Why I RP on FK

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Why I RP on FK

Post by Rawlys » Fri Dec 07, 2007 8:31 am

Forgotten Kingdoms is the first MUD I have ever been on. Quite honestly, it was seriously intimidating with virtually no graphics and a TON of commands to learn. Without the help of my cousins, constantly reminding me of different commands and giving me simple directions, I never would have made it. Not that FK was too difficult but rather, it was too much work for myself when I'm the type of person that desires more of an instant gratification for my efforts.

My second or third day on the MUD, I end up running into another player who just joined up on FK. Dugald was his character and if you know who Tyson is, you can understand that whatever happened was memorable. Needless to say, the first day both of us set foot outside of Waterdeep, we ran into an elf who wanted to eat us. Me, being a RPing newb, couldn't figure out what to do but Dugald went right along with it... that was my first true example of how it is to RP without consideration of OOC factors (pride, intelligence, wisdom). I fell in love with RPing.

Through out my time, I had the pleasure of meeting some seriously helpful (and very nice) people on the game. Several of them and I keep in touch through an instant messanger, because there is a reality to this game. Reality is that there is another person, just as real as you are, controlling the other character. The time we spent together, with our characters, and the effort that we put forth to being a better RPer created a bond of friendship. Not that we'll ever meet in real life, but it's enough for me, just knowing it's there.

I've taken my breaks away from the game, some of them longer than others when RL throws a curve ball or when I need to get my priorities back in order. Great thing is: It doesn't take long to get back in the swing of things here. There's always friendly people playing (maybe not their characters, but the players) and to take a step back and see what people have volunteered their time to achieve, well, there should be a neon sign saying QUALITY HERE.

Over all, what I wanted to say is "Thank You" for all those who volunteer their time to make this game a better place to have fun. That goes to the everyone, ranging from the Code Council, Newb Council, Imms, Builders, players who create in game RPs, and to the players themselves.

It's kind of funny, as I look around my room and see quite a bit of money in equipment for entertainment and yet, I get on a free MUD and spend much of my time here. It's because of you guys! Thank you!


Edited: Because I can't convey a message properly or spell worth a darn
Last edited by Rawlys on Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Nedylene » Fri Dec 07, 2007 4:49 pm

The thanks and joy goes both ways. It is people like you who make rp fun for others as well. So reach back and pat yourself on the back =)
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Post by Rawlys » Fri Dec 07, 2007 5:45 pm

I wanted to kind of open up a topic, allowing others to chime in as to why they're here on FK. My thanks for the compliment Nedylene, but I certainly don't want this to be a "Rawlys blah blah blah..." platform for myself.

Chime in, tell us why you RP here.
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Post by Tavik » Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:34 pm

I know this looks long. If you just want to read why I RP, skip to the last paragraph.

I started here 6 or 7 years ago (I don't remember which) and was introduced to it by my cousin. I remember that the first thing he told told me was "Hey! I found this really cool game that lets you eat horse manure!" As a thirteen year old kid...That was enough for me. I got on, made my first character, met up with him and promptly downed a couple pounds of manure, laughing hysterically the entire time. After a day or two of that, I noticed, hey...Look at all these skills I can use...So I started bashing mobs just like I had in every other RPG I'd played. Low and behold, my skills and level went up just like every other RPG I'd played. It was incredible! An RPG with all the features of every other RPG I'd played (minus graphics) and it was FREE!? AWESOME!

And so it was that I went forth and smashed every mob I found, looted corpse, sold items, made coin, repeat. I ran into other players occasionally, but pretty much just brushed them off with "Well met. I am Tavik Lohs, aid to all. Please excuse me, I have work to do." *greet* *leave*. I carried on with this for a couple months until one day I stumbled into the market square and immediately heard someone (who I later found out to be Granel) say something about a giant space hamster. Well obviously, if eating manure amused me so easily, this CERTAINLY demanded my attention. So, I sat and listened to this conversation about giant space hamsters. My first reaction was "Hahahah, these people are nuts." My second reaction was "Woah, cool...These aren't just other people...These are epic characters straight out of a novel...I want to be that too!"

Unfortunately...I didn't realize that just being yourself (The crazy little 13 year old that I was) isn't really roleplaying. Getting another person to go smash bigger mobs with you isn't roleplaying. Smashing a cherry with your sword on a fountain just because I think I'd look funny isn't roleplaying. Complaining endlessly about how unfairly I was being treated (because I wasn't roleplaying) isn't roleplaying. And so, I continued to do all sorts of stupid things and in doing so I made plenty of OOC enemies, both among the staff and other players. I hated it. Why was I treated like some untrustworthy little kid? And so I whined and complained and made more enemies.

I stuck around anyway. Sure, I got upset sometimes and would leave the game for months at a time...But there was always that lure of being able to create that epic character you read about in novels. So, I'd eventually get sucked back in. Throughout all this I was seeing others roleplay and learning bit by bit how it was done.

Fast forward to about two years ago now...I had just gotten back from being gone for about 6 months. During that time, something (I won't say what) MADE me grow up. Once again, I got sucked back into FK. I was skeptical about whether I wanted to play. After all, a lot of people disliked me. But then, for the first time, it dawned on me...I'd been a total jerk to everyone. I DESERVED to be treated like I was. I had brought it on myself. Well, I just about quit right then. Why would they give me a second chance after all the crap I'd given them? Fortunately, I didn't quit. I learned how to roleplay the right way and I finally learned how to play and really BE that character I'd always read about...But being that character isn't what kept me here...

