It would be nice in fk settings if arrow quivers could hold a bit more without weighing many wizards down since you go through alot of them in the many many rounds of combat when you use them in such. Perhaps also allow wizards and anyone to shoot them from the backrow without the point blank shot feat since they aren't really within striking range?
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Post by Moloch » Tue Jan 29, 2008 2:21 pm

Maybe the solution to Point 1 can be concentrated in how we set this new value of the timer. We could set the timer back to say, 1 RL minute for level 1 characters, and up to 30 RL minutes for level 50 characters, with a nice curve in-between.
30 minutes of RL time seems like a bit of a stretch, really. I would say maybe 15 minutes at the most, but that's just my opinion.
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Post by Solaghar » Tue Jan 29, 2008 3:55 pm

I like the idea of wizards always having something as a backup, it would *especially* be useful for newbies, for those levels before you get meditate waiting for your spells to regenerate is an awful chore. My intention with the meditate thing was to promote an idea where wizards would stay active, and not meditate randomly, but I agree it would probably be pretty boring for them and those they're with if they just had to stand there being extra quiet.
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Post by Rhianon » Wed Jan 30, 2008 12:55 am

Lots of good idea's, and sorry to say I doubt of any of them will make much difference for my wizzie, simply because I don't log that often, I have 1668 hours on my wizzie and the highest trained spell I have is journeyman, but for the rest I think they will enjoy the changes. Since I have started on FK I have rarely logged on that I haven't faced some sort of change on one or more of my characters. I guess change is good, but it sure can be confusing. And all this new stuff being talked about, really really confuses me......... :?
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Post by Elenthis » Wed Jan 30, 2008 9:42 pm

Comment: I like everything said, but I caution care when deciding what those values are. If you can mem 75 spells, 15 are in defence, 10 in random-need spells (waterbreath, true sight, ect) then you have 50 spells. At a rate of 5 spells per mob (or more) you would go through those spells in 10 mobs. 10 mobs in 30 minutes would actually slow the wizard (and thus the group) more. Especially if mr. wizard was using spells with a lower nuclear tonnage.

I know we're not at the balancing and tweaking stage, mind, but what about something like 20 seconds per level? EG. lvl 1 char might get a few missiles per mob. Lvl 50 character would refresh spells every 16 minutes or so. (Hope my math is right). That would give him about a minute and a half per mob, OR (IMO) exactly long enough to kill, loot, split and smote 2 or 3 times per mob.
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Post by Selveem » Thu Jan 31, 2008 1:25 am

Wouldn't that be the point? To then use those 75 spells and delegate less towards spamming lightning bolts and the like and instead play a support role? A wizard who wanted only to memorize damage spells would then hold up the rest of the group. Likely, the group will be less inclined to take them if that continued to occur.
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Post by Elenthis » Thu Jan 31, 2008 1:41 am

Yes and no. Sorry...I see this post going two very seperate ways, so I'm having a VERY hard time giving merit to both witout sounding hypocritical. In this case, I think there's a lot of diverse but good ideas which, together wouldnt work, but seperately and individually would help a lot. Yes, Selveem, the post I put above would go against some of the previous points in some respects, but would help in others.
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Post by Dalvyn » Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:45 am

Elenthis wrote:I know we're not at the balancing and tweaking stage, mind, but what about something like 20 seconds per level?
20 seconds per level would make for very fast resets in my opinion (but yes, that would require fine-tuning).

Consider this though:

A level L character has approximately L spell slots ? Is that more or less correct ? Level 50 character has approximately 50 spell slots (maybe more). Using 20 seconds per level would be the same as regenerating one spell every 20 seconds. That is actually what happens now - it might be even faster than what is happening now, no?

Anyway, those are indeed details.
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Post by Velius » Thu Jan 31, 2008 3:15 pm

I don't have the patience nor motivation to create a wizard, but I do have a few comments/questions.

1. What is the problem we are having with Meditation now? If med was changed to take longer, how would that benefit the MUD?

2. I liked that idea earlier about picking one set of spells and sticking to it, it'd definately bring strategy into the game. Would you rather be grouped with a blaster or have the the guy with the tall hat in the back of the group make your skin as thick as stone? Also in my opinion, this would definately benefit the specialization wizards. If you wanted a blaster, would you rather let the Invoker join your group, or the mage?

3. How would changing the spell system/meditation/memorizing/etc. anything on this thread affect priests?
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