The difference is this MUD is very much RP oriented. Each character is vastly different from another due to their opinions, religion, race, alliances, enemies, etc. That is why so many people have so many characters. Not everyone has all level 50 characters, so I really don't feel this is a bad thing. I, myself, have plenty characters under level 20. Actually, the majority are.
Caelnai wrote:If they're "devoted enough" why wouldn't they rp the entire thing? What I mean is moving up the ranks from a beginner character through normal RP into a well-respected, robust character who eventually decides to specialize in teaching a certain thing.
As for the question you presented above, the reason I suggest this is because static characters tend to stick around longer. If you look at characters such as Manshoon, the Matron Mothers, etc.. who have been around forever, the reason they can is because anyone can know their RP. They can be transferred from account to account (and have, over the years). The only difference would be that said people wouldn't need to get bashed by the administration for skilling up.
It's frowned upon, even sitting in a training room in your temple killing training dummies non-stop, to 'avoid roleplay.' If you go out and kill a bunch of mobs elsewhere repeatedly, you're considered 'razing' an area and ejected. If you wait and mostly just go on quests with people, skilling up takes a VERY long time.
Now, bear in mind, I don't know how new you are. I don't know how familiar you are with the way this MUD is coded, but what I _can_ tell you, is that certain skills take _years_ to GM. I mean, literally, years. I have had Selveem since 2001 and his riposte skill is still "apprentice." I haven't seen it moved from when I first trained it. I can say the same for grip, which is still at "expert" from where I last trained it.
To suggest that if someone take the time and GM it themselves is unreasonable in certain situations. Have you ever tried to GM a level 9 spell? With the very few spell slots, it takes a very long time as well. And, repetitive use will likely get you in some very hot water.
*edited to correct the spelling of the word "level"*
This land shall come to the God who knows the answer to War. -Ninety-Nine Nights