I RP because everyone else here makes it fun to do so. I was jerk and you all gave me a second chance. That's something I really, really appreciate. Even though this is just a game, I know it's also a friendly environment I can come to to get away from whatever problems I am facing for a little while. I can visit this fantastic world which would be nothing without everyone else. So in conclusion, thank you all for not only making this world so addictive and fun to play, but also for just being AWESOME people.
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Post by Lysha » Tue Dec 11, 2007 6:22 am

I was introduced to this game by my ex boyfriend who wanted to be a palidan. He urged me to try the game and I wasn't too serious about it, but I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm a person who'll do something just to say I tried.

I made Lysha and wandered around until I found the market square and learned how to play from other players. I was so amazed at the possibilities of WHAT my character could be. Some of my best times were when I learned another thing that I could do or make my character into.

My life took a bad turn and I was forced to turn away from the game as I watched things go from good to horrible. When I finally got out on my own, one of the first things I did was make sure I got the internet just so I could come back. It probably sounds bad, but this is my excape. No one's going to repo my horse, my magic won't be turned off due to bills, and I can make money fairly easily so my character would want for nothing. I can be someone that people may actually want to be around other than Laura the Wal-Mart associate or Laura the apartment dweller.

I RP to feed my imagination and to excape the boundaries of everyday life. I can be someone. I can do something. And, my favorite thing of all, I can make people smile...or atleast emote that they are. ;) I can make friends.

I love everyone in this game because they make me feel so much. No one cares about your looks, your nationality, or how much you make. They care if you can RP and do it well. Thank you, players of FK.

I love you.
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Post by Cyndrin » Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:38 pm

Im still a newbie here and learning all the time. And having fun learning too.

There are a couple of reasons I picked FK to roleplay on.

The main one being that I had never used a MUD before and I needed one that I felt comfortable using. I looked at several and found that they seemed to be player killing orientated or the role play didn't seem to be appropriately
monitored. And then I found FK. I read the policy pages and noticed something different about it, here was a MUD that encouraged roleplay and monitored it appropriately. In particular I read the policy on rape. I am no longer ashamed to admit I have been an RL victim, but I did not want a MUD where it could possibly be roleplayed as I feared it pottentially could on some others. So I joined FK.

I am so glad that I did :D

Another reason I use FK is that I am painfully shy (if this were a pub/bar I would be the guy sat in the corner hoping someone would say hi :( but being too shy so speak), which is often why my character is quiet alot of the time. Also I suffer with constantly painful arthritus in he hands and I am often slow at typing, but, no body ever complains. Everyone I have met around Waterdeep has helped me so much.

Thank you all for helping and making Forgotten Kingdoms something special :D
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Post by Selveem » Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:58 pm

I actually avoided this thread, because, well... I've been on FK so long that sometimes I just feel like I log on out of habit. I worry that this is more a thing that I do obsessive-compulsively that maybe I actually don't enjoy it as much as I do.

After spending some time to think about it and re-reading some of my posts, there is no way to deny that I am still in love with this MUD. I could not have written such passionate posts with such focus if I did not care deeply about the MUD itself (including the players, of course).

The code base is nice. Mask and the other coders on the team do a great job, but there are plenty of well-coded MUDs out there with a higher priority on coding and implementation.

The areas are "aesthetically" pleasing (in quotations because it's text!), but there are also other MUDs that have a full staff out there who _do_ build all the time. (I actually got a strike once because I shoved a guard out of the way because I liked a temple's descriptions so much that I wanted to go in and see more! - True story. :P)

What it all boils down to is, what my General Manager of yore called "The Secret Sauce;" the people that frequent this MUD. To deprive me of this MUD wouldn't bother me at all because it's the players that I've met that made it so special for me.

All of you, whether you're from Germany, Singapore, England, Kenya (do we have Kenyan players?!), or anywhere else: You're all what bring me back here.

The more I think about it, the more I realize I exercise such conviction on the forums for things like fighters, thieves, skills, magic spells, class balance, et al.. The more I realize that I'm not fighting just for what _I_ would like, but what I think would make the MUD a much better place _to_ attract more people and maintain them like those of you I've met.

We all push so hard in voting for this MUD to attract players such as "Cyndrin," "Raviss," "Drudo," and "Arda." People from all walks of life who are willing to invest their time into making FK their home. We attract people like "Lysha", who we make feel special just by 'hanging out' with her on FK. We attract players like "Phoebe" who spent up to nearly her last breath sharing our joy of the game. We attract players like "Dalvyn," who, while I may butt heads with occasionally, I can never say I don't respect if only just because of the massive amounts of time and effort he puts into the game.

We have a fantastic group of people here. We really do. And, while we may get into arguements and they may escalate to rear a face we do not like adorning, I think everyone can pretty much agree that we all contribute here to make this a better place for everyone.

I've met people on FK that I have not talked to in years. People that I had SUCH a great time with, such as Wynne, Rikus and Tretch. People that I have had some of the deepest RPs with, like Cret, Thenwood, and Rhytania who basically molded my character to the point where I wonder if he could not actually be alive somewhere in the past..

These people are unforgettable. And, amazingly enough, that's only a very, very small portion of those deserving mention that I'd spend a whole day writing about (which my work would NOT appreciate).

I may not get along with some of you all the time, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate you and what you bring to the MUD. Any of you, actually. Whether you're a 'power gamer,' 'Market Square Social Twink,' an Imm, or someone I've not even yet had the opportunity to RP with personally but have read your books.
Last edited by Selveem on Thu Feb 07, 2008 12:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ekina » Thu Feb 07, 2008 12:01 am

Cyndrin wrote: Another reason I use FK is that I am painfully shy
Growing up I was always such a quiet good girl, but if anything, this game has helped turn me into a social butterfly. Of course it also helps that I work in a bar and my whole job is basically to talk to people... and drunk people really like to talk, a lot... But anyway... I think rping on here has made me a lot less shy.
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