Quest Questions

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Quest Questions

Post by Jzexleth » Thu Mar 27, 2008 1:21 pm

After playing through several of the Knowledge Religion questions, I'm wondering... Is it legitimate to include as part of a quest questions whose answers are not necessarily found in game? Canon Lore from the Forgotten Realms is all over the Internet. I want to have an NPC asking a PC questions that might require them to talk to PC dwarf characters IC (or simply look up the answers in source books or online). Can I do that?
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Re: Quest Questions

Post by Japcil » Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:59 pm

I would say no, in my opinion. We shouldn 't expect a player to know something in-game that they need to learn out of game unless it is a rare race, religion etc. Now you could have your dwarf publish a book and have that mob sell it for anominal fee and ask questions from it.
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Re: Quest Questions

Post by Dalvyn » Fri Mar 28, 2008 8:58 am

I would think it depends on how obscure the lore is. But yes, as a rule of thumb, it's better to make the information available somewhere in game.

That being said ... there is nothing wrong with making some people fail. There is no rule saying that you should always succeed in all quests. So you definitely have some leeway there. I certainly don't mind players who are not invested enough in their characters to do some basic research to fail at some quests.
